Regional Science and Urban Economics
1975 - 2025
Continuation of Regional and Urban Economics. Current editor(s): D.P McMillen and Y. Zenou From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 28, issue 6, 1998
- Rent control with reputation: theory and evidence pp. 679-710

- Dennis Epple
- Rent control and complete contract equilibria pp. 711-743

- Chris Skelley
- Landlords, tenants and the public sector in a spatial equilibrium model of rent control pp. 745-772

- Dennis Heffley
- Welfare analysis of rent control with side payments: a natural experiment in Cairo, Egypt1 pp. 773-795

- Stephen Malpezzi
- Rent control and homelessness pp. 797-816

- Dirk W. Early and Edgar Olsen
Volume 28, issue 5, 1998
- Simulating travel reliability pp. 535-564

- Robert Noland, Kenneth Small, Pia Maria Koskenoja and Xuehao Chu
- How many parking spaces does it take to create one additional transit passenger? pp. 565-584

- David Merriman
- Intersectoral point-to-point telecommunication flows: theoretical framework and empirical results pp. 585-609

- Jean-Michel Guldmann
- U.S. suburbanization in the 1980s1 pp. 611-627

- Stacy Jordan, John P. Ross and Kurt G. Usowski
- Rate of return regulation and rate base valuation pp. 629-654

- Yukihiro Kidokoro
Volume 28, issue 4, 1998
- A suggested test for spatial autocorrelation and/or heteroskedasticity and corresponding Monte Carlo results pp. 389-417

- Harry H. Kelejian and Dennis P. Robinson
- Regional adjustment to trade liberalization pp. 419-444

- Gordon Hanson
- Regional concentration, trade, and welfare pp. 445-463

- Pertti Haaparanta
- A note on tax competition and public input provision pp. 465-473

- Mutsumi Matsumoto
- Optimal urban growth controls pp. 475-496

- Komei Sasaki
- The EC and real estate rents in Brussels pp. 497-511

- Victor Ginsburgh and Patrick Waelbroeck
- Book review pp. 517-533

- A. Author
Volume 28, issue 3, 1998
- The multi-store location and pricing decisions of a spatial monopoly pp. 255-281

- C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Huei-chung Lu
- Existence of Nash equilibria in fiscal competition models pp. 283-296

- Didier Laussel and Michel Le Breton
- Strategic entry deterrence through spatial price discrimination pp. 297-314

- Iñaki Aguirre, Maria Paz Espinosa and Ines Macho-Stadler
- Household mobility and the moderate leviathan: Efficiency and decentralization pp. 315-328

- Matthias Wrede
- Urban productivity, urban unemployment, and labor market policies pp. 329-344

- Thomas J. Carter
- Local public goods and central charities pp. 345-362

- Kai Konrad
- Labor migration and redistribution with alternative assimilation policies: The small economy case pp. 363-377

- Ph. Michel, Pierre Pestieau and J. -P. Vidal
Volume 28, issue 2, 1998
- Spatial price competition when stores are not certain to have what consumers want pp. 143-161

- Ralph M. Braid
- Transport externalities and optimal pricing and supply decisions in urban transportation: a simulation analysis for Belgium pp. 163-197

- Bruno De Borger and Sandra Wouters
- Agglomeration economies: Are they exaggerated by industrial aggregation? pp. 199-211

- Ronald Moomaw
- On the optimal policy of infrastructure provision across regions pp. 213-235

- Takaaki Takahashi
Volume 28, issue 1, 1998
- Should transfer payments be indexed to local price levels? pp. 1-20

- Edward Glaeser
- The market for housing in Israel pp. 21-49

- Moshe Bar-Nathan, Michael Beenstock and Yoel Haitovsky
- Community choice and local public services: A discrete choice approach pp. 51-73

- Thomas Nechyba and Robert Strauss
- An asymptotic foundation for logit models pp. 75-90

- M. Raouf Jaibi and Thijs ten Raa
- The additive structure of utility in discrete choice models pp. 91-101

- M. Raouf Jaibi and Thijs ten Raa
- A positive model of special district formation pp. 103-122

- D. Andrew Austin
- Equilibrium production-location decisions under duopoly pp. 123-133

- Hong Hwang, Chao-Cheng Mai and Yeung-Nan Shieh
Volume 27, issue 6, 1997
- Preface pp. 581-581

- John Quigley, Konrad Stahl and Jacques Thisse
- Medium size cities pp. 583-612

- J. Vernon Henderson
- The housing question in Japan pp. 613-641

- Yoshitsugu Kanemoto
- Regional growth in postwar Japan pp. 643-670

- Masahisa Fujita and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- Economics and urban transportation policy in the United States pp. 671-691

- Kenneth Small
- Spatial mismatch: An equilibrium analysis pp. 693-714

- Jan Brueckner and Richard W. Martin
- Infrastructure provision and international market share rivalry pp. 715-734

- Klaus Conrad and Helmut Seitz
- Microeconometric models of tourists' destination choice pp. 735-761

- Angelika Eymann and Gerd Ronning
- Efficient inequality: differential allocation in the local public sector pp. 763-784

- Steven Craig and Cheryl M. Holsey
- Unicity of the equilibrium in the unconstrained Hotelling model pp. 785-798

- Luca Lambertini
- Reply to comments on 'Urban diversity and fiscal decentralization' pp. 799-800

- J. Vernon Henderson and Hesham Abdel-Rahman
- Comments on 'Urban diversity and fiscal decentralization' pp. 801-806

- Gilles Duranton
Volume 27, issue 4-5, 1997
- Introduction pp. 343-343

- Richard Arnott
- Efficient Nash equilibria in a federal economy with migration costs pp. 345-371

- Gordon Myers and Yorgos Papageorgiou
- More on scale economies and cities pp. 373-397

- Oded Hochman
- Structural stability and evolution of urban systems pp. 399-442

- Masahisa Fujita and Tomoya Mori
- Cities and growth: Theory and evidence from France and Japan pp. 443-474

- Jonathan Eaton and Zvi Eckstein
- The optimal taxation of interregionally mobile capital under uncertainty pp. 475-496

- Soon Mok Chung and John Wilson
- Housing wealth and the economy's adjustment to unanticipated shocks pp. 497-513

- Jan Brueckner and Alfredo Pereira
- A filtering model with steady-state housing pp. 515-546

- Richard Arnott and Ralph M. Braid
- Taxes and allowances in a dynamic equilibrium model of urban housing with a size--quality hierarchy pp. 547-580

- Alex Anas and Richard Arnott
Volume 27, issue 3, 1997
- Information in road networks with multiple origin-destination pairs pp. 217-240

- Richard H. M. Emmerink, Erik Verhoef, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld
- A model of workplace and residence choice in two-worker households pp. 241-260

- Ora Freedman and Clifford R. Kern
- Spatial Cournot competition and agglomeration in a model of location choice pp. 261-282

- Barnali Gupta, Debashis Pal and Jyotirmoy Sarkar
- Why oppose TDRs?: Transferable development rights can increase overall development pp. 283-296

- Arik Levinson
- Effects of subcenter formation on urban spatial structure pp. 297-324

- Yang Zhang and Komei Sasaki
- Interpreting spatial economic structure: Feedback loops in the Indonesian interregional economy, 1980, 1985 pp. 325-342

- Michael Sonis, Geoffrey Hewings, Jiemin Guo and Edison Hulu
Volume 27, issue 2, 1997
- Infrastructure, economic development, and public policy pp. 113-116

- John B. Crihfield and Therese J. McGuire
- Historical perspective on infrastructure and US economic development pp. 117-138

- Louis P. Cain
- A fiscal federalism approach to infrastructure policy pp. 139-159

- Charles R. Hulten and Robert M. Schwab
- Are telecommunications facilities 'infrastructure?' If they are, so what? pp. 161-179

- Robert W. Crandall
- Manufacturing technology centers as components of regional technology infrastructures pp. 181-197

- Irwin Feller
- Central city infrastructure investment and suburban house values pp. 199-215

- Andrew Haughwout
Volume 27, issue 1, 1997
- Occupational change, employer change, internal migration, and earnings pp. 1-15

- Randall G. Krieg
- Regional income and secession: Center-periphery relations in emerging market economies pp. 17-45

- Daniel Berkowitz
- Where will we put the garbage? Economic efficiency versus collective choice pp. 47-65

- Meng-Hua Ye and Anthony Yezer
- Multi-outlet firms, competition and market segmentation strategies pp. 67-86

- Jean-Claude Thill
- Particulate pollution trends in the United States pp. 87-107

- Matthew Kahn
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