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Resource and Energy Economics

1993 - 2025

Continuation of Resources and Energy.

Current editor(s): J. F. Shogren and S. Smulders

From Elsevier
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2010, volume 32, articles 4

The economics of invasive species control and management: The complex road ahead pp. 477-482 Downloads
Richard Horan and Frank Lupi
Invasive species management in a spatially heterogeneous world: Effects of uniform policies pp. 483-499 Downloads
Heidi Albers, Carolyn Fischer and James Sanchirico
Indirect management of invasive species through bio-controls: A bioeconomic model of salmon and alewife in Lake Michigan pp. 500-518 Downloads
Eli P. Fenichel, Richard Horan and James R. Bence
Optimal control of an invasive species with imperfect information about the level of infestation pp. 519-533 Downloads
Robert G. Haight and Stephen Polasky
Control and the management of a spreading invader pp. 534-550 Downloads
David Finnoff, Alexei Potapov and Mark A. Lewis
Spatially optimal habitat management for enhancing natural control of an invasive agricultural pest: Soybean aphid pp. 551-565 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Wopke van der Werf and Scott Swinton
Spatial economic analysis of early detection and rapid response strategies for an invasive species pp. 566-585 Downloads
Brooks Kaiser and Kimberly Burnett
Effects of information about invasive species on risk perception and seafood demand by gender and race pp. 586-599 Downloads
Tim Haab, John Whitehead, George Parsons and Jammie Price

2010, volume 32, articles 3

Renewable resource management with stock externalities: Coastal aquifers and submarine groundwater discharge pp. 277-291 Downloads
Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin, James Roumasset, Thomas Kaeo Duarte and Kimberly Burnett
Technology transfers and the clean development mechanism in a North-South general equilibrium model pp. 292-309 Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Kenneth Backlund and Linda Sahlén
An integrated tax-subsidy policy for carbon emission reduction pp. 310-326 Downloads
Gregmar Galinato and Jonathan Yoder
SO2 policy and input substitution under spatial monopoly pp. 327-340 Downloads
Shelby Gerking and Stephen Hamilton
Climate change and hailstorm damage: Empirical evidence and implications for agriculture and insurance pp. 341-362 Downloads
Wouter Botzen, Laurens Bouwer and Jeroen van den Bergh
Why don't households see the light?: Explaining the diffusion of compact fluorescent lamps pp. 363-378 Downloads
Bradford Mills and Joachim Schleich
Recycling under a material balance constraint pp. 379-394 Downloads
Karen Pittel, Jean-Pierre Amigues and Thomas Kuhn
Demand for ISO 14001 adoption in the global supply chain: An empirical analysis focusing on environmentally conscious markets pp. 395-407 Downloads
Kimitaka Nishitani
Environmental standards as strategic outcomes: A simple model pp. 408-420 Downloads
Rabindra N. Bhattacharya and Rupayan Pal
Socioeconomic adjustments and choice experiment benefit function transfer: Evaluating the common wisdom pp. 421-438 Downloads
Robert Johnston and Joshua Duke
The relative economic efficiency of urban water utilities in regional New South Wales and Victoria pp. 439-455 Downloads
Joel Byrnes, Lin Crase, Brian Dollery and Renato Villano
Financing investment in environmentally sound technologies: Foreign direct investment versus foreign debt finance pp. 456-475 Downloads
Joshua Okeyo Anyangah

2010, volume 32, articles 2

Introduction to spatial natural resource and environmental economics pp. 93-97 Downloads
Heidi Albers, Amy Ando and Jason Shogren
An economic framework for forecasting land-use and ecosystem change pp. 98-116 Downloads
David Lewis
Spatial regulations and endogenous consideration sets in fisheries pp. 117-134 Downloads
Robert Hicks and Kurt Schnier
Identifying spatial interactions in the presence of spatial error autocorrelation: An application to land use spillovers pp. 135-153 Downloads
Carmen Carrion-Flores and Elena Irwin
On the spatial nature of the groundwater pumping externality pp. 154-164 Downloads
Nicholas Brozovic, David Sunding and David Zilberman
Spatial modeling of extraction and enforcement in developing country protected areas pp. 165-179 Downloads
Heidi Albers
Cost-effective species conservation in exurban communities: A spatial analysis pp. 180-202 Downloads
Dana Marie Bauer, Stephen Swallow and Peter W.C. Paton
Demand-side factors in optimal land conservation choice pp. 203-221 Downloads
Amy Ando and Payal Shah
Recreation demand estimation and valuation in spatially connected systems pp. 222-240 Downloads
Stephen Newbold and D. Matthew Massey
Biodiversity and geography pp. 241-260 Downloads
Michael Rauscher and Edward Barbier
An agglomeration payment for cost-effective biodiversity conservation in spatially structured landscapes pp. 261-275 Downloads
Martin Drechsler, Frank Wätzold, Karin Johst and Jason Shogren

2010, volume 32, articles 1

Investment and emission control under technology and pollution externalities pp. 1-14 Downloads
Geoffrey Heal and Nori Tarui
Using job changes to evaluate the bias of value of a statistical life estimates pp. 15-27 Downloads
Sandra Schaffner and Hannes Spengler
Why do many resource-rich countries have negative genuine saving?: Anticipation of better times or rapacious rent seeking pp. 28-44 Downloads
Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
Carbon Lorenz curves pp. 45-64 Downloads
Loek Groot
Aquaculture, capture fisheries, and wild fish stocks pp. 65-77 Downloads
Shan Jiang
Non-cooperative exploitation of multi-cohort fisheries--The role of gear selectivity in the North-East Arctic cod fishery pp. 78-92 Downloads
Florian Diekert, Dag Ø. Hjermann, Eric Nævdal and Nils Chr. Stenseth

2009, volume 31, articles 4

Taxes, permits, and the diffusion of a new technology pp. 249-271 Downloads
Jessica Coria
Optimal fishery harvesting rules under uncertainty pp. 272-286 Downloads
Sudipto Sarkar
Utility theoretic semi-logarithmic incomplete demand systems in a natural experiment: Forest fire impacts on recreational values and use pp. 287-298 Downloads
James Hilger and Jeffrey Englin
The opportunity cost of land use and the global potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture and forestry pp. 299-319 Downloads
Alla Golub, Thomas Hertel, Huey-Lin Lee, Steven Rose and Brent Sohngen
Permit markets, market power, and the trade-off between efficiency and revenue raising pp. 320-333 Downloads
Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
Energy price-induced and exogenous technological change: Assessing the economic and environmental outcomes pp. 334-353 Downloads
Surender Kumar and Shunsuke Managi

2009, volume 31, articles 3

Benefits and costs to China of three different climate treaties pp. 139-160 Downloads
Haakon Vennemo, Kristin Aunan, He Jianwu, Hu Tao and Li Shantong
Local air pollution and global climate change: A combined cost-benefit analysis pp. 161-181 Downloads
Johannes Bollen, Bob van der Zwaan, Corjan Brink and Hans Eerens
Strategic partitioning of emission allowances under the EU Emission Trading Scheme pp. 182-197 Downloads
Christoph Böhringer and Knut Einar Rosendahl
Understanding errors in EIA projections of energy demand pp. 198-209 Downloads
Carolyn Fischer, Evan Herrnstadt and Richard Morgenstern
The energy-GDP nexus: Evidence from a panel of Pacific Island countries pp. 210-220 Downloads
Vinod Mishra, Russell Smyth and Susan Sharma
Combining stated and revealed choice research to simulate the neighbor effect: The case of hybrid-electric vehicles pp. 221-238 Downloads
Jonn Axsen, Dean C. Mountain and Mark Jaccard
Environmental policies in a differentiated oligopoly revisited pp. 239-247 Downloads
Kenji Fujiwara

2009, volume 31, articles 2

Spatial patterns of biodiversity conservation in a multiregional general equilibrium model pp. 75-88 Downloads
Florian V. Eppink and Cees Withagen
Temporal insensitivity of willingness to pay and implied discount rates pp. 89-102 Downloads
Soo-Il Kim and Tim Haab
Richer and cleaner--At others' expense? pp. 103-122 Downloads
Taran Fæhn and Annegrete Bruvoll
Optimal energy investment and R&D strategies to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations pp. 123-137 Downloads
Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro, Emanuele Massetti, Alessandra Sgobbi and Massimo Tavoni

2009, volume 31, articles 1

The clean development mechanism versus international permit trading: The effect on technological change pp. 1-12 Downloads
Cathrine Hagem
Environmental activism and dynamics of unit-based pricing systems pp. 13-23 Downloads
Elbert Dijkgraaf and Raymond Gradus
Storage and security of supply in the medium run pp. 24-38 Downloads
Corinne Chaton, Anna Creti and Bertrand Villeneuve
Tourism and the environment pp. 39-49 Downloads
Hamid Beladi, Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat Hazari and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
Unprotected resources and voracious world markets: A proof of losses in North-South Trade pp. 50-57 Downloads
Michael Margolis
The random expenditure function approach to welfare in RUM: The case of hazardous waste clean-up pp. 58-74 Downloads
Sudip Chattopadhyay
Page updated 2025-03-31