Journal of Banking & Finance
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ike Mathur From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 6, 1994
- In search of a signaling effect: The wealth effects of corporate name changes pp. 1027-1045

- Jonathan Karpoff and Graeme Rankine
- Common stochastic trends in a system of Eurocurrency rates pp. 1047-1061

- Bala Arshanapalli and John Doukas
- Conduct in a banking duopoly pp. 1063-1082

- Sherrill Shaffer and James DiSalvo
- On the computation of returns in tests of the stock market overreaction hypothesis pp. 1083-1094

- Gishan Dissanaike
- The impact of calls of preferred stock on common shareholders' wealth pp. 1095-1111

- Archana Hingorani, Anil K. Makhija and Kuldeep Shastri
- Do dividends signal earnings? The case of omitted dividends pp. 1113-1133

- Rajiv Sant and Arnold Cowan
- Long-term valuation effects of bank acquisitions pp. 1135-1154

- Jeff Madura and Kenneth J. Wiant
- The overall gains from large bank mergers pp. 1155-1176

- Joel F. Houston and Michael D. Ryngaert
- Trading cost premiums in capital asset returns--a closed form solution pp. 1177-1183

- Alex Kane
- Term structure effects on default risk premia and the relationship of default-risky tax-exempt yields to risk-free taxable yields -- a note pp. 1185-1203

- Duane Stock
- CEBA of 1987 and the security returns and market risk of savings and loan institutions: a note pp. 1205-1215

- John Alexander and Michael F. Spivey
- Universal banking in the United States: What could we gain? What could we lose?: Saunders, Anthony and Ingo Walter. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Pp 276. $39.95 pp. 1217-1219

- Kevin Rogers
Volume 18, issue 5, 1994
- Editor's introduction pp. 807-807

- R. C. Stapleton
- The pricing of forward-starting asian options pp. 823-839

- Laurent Bouaziz, Eric Briys and Michel Crouhy
- Robustness of option-like warrant valuation pp. 841-859

- G. Uwe Schulz and Siegfried Trautmann
- The interaction between the financial and investment decisions of the firm: the case of issuing warrants in a levered firm pp. 861-880

- Michel Crouhy and Dan Galai
- Stock and option markets: the Swiss evidence pp. 881-893

- Thomas Stucki and Walter Wasserfallen
- The efficiency of the Finnish market for right issues pp. 895-920

- Pekka T. Hietala
- Default, market microstructure, and changing trade patterns in forward markets: A case study of North-Sea oil pp. 955-977

- Robert J. Weiner
- Margins and the safety of clearing houses pp. 979-996

- Gordon Gemmill
- Cross-sectional versus time series estimation of term structure models: empirical results for the Dutch bond market pp. 997-1025

- Jeroen F. J. de Munnik and Peter C. Schotman
Volume 18, issue 4, 1994
- Equity price behavior: Some evidence from markets around the world pp. 603-620

- Gabriel Hawawini
- The size effect in the Mexican stock market pp. 621-632

- Martin J. Herrera and Larry J. Lockwood
- Overreaction in the Brazilian stock market pp. 633-642

- Newton da Costa
- An application of variance ratio test to the Korean securities market pp. 643-658

- O. Felix Ayadi and C. S. Pyun
- The impact of the return interval on common factors in stock returns: Evidence from a thin security market pp. 659-672

- Teppo Martikainen, Jukka Perttunen, Paavo Yli-Olli and A. Gunasekaran
- The mean-variance efficiency of benchmark portfolios: UK evidence pp. 673-685

- Jonathan Fletcher
- Corporate cross-ownership and market aggregates: Oslo stock exchange 1980-1990 pp. 687-704

- Øyvind Bøhren and Dag Michalsen
- Why initial public offerings are underpriced: Evidence from Switzerland pp. 705-723

- Roger M. Kunz and Reena Aggarwal
- Family groupings on performance of portfolio selection in the Hong Kong stock market pp. 725-742

- Kin Lam, Henry M. K. Mok, Iris Cheung and H. C. Yam
- Valuation effects of international stock exchange listings pp. 743-755

- Sie Ting Lau, J. David Diltz and Vincent P. Apilado
- The relationship between daily U.S. and Japanese equity prices: Evidence from spot versus futures markets pp. 757-773

- Raj Aggarwal and Young S. Park
- Sources of risk and expected returns in global equity markets pp. 775-803

- Wayne E. Ferson and Campbell Harvey
Volume 18, issue 3, 1994
- Branch office economies of scale and scope: evidence from savings banks in Finland pp. 421-432

- Asghar Zardkoohi and James Kolari
- Market structure and performance in Spanish banking pp. 433-443

- D. M. Lloyd-Williams, Philip Molyneux and John Thornton
- Competitive conditions in european banking pp. 445-459

- Philip Molyneux, D. M. Lloyd-Williams and John Thornton
- Investigating the interest rate impact of changing secret bank deposit laws: Switzerland pp. 461-475

- Mary English and Wassim Shahin
- How well have major Australian trading banks managed their foreign currency exposures? pp. 477-493

- Ian G. Sharpe, James Vance and Neil McDermott
- What determines the supply of international financial services? pp. 495-504

- Faroborz Moshirian
- Corporate distress diagnosis: Comparisons using linear discriminant analysis and neural networks (the Italian experience) pp. 505-529

- Edward Altman, Giancarlo Marco and Franco Varetto
- Deposit insurance pricing and social welfare pp. 531-552

- Yoram Landskroner and Jacob Paroush
- Standby letters of credit and bank capital: Evidence of market discipline pp. 553-573

- G. D. Koppenhaver and Roger D. Stover
- Deposit insurance, market discipline and off-balance sheet banking risk of large U.S. commercial banks pp. 575-593

- M. Kabir Hassan, Gordon V. Karels and Manfred O. Peterson
- On the gains to acquiring capital stock S&Ls in merger conversions: A comment pp. 595-599

- Atul Gupta, Richard L. B. LeCompte and Lalatendu Misra
Volume 18, issue 2, 1994
- Introduction pp. 229-230

- Anthony Saunders and John M. Schoff
- Banking and commerce: An overview of the public policy issues pp. 231-254

- Anthony Saunders
- Banking and commerce in the United States pp. 255-270

- Bernard Shull
- On the performance of differently regulated financial institutions: Some empirical evidence pp. 271-306

- A. Steinherr and Ch. Huveneers
- Universal banking and firm risk-taking pp. 307-323

- Kose John, Teresa A. John and Anthony Saunders
- The stock market perception of industry risk and the separation of banking and commerce pp. 325-349

- Michael J. Isimbabi
- The underwriting experience of commercial bank affiliates prior to the Glass-Steagall Act: A reexamination of evidence for passage of the act pp. 351-395

- James S. Ang and Terry Richardson
- The long-term default performance of bank underwritten security issues pp. 397-418

- Manju Puri
Volume 18, issue 1, 1994
- Employee stock ownership and corporate control: An empirical study pp. 9-25

- Upinder S. Dhillon and Gabriel Ramirez
- Exchange rate forecasts with the Michigan quarterly econometric model of the US economy pp. 27-41

- E. Howrey
- Tax management and investment strategies of property-liability insurers pp. 43-72

- John Cummins and Elizabeth Grace
- The pricing of convexity risk and timedecay in options markets pp. 73-91

- Stephen Figlewski and Steven Freund
- An empirical investigation of the role of indenture provisions in determining bond ratings pp. 93-111

- Mai E. Iskandar-Datta and Douglas R. Emery
- Liquidation costs and risk-based bank capital pp. 113-138

- Helena M. Mullins and David H. Pyle
- Further evidence on segmentation in the treasury bill market pp. 139-151

- David P. Simon
- Modelling real interest rates pp. 153-165

- Lewis Evans, Stephen Keef and J. Okunev
- Cointegration and the US term structure pp. 167-181

- Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- An empirical investigation of the determinants of discount window borrowing: a disaggregate analysis pp. 183-197

- Stavros Peristiani
- Variance increases following large stock distributions: the role of changing bid-ask spreads and true variances pp. 199-206

- David R. Peterson and Pamela P. Peterson
- Seasoned common stock issuance following an IPO pp. 207-226

- Myron B. Slovin, Marie E. Sushka and Yvette M. Bendeck
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