Resource and Energy Economics
1993 - 2025
Continuation of Resources and Energy. Current editor(s): J. F. Shogren and S. Smulders From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (repec@elsevier.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2006, volume 28, articles 4
- Environmental regulation and the productivity of Japanese manufacturing industries pp. 299-312

- Mitsutsugu Hamamoto
- Dose response functions and the harvesting effect pp. 313-332

- David Maddison
- International trade agreements, environmental policy, and relocation of production pp. 333-350

- Essi Eerola
- Green consumers and public policy: On socially contingent moral motivation pp. 351-366

- Karine Nyborg, Richard Howarth and Kjell Arne Brekke
2006, volume 28, articles 3
- Introduction pp. 193-198

- Per-Olov Johansson and Bengt Kristrom
- Consistency and construction in stated WTP for health risk reductions: A novel scope-sensitivity test pp. 199-214

- Ian Bateman and Roy Brouwer
- The missing piece: Valuing averting behavior for children's ozone exposures pp. 215-228

- Carol Mansfield, F. Reed Johnson and George Van Houtven
- Valuation of environmental improvements in continuous time with mortality and morbidity effects pp. 229-241

- Jon Strand
- Do we really understand the age-VSL relationship? pp. 242-261

- Mary Evans and V. Smith
- Consistent estimation of the value of statistical life pp. 262-281

- Jason Shogren and Tommy Stamland
- Developments in discounting: With special reference to future health events pp. 282-297

- John Cairns
2006, volume 28, articles 2
- Consequences of irreversibilities on optimal intertemporal CO2 emission policies under uncertainty pp. 105-123

- Franz Wirl
- Economic capacity estimation in fisheries: A non-parametric ray approach pp. 124-138

- Sean Pascoe and Diana Tingley
- Multinational taxation and international emissions trading pp. 139-159

- Carolyn Fischer
- Profit-maximizing R&D in response to a random carbon tax pp. 160-180

- Erin Baker and Ekundayo Shittu
- A comparative study of energy saving technical progress in a vintage capital model pp. 181-191

- Agustin Perez-Barahona and Benteng Zou
2006, volume 28, articles 1
- Marginal abatement cost curves in general equilibrium: The influence of world energy prices pp. 1-23

- Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson
- Alternative intertemporal permit trading regimes with stochastic abatement costs pp. 24-40

- Hongli Feng and Jinhua Zhao
- Renewable resource regulation and uncertain prices: The role of financial structure and bankruptcy pp. 41-53

- Richard Damania and Erwin Bulte
- Russian exports of emission permits under the Kyoto Protocol: The interplay with non-competitive fuel markets pp. 54-73

- Cathrine Hagem and Ottar Mæstad
- Environmental quality, the macroeconomy, and intergenerational distribution pp. 74-104

- Ben Heijdra, Jan Peter Kooiman and Jenny Ligthart
2005, volume 27, articles 4
- When to drill? Trigger prices for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge pp. 273-286

- Jon M. Conrad and Koji Kotani
- Waste, recycling, and "Design for Environment": Roles for markets and policy instruments pp. 287-305

- Paul Calcott and Margaret Walls
- Deregulation in an energy market and its impact on R&D for low-carbon energy technology pp. 306-320

- Minoru Nakada
- What motivates membership in non-renewable resource cartels?: The case of OPEC pp. 321-342

- Charles Mason and Stephen Polasky
- Does uncertainty justify intensity emission caps? pp. 343-353

- Philippe Quirion
2005, volume 27, articles 3
- Cost-effectiveness of the performance standard system to reduce CO2 emissions in Canada: a general equilibrium analysis pp. 187-207

- Yazid Dissou
- Tourism, poaching and wildlife conservation: what can integrated conservation and development projects accomplish? pp. 208-226

- Anne Johannesen and Anders Skonhoft
- Price vector effects in choice experiments: an empirical test pp. 227-234

- Nick Hanley, Wiktor Adamowicz and Robert Wright
- The impact of environmental policy instruments on the timing of adoption of energy-saving technologies pp. 235-247

- Daan van Soest
- The impact of oil and natural gas facilities on rural residential property values: a spatial hedonic analysis pp. 248-269

- Peter Boxall, Wing Chan and Melville McMillan
2005, volume 27, articles 2
- Depletion of natural resources, technological uncertainty, and the adoption of technological substitutes pp. 91-108

- Richard Just, Sinaia Netanyahu and Lars Olson
- Polluting non-renewable resources, innovation and growth: welfare and environmental policy pp. 109-129

- Andre Grimaud and Luc Rouge
- Directional distance functions and environmental regulation pp. 131-142

- Andres Picazo-Tadeo, Ernest Reig-Martínez and Francesc Hernandez-Sancho
- Combining willingness to pay and behavior data with limited information pp. 143-155

- John Whitehead
- Coupled constraint Nash equilibria in environmental games pp. 157-181

- Jacek Krawczyk
2005, volume 27, articles 1
- On climate change and economic growth pp. 1-17

- Sam Fankhauser and Richard Tol
- Uncertainty and learning in a strategic environment: global climate change pp. 19-40

- Erin Baker
- The simple analytics of developing resources from resources pp. 41-63

- Michel Moreaux and Francesco Ricci
- A diversified portfolio: joint management of non-renewable and renewable resources offshore pp. 65-82

- Linda Fernandez
- The Dixit-Pindyck and the Arrow-Fisher-Hanemann-Henry option values are not equivalent: a note on Fisher (2000) pp. 83-88

- Paul Mensink and Till Requate
- Investment under uncertainty and option value in environmental economics: reply pp. 89-89

- Anthony C. Fisher
2004, volume 26, articles 4
- Environmental performance: an index number approach pp. 343-352

- R. Fare, Shawna Grosskopf and F. Hernandez-Sancho
- Cost savings in unit-based pricing of household waste: The case of The Netherlands pp. 353-371

- Elbert Dijkgraaf and Raymond Gradus
- Unilateral actions, the case of international environmental problems pp. 373-391

- Urs Steiner Brandt
- Environmental liability and the capital structure of firms pp. 393-410

- Alistair Ulph and Laura Valentini
2004, volume 26, articles 3
- Can green consumerism replace environmental regulation?--a differentiated-products example pp. 281-293

- Clas Eriksson
- Determining the cost-effective size of an emission trading region for achieving an ambient standard pp. 295-315

- Scott Atkinson and Brian J. Morton
- Efficient emission fees in the US electricity sector pp. 317-341

- Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw and Karen Palmer
2004, volume 26, articles 2
- Special issue on the economics of biodiversity pp. 103-103

- Charles Kolstad
- Economics of biodiversity: an introduction pp. 105-114

- Geoffrey Heal
- An introduction to biodiversity concepts for environmental economists pp. 115-136

- Paul R. Armsworth, Bruce E. Kendall and Frank W. Davis
- Management of interacting species: regulation under nonlinearities and hysteresis pp. 137-156

- William Brock and Anastasios Xepapadeas
- Dynamic reserve site selection pp. 157-174

- Christopher Costello and Stephen Polasky
- Genetic diversity and interdependent crop choices in agriculture pp. 175-184

- Geoffrey Heal, Brian Walker, Simon Levin, Kenneth Arrow, Partha Dasgupta, Gretchen Daily, Paul Ehrlich, Karl-Goran Maler, Nils Kautsky and Jane Lubchenco
- Enforcement, payments, and development projects near protected areas: how the market setting determines what works where pp. 185-204

- Jeffrey Muller and Heidi Albers
- Modelling phylogenetic diversity pp. 205-235

- Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
- Deforestation pressure and biological reserve planning: a conceptual approach and an illustrative application for Costa Rica pp. 237-254

- Alexander Pfaff and G. Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa
- Hyperbolic discounting and time inconsistency in a native-exotic species conflict pp. 255-274

- Chad Settle and Jason Shogren
2004, volume 26, articles 1
- Estimating the benefits of efficient water pricing in France pp. 1-25

- Serge Garcia and Arnaud Reynaud
- Information programs for technology adoption: the case of energy-efficiency audits pp. 27-50

- Soren Anderson and Richard Newell
- Energy use by apartment tenants when landlords pay for utilities pp. 51-75

- Arik Levinson and Scott Niemann
- What is driving China's decline in energy intensity? pp. 77-97

- Karen Fisher-Vanden, Gary Jefferson, Hongmei Liu and Quan Tao
On this page- 2006, volume 28
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2005, volume 27
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2004, volume 26
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 81
2024, volume 79-80
2024, volume 78
2024, volume 77
2024, volume 76
2023, volume 75
2023, volume 74
2023, volume 73
2023, volume 72
2023, volume 71
2022, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2022, volume 68
2022, volume 67
2021, volume 66
2021, volume 65
2021, volume 64
2021, volume 63
2020, volume 62
2020, volume 61
2020, volume 60
2020, volume 59
2019, volume 58
2019, volume 57
2019, volume 56
2019, volume 55
2018, volume 54
2018, volume 53
2018, volume 52
2018, volume 51
2017, volume 50
2017, volume 49
2017, volume 48
2017, volume 47
2016, volume 46
2016, volume 45
2016, volume 44
2016, volume 43
2015, volume 42
2015, volume 41
2015, volume 40
2015, volume 39
2014, volume 38
2014, volume 37
2014, volume 36
2013, volume 35
2012, volume 34
2011, volume 33
2010, volume 32
2009, volume 31
2008, volume 30
2007, volume 29
2003, volume 25
2002, volume 24
2001, volume 23
2000, volume 22
1999, volume 21
1998, volume 20
1997, volume 19
1996, volume 18
1995, volume 17
1994, volume 16
1993, volume 15
On this page- 2006, volume 28
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2005, volume 27
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2004, volume 26
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 81
2024, volume 79-80
2024, volume 78
2024, volume 77
2024, volume 76
2023, volume 75
2023, volume 74
2023, volume 73
2023, volume 72
2023, volume 71
2022, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2022, volume 68
2022, volume 67
2021, volume 66
2021, volume 65
2021, volume 64
2021, volume 63
2020, volume 62
2020, volume 61
2020, volume 60
2020, volume 59
2019, volume 58
2019, volume 57
2019, volume 56
2019, volume 55
2018, volume 54
2018, volume 53
2018, volume 52
2018, volume 51
2017, volume 50
2017, volume 49
2017, volume 48
2017, volume 47
2016, volume 46
2016, volume 45
2016, volume 44
2016, volume 43
2015, volume 42
2015, volume 41
2015, volume 40
2015, volume 39
2014, volume 38
2014, volume 37
2014, volume 36
2013, volume 35
2012, volume 34
2011, volume 33
2010, volume 32
2009, volume 31
2008, volume 30
2007, volume 29
2003, volume 25
2002, volume 24
2001, volume 23
2000, volume 22
1999, volume 21
1998, volume 20
1997, volume 19
1996, volume 18
1995, volume 17
1994, volume 16
1993, volume 15