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Resource and Energy Economics

1993 - 2025

Continuation of Resources and Energy.

Current editor(s): J. F. Shogren and S. Smulders

From Elsevier
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2003, volume 25, articles 4

Simulating coalitionally stable burden sharing agreements for the climate change problem pp. 299-327 Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Henry Tulkens
Adjusting the measurement of US manufacturing productivity for air pollution emissions control pp. 329-351 Downloads
Deborah Vaughn Aiken and Carl Pasurka
International benchmarking of electricity distribution utilities pp. 353-371 Downloads
Dag Fjeld Edvardsen and Finn Førsund
The merits of non-tradable quotas as a domestic policy instrument to prevent firm closure pp. 373-386 Downloads
Cathrine Hagem

2003, volume 25, articles 3

Resource depletion under uncertainty: implications for mine depreciation, Hartwick's Rule and national accounting pp. 219-238 Downloads
David W. Butterfield
"More is less": the tax effects of ignoring flow externalities pp. 239-254 Downloads
Leif Sandal, Stein Ivar Steinshamn and R. Quentin Grafton
Policy persistence in environmental regulation pp. 255-268 Downloads
Jinhua Zhao and Catherine Kling
An analysis of differing abatement incentives pp. 269-294 Downloads
Dirk Rübbelke

2003, volume 25, articles 2

Optimally eating a stochastic cake: a recursive utility approach pp. 129-139 Downloads
Anne Epaulard and Aude Pommeret
Strategic environmental policy when the governments are threatened by relocation pp. 141-154 Downloads
Mads Greaker
The amenity value of the climate: the household production function approach pp. 155-175 Downloads
David Maddison
Heterogeneous preferences for congestion during a wilderness experience pp. 177-195 Downloads
Peter Boxall, Kimberly Rollins and Jeffrey Englin
Location decisions of a polluting firm and the time consistency of environmental policy pp. 197-214 Downloads
Emmanuel Petrakis and Anastasios Xepapadeas

2003, volume 25, articles 1

Endogenous technical change in environmental macroeconomics pp. 1-10 Downloads
Carlo Carraro, Reyer Gerlagh and Bob van der Zwaan
Endogenous induced technical change and the costs of Kyoto pp. 11-34 Downloads
Paolo Buonanno, Carlo Carraro and Marzio Galeotti
Gross world product and consumption in a global warming model with endogenous technological change pp. 35-57 Downloads
Reyer Gerlagh and Bob van der Zwaan
The impact of energy conservation on technology and economic growth pp. 59-79 Downloads
Sjak Smulders and Michiel De Nooij
An endogenous growth model with embodied energy-saving technical change pp. 81-103 Downloads
Adriaan van Zon and Ibrahim Yetkiner
Explaining slow diffusion of energy-saving technologies; a vintage model with returns to diversity and learning-by-using pp. 105-126 Downloads
Peter Mulder, Henri de Groot and Marjan Hofkes

2002, volume 24, articles 4

Moral hazard problems in fisheries regulation: the case of illegal landings and discard pp. 281-299 Downloads
Frank Jensen and Niels Vestergaard
Comparing tests of the theory of exhaustible resources pp. 301-325 Downloads
Janie Chermak and Robert Patrick
Cap and trade policies in the presence of monopoly and distortionary taxation pp. 327-347 Downloads
Don Fullerton and Gilbert Metcalf
Regulation of common property resources under private information about resource externalities pp. 349-366 Downloads
Petter Osmundsen
Taxes versus quotas for a stock pollutant pp. 367-384 Downloads
Michael Hoel and Larry Karp

2002, volume 24, articles 3

Supply-based water pricing in a conjunctive use system: implications for resource and energy use pp. 175-192 Downloads
Eric C. Schuck and Gareth P. Green
Capacity utilization measures and excess capacity in multi-product privatized fisheries pp. 193-210 Downloads
Diane Dupont, R. Quentin Grafton, James Kirkley and Dale Squires
Rent taxation when cost monitoring is imperfect pp. 211-228 Downloads
Diderik Lund
Energy taxes, voluntary agreements and investment subsidies--a micro-panel analysis of the effect on Danish industrial companies' energy demand pp. 229-249 Downloads
Thomas Bjørner and Henrik Holm Jensen
A note on cooperative versus non-cooperative strategies in international pollution control pp. 251-261 Downloads
Santiago Rubio and Begona Casino
Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable resource pp. 263-279 Downloads
Harald Bergland, Derek J. Clark and Pal Andreas Pedersen

2002, volume 24, articles 1-2

Preface pp. 1-1 Downloads
Charles Kolstad
Economist and Editor George S. Tolley: A special issue in his honor pp. 3-11 Downloads
Glenn Blomquist
The effect of resource quality information on resource injury perceptions and contingent values pp. 13-31 Downloads
John Hoehn and Alan Randall
Housing price responses to newspaper publicity of hazardous waste sites pp. 33-51 Downloads
Ted Gayer and W Viscusi
The locality of waste sites within the city of Chicago: a demographic, social, and economic analysis pp. 53-93 Downloads
Brett M. Baden and Don L. Coursey
Urban primacy, external costs, and quality of life pp. 95-106 Downloads
J. Vernon Henderson
Treating open space as an urban amenity pp. 107-129 Downloads
V. Smith, Christine Poulos and Hyun Kim
The private provision of public goods: tests of a provision point mechanism for funding green power programs pp. 131-155 Downloads
Steven K. Rose, Jeremy Clark, Gregory Poe, Daniel Rondeau and William D. Schulze
The declining importance of natural resources: lessons from agricultural land pp. 157-171 Downloads
D. Johnson

2001, volume 23, articles 4

CO2 abatement policy with learning-by-doing in renewable energy pp. 297-325 Downloads
Tobias Rasmussen
Centralized versus decentralized taxation of mobile polluting firms pp. 327-341 Downloads
Georges A. Tanguay and Nicolas Marceau
Too hot to handle?: Benefits and costs of stimulating the use of biofuels in the Swedish heating sector pp. 343-358 Downloads
Runar Brannlund and Bengt Kristrom
Weight-based pricing in the collection of household waste: the Oostzaan case pp. 359-371 Downloads
Vincent Linderhof, Peter Kooreman, Maarten Allers and Doede Wiersma
A general approach to the evaluation of nonmarket goods pp. 373-388 Downloads
Udo Ebert

2001, volume 23, articles 3

Bound and path effects in double and triple bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation pp. 191-213 Downloads
Ian Bateman, Ian H. Langford, Andrew P. Jones and Geoffrey N. Kerr
The effect of new technology on energy consumption pp. 215-239 Downloads
David C. Popp
Increasing returns and cycles in fishing pp. 241-258 Downloads
Matti Liski, Peter Kort and Andreas Novak
Defining electricity markets: an arbitrage cost approach pp. 259-270 Downloads
Andrew N. Kleit
The impact of oil price on additions to US proven reserves pp. 271-292 Downloads
Y. Hossein Farzin

2001, volume 23, articles 2

Unilateral transfer of abatement capital pp. 85-95 Downloads
Robert E. Kohn
Auction mechanisms and the measurement of WTP and WTA pp. 97-109 Downloads
Jason Shogren, Sungwon Cho, Cannon Koo, John List, Changwon Park, Pablo Polo and Robert Wilhelmi
Timber trade restrictions and tropical deforestation: a forest mining approach pp. 111-132 Downloads
Ottar Mæstad
The Hotelling Principle, backwardation of futures prices and the values of developed petroleum reserves -- the production constraint hypothesis pp. 133-156 Downloads
Andrew C. Thompson
Environmental regulation of a power investment in an international market pp. 157-173 Downloads
Haakon Vennemo and Arve Halseth
The choice of environmental policy instruments under correlated uncertainty pp. 175-185 Downloads
Ratna K. Shrestha

2001, volume 23, articles 1

The flexibility of household electricity demand over time pp. 1-18 Downloads
Bente Halvorsen and Bodil M. Larsen
The role for policy in common pool groundwater use pp. 19-40 Downloads
H. Stuart Burness and Thomas C. Brill
Green taxes and uncertain timing of technological change pp. 41-62 Downloads
Thomas Aronsson
Environmental efficiency and regulatory standards: the case of CO2 emissions from OECD industries pp. 63-83 Downloads
José Zofío and Angel M. Prieto
Page updated 2025-03-31