Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): Houser, D. and Puzzello, D. From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (repec@elsevier.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 11, issue 3, 1989
- Financial markets and the political structure of the enterprise pp. 311-322

- Herbert Gintis
- Industry growth accounts and production functions when techniques are idiosyncratic pp. 323-341

- Richard Nelson
- The organization of work: The emergence of the factory revisited pp. 343-358

- Rick Szostak
- More laboratory evidence on the disparity between willingness to pay and compensation demanded pp. 359-379

- David Harless
- Producers' markets: A model of oligopoly with sales costs pp. 381-398

- Daniel Friedman
- The main bank system and corporate monitoring and control in Japan pp. 399-422

- Paul Sheard
- Price leadership with incomplete information pp. 423-429

- Richard S. Higgins, William Shughart and Robert Tollison
- Bandwagons and the threat of chaos: Interpersonal effects revisited pp. 431-442

- Laurence Iannaccone
- Herman Wold on optimal properties of exponentially weighed forecasts pp. 443-446

- Harald Lang
- Investment choices in industry: Constance E. Heifat,(MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988) pp. x + 189, $25.00 pp. 447-449

- David Teece
- A theory of efficient cooperation and competition: Lester Telser,(Cambridge University Press, New York, 1987) pp. xii + 306, $37.50 pp. 449-450

- Martin Shubik
- Understanding technical change as an evolutionary process: Richard R. Nelson,(North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987) pp. xii + 125, $37.50 pp. 450-453

- W Steinmueller
- Organizational capital: The path to higher productivity and well-being: John F. Tomer,(Praeger, New York, 1987) pp. xi + 188, $35.00 pp. 453-455

- Jay B. Barney
Volume 11, issue 2, 1989
- Have your lawyer call my lawyer: Bilateral delegation in bargaining situations pp. 159-174

- Stephen Jones
- Efficient status seeking: Externalities, and the evolution of status games pp. 175-190

- Roger Congleton
- Resource coordination and transaction costs: A framework for analyzing the firm/market boundary pp. 191-212

- Lee Alston and William Gillespie
- Decentralization, aggregation, control loss and costs in a hierarchical model of the firm pp. 213-236

- Michael Keren and David Levhari
- Power steering the Canadian automotive industry: The 1965 Canada-USA auto pact and political exchange pp. 237-251

- Keith Acheson
- Investment choices in the petroleum industry pp. 253-283

- Constance E. Helfat
- Advance delivery contracts, revenue pools and price discrimination pp. 285-291

- Abraham Hollander and Clive Fraser
- More on military `tactics' pp. 293-296

- William C. Mitchell
- Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge: Gerard Radnitzky and W.W. Bartley, III, eds, open court publishing co., La Salle, IL, 1987) pp. xiv+475, $14.95 pp. 297-302

- Ann E. Cudd
- Collective decision-making: An economic outlook: Shmuel Nitzan and Jacob Paroush, Cambridge university press, Cambridge, 1986) pp. x+132, $34.50 pp. 302-303

- Guillermo Owen
- The firm and the market: Studies on multinational enterprise and the scope of the firm: Mark Casson, (MIT press, Cambridge, Ma, 1987) pp. xii+283, $27.50 pp. 303-306

- William Adams
- The sources of innovation: Eric von Hippel, Oxford university press, London and New York, 1988) pp. 232, $27.00 pp. 306-309

- Cristiano Antonelli
Volume 11, issue 1, 1989
- Ownership structures of foreign subsidiaries: Theory and evidence pp. 1-25

- Benjamin Gomes-Casseres
- Producer's dilemma experiments pp. 27-46

- Steven Beckman
- A model of target inventory and markup with empirical testing using automobile industry data pp. 47-74

- Catherine Langlois
- The new institutional economics and a model of contract pp. 75-89

- Jim Leitzel
- The equilibrium vector of pairwise-bargained agency contracts with diverse actors and principals owning a fixed resource pp. 91-114

- Pinhas Zusman and Clive Bell
- Monitoring and additional wages in labour extraction pp. 115-125

- Mahmood Arai
- Are all tastes constant and identical?: A critique of Stigler and Becker pp. 127-135

- Tyler Cowen
- A `fair share' model of public good provision pp. 137-147

- Douglas J. Young
- Crisis and Leviathan: Critical episodes in the growth of American government: Robert Higgs, (Oxford University Press, New York, 1987) pp. xix+350, $27.95 pp. 150-152

- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- Markets or governments: Choosing between imperfect alternatives: Charles Wolf Jr., (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988) pp. xv+220, $18.95 pp. 152-154

- Frederic L. Pryor
- The nature and logic of capitalism: Robert L. Heilbroner, (Norton, New York, 1985) pp. 225, $15.95 pp. 154-156

- Phyllis Deane
- Market structure and technological change: William L. Baldwin and John T. Scott, (Harwood, New York, 1987) pp. viii+ 170, $32.00 pp. 156-157

- Morton I. Kamien
Volume 10, issue 4, 1988
- Cutting the cake with a stranger: Egoism and altruism with imperfect information pp. 377-388

- Henri Loubergé and Harris Schlesinger
- Aspiration level effects: An empirical investigation pp. 389-400

- Stephen J. Mezias
- Employee opportunism and redundancy in firms pp. 401-414

- Jonathan S. Feinstein and Jeremy Stein
- Participation, decision aggregation and internal information gathering in organizational decision making pp. 415-431

- Mark Gradstein and Shmuel Nitzan
- Crime or punishment?: Enforcement of the NCAA football cartel pp. 433-451

- Arthur Fleisher, William Shughart, Robert Tollison and Brian L. Goff
- The new industrial organization: Market forces and strategic behavior: Alexis Jacquemin, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987) pp. xii+217, $27.50 (cloth), $12.50 (paper) pp. 453-457

- Douglas West
- Mobilizing invisible assets: Hiroyuki Itami with Thomas W. Roehl, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987) pp. xi+186, $20.00 pp. 457-459

- Ward Hanson
- Profits in the long run: Dennis C. Mueller, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1986) pp. xii+378, $47.50 pp. 459-462

- Masao Nakamura
Volume 10, issue 3, 1988
- The necessity of delaying economic adjustment pp. 255-286

- Ronald A. Heiner
- The life cycle of worker-owned firms in market economies: A theoretical analysis pp. 287-313

- Avner Ben-Ner
- Evolution in economic games pp. 315-338

- Robert G. Hansen and William F. Samuelson
- Technology and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics pp. 339-353

- Ernest J. Englander
- Technology and transaction cost economics: A reply pp. 355-363

- Oliver Williamson
- The standard of living: The Tanner lectures: Amartya Sen, Cambridge, 1985, edited by Geoffrey Hawthorn. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), pp. xiv + 125, $25.00 pp. 365-368

- Joel Mokyr
- Mergers, sell-offs, and economic efficiency: David J. Ravenscraft and F.M. Scherer, (Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1987), pp. xiii + 290, $32.95 (cloth), $12.95 (paper) pp. 368-372

- Dennis C. Mueller
- Economic behaviour in adversity: Jack Hirshleifer, (University of Chicago Press, 1987) pp. ix + 310, $35.00 pp. 372-375

- Roger L. Faith
Volume 10, issue 2, 1988
- The tenacious past: Theories of personal and collective conservatism pp. 143-171

- Timur Kuran
- Throwing good money after bad?: Nuclear power plant investment decisions and the relevance of sunk costs pp. 173-199

- Werner F. M. De Bondt and Anil K. Makhija
- Organizational failures and wage determination: A historical case study pp. 201-224

- William A. Sundstrom
- Word-of-mouth reputations in auto insurance markets pp. 225-234

- Lawrence A. Berger
- Live and let live type behavior in a multi-market setting with demand fluctuations pp. 235-244

- D. Kantarelis and E. C. H. Veendorp
- Analyses of Industrial Structure -- A Putty-Clay Approach, the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research: Finn R. Forsund and Lennart Hjalmarsson, (Almqvist & Wicksell International, Stockholm, 1987), pp. viii + 321, SEK 240 pp. 245-248

- Börje Johansson
- Methods of dynamic economics: John Hicks, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985), pp. vii + 173, $34.50 (cloth), $15.95 (paper) pp. 248-251

- Mauro L. Baranzini
- Stabilizing an unstable economy: Hyman P. Minsky, (A Twentieth Century Fund Report, Yale University Press, New Haven and London), pp. xiv + 353, $35.00 (cloth), $14.95 (paper) pp. 251-253

- Alessandro Vercelli
Volume 10, issue 1, 1988
- The transactional structure of the firm: A comparative survey pp. 1-28

- Beth V. Yarbrough and Robert M. Yarbrough
- The necessity of imperfect decisions pp. 29-55

- Ronald A. Heiner
- Unilateral disclosure of private information by a regulated firm pp. 57-82

- John Kambhu
- Caring and family income pp. 83-98

- Charlotte Phelps
- Opportunism, incentives, and the m-form hypothesis: A laboratory study pp. 99-119

- Richard M. Burton and Borge Obel
- A note on price rigidity: Pledging stable prices under sluggish information diffusion and costly search pp. 121-131

- Kiyohiko G. Nishimura
- How institutions think: Mary Douglas, (Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, 1986) pp. xi + 139, $10.95 paper pp. 133-136

- Richard Nelson
- Money capital in the theory of the firm: A preliminary analysis: Douglas Vickers, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987) pp. x + 244, $34.50 pp. 136-138

- Brian Loasby
- Knowledge and class: A Marxian critique of political economy: Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987) pp. vii + 352, $32.50 pp. 139-141

- Donna L. Doane
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