Migration Letters
2004 - 2022
Current editor(s): Kittisak Jermsittiparsert From Migration Letters Bibliographic data for series maintained by ML (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 6, 2022
- The ‘inconfinables’ or the creation of ‘superfluous lives’ in times of Crisis pp. 739-749

- Laura Odasso and Elisa Fornalé
- Gender and the career trajectories of highly skilled Syrian refugees in Switzerland pp. 751-764

- Flavia Cangià, Eric Davoine and Sima Tashtish
- Towards a post-autonomy of migration: (Young) refugees between belligerent and peaceful agency pp. 765-779

- Laura Otto and Felix Hoffmann
- Can collaborative knowledge production decolonize epistemology? pp. 781-789

- Sarah Nimführ
- Mobility as survival and freedom: Pandemic, Immobility and its implications for women and queer migrants pp. 791-799

- Amrita Datta
- Out-migration from the Hills of Garhwal Himalaya: a Case Study pp. 801-818

- Saurav Kumar and Vishwambhar Prasad Sati
- Ukrainian asylum seekers in Latvia: the circumstances of destination choice pp. 819-831

- Zane Varpina and Kata Fredheim
- Proximity-Sensitive Relative Deprivation and International Migration Intentions pp. 833-841

- Amany A. El Anshasy, Mrittika Shamsuddin and Marina-Selini Katsaiti
- Emotional Reflexivity in Social Work with Refugees: Implications from Turkey pp. 843-854

- Dilara Özel
- Attitudes towards no-European Immigrants in EU: The Role of Legacy Media and New Media pp. 855-868

- Venera Tomaselli and Rossana Sampugnaro
- Educated Syrian Working Women: Evaluation of the Acculturation Process pp. 869-879

- Betul Dilara Seker
- Economic immigration in the secondary segment in Poland taking the example of employees from Ukraine pp. 881-895

- Marzena Sylwia Kruk
- Segregation, education, and inclusion of European Roma: A demographic analysis pp. 897-909

- Krzysztof Czaderny
- Examining the cyclical pattern of remittance flow, migrants stock, and income of 31 pairs of countries with India pp. 911-931

- Hemachandra Padhan, Deepak Behera, Santosh Kumar Sahu and Umakant Dash
- Non-salary employment conditions as a factor shaping migration decision-making: an example of workers from Ukraine in Poland pp. 933-942

- Maciej Duszczyk and Kamil Matuszczyk
- Social Ties and Stricter Immigration Enforcement Influencing Mexican Migrants’ Remitting Behavior pp. 943-956

- Jose Luis Collazo
- What to Consider While Researching Young Refugees and Migrants: Takeaways from a Field Research in Turkey pp. 957-964

- Mehmet Gökay Özerim
- A Missing Piece: The Absence of Discussion About Integration Policy in the Slovak Migration Discourse pp. 965-981

- Radoslav Štefančík ,, Eva Stradiotová and Terézia Seresová
- Book Review: We Are All Africans Here: Race, Mobilities, and West Africans in Europe pp. 983-984

- Olgu Karan
Volume 19, issue 5, 2022
- Socio-economic factors in labour market regulation pp. 561-570

- Ainura Maxyutova, Saule Kaliyeva, Rakhila Rakhmetova, Marziya Meldakhanova and Gulzhakhan Khajiyeva
- Labour Integration of the EAEU Member States pp. 571-579

- Zhanna Kapsultanova, Gulnar Lukhmanova, Taizhan Sarzhanov, Meruyert Toregozhina and Nailya Shiganbayeva
- Kazakhstan Model of Interethnic Relations: Cultural Aspect pp. 581-592

- Gulzhan Zhalelova, Raushan Imanzhusip and Tengesh Kalenova
- Unemployment in the Area of Construction of the Turkestan-Siberian Railroad pp. 593-601

- Lashyn Abdildinova, Nazym Kassymova, Kulimkoz Santayeva, Albina Abdildanova and Zhadyra Kalelova
- Fostering Human Dignity as an Effective Social Measure Against Human Trafficking in Ukraine pp. 603-613

- Larysa Brych, Taras Sozanskyy, Svitlana Khyliuk, Galyna Yaremko and Nataliia Parasiuk
- Regulation of Educational and Labour Migration of Kazakhstan Youth Abroad pp. 615-627

- Dariya Iskakova, Zeinep Abetova, Aruzhan Jussibaliyeva and Damira Iskakova
- The Influence of Acculturation on National Identity: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Kazakh and Palestinian Fiction pp. 629-639
- Aigerim Zhumadilova and Dina Koptileuova
- The Influence of the Soviet Regime on the Religious Beliefs of Ethnic Minorities pp. 641-648

- Gulzhan D. Khussainova, Nursulu K. Dyussenova, Zhomart Simitikov, Amangul Zhalmaganbetova and Botakoz A. Nuralina
- Elimination of Homeless Children in the Kazakh SSR in 1946-1953 pp. 649-658

- Alima Mukhambetgaliyeva
- Demographic Change and Mobility in The East Kazakhstan Region in the 1920s and 1930s pp. 659-666

- Tanakoz U. Jakipova, Aigul S. Adilbaeva, Kalamkas B. Bolatova and Arafat M. Mamyrbekov
- Rehabilitation of Deportees to Kazakhstan pp. 667-676

- Kanat A. Yensenov, Bekmurat R. Naimanbayev, Aytzhan Zh. Orazbakov, Raushan K. Nurbekova and Ayauly K. Bulgynbaeva
- Self-Identification among Kazakh Diaspora in Germany pp. 677-686

- Shynar Tleugazina, Gulmira Shapiyeva, Nurlan Baigabylov and Zeinep Abetova
- Relations Between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhs Abroad (1991-2000) pp. 687-694

- Ganiy Karassayev, Gabit Kenzhebayev, Talgatbek Aminov, Seiitkali Duisen and Ainur Shukeyeva
- Echoes of Colour Discrimination in Refugee Protection Regime: The Experience of Africans Fleeing the Russia-Ukrainian War pp. 695-707

- Sunday Israel Oyebamiji, Olumide Oyewole Oyebade, Jeffrey H. Cohen and Abraham David Okechukwu
- Revisiting Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of a Scientific Inquiry of Migration in the Era of Digitalisation pp. 709-715

- Bolat Tatibekov, Leo Dana and Farida Alzhanova
- Reshuffling Ethnic Composition of Cities by Migration in Syria pp. 717-729

- Zeynep Banu Dalaman and Hüseyin Murat Lehimler
- Transformation of Traditional Kazakh Society pp. 731-737

- Khazretali Tursun, Gulzhan Idrisova, Rasylkhan Dzhunsheev, Bakhytzhan Dzhursunbaev and Gaukhar Musabekova5
Volume 19, issue 4, 2022
- To Stay or to Return? A Review on Return Migration Literature pp. 367-385

- Tuncay Bilecen
- Turkish Academic Diaspora in Britain: A Scoping Review pp. 387-400

- Mustafa Ozbilgin and Harun Yildiz
- Terminology of Migration Studies: A Corpus Analysis of Research Papers in Social Sciences pp. 401-412

- Elizaveta Smirnova and Tatiana Permyakova
- Education Attainment of Children of Economic and Refugee Immigrants in the United States pp. 413-422

- Abdihafit Shaeye
- The Confluence Between COVID-19 and Informal Externalisation Agreements and the Precarious State of the Right to Seek Asylum pp. 423-435

- Tasawar Ashraf
- A Gender-Sensitive Analysis of Social Integration Challenges. Evidence from the Pakistani Diaspora in Germany pp. 437-448

- Sadaf Mahmood, Beatrice Knerr, Izhar Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Shabbir and Rabia Mahmood
- Children of Immigrants and Nonmarital Fertility in the United States pp. 449-473

- Maurice Anyawie
- Foreign Workers’ Recruitment and Reconsideration of Crucial Factors: A Sequential Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study of Migrant Labourers in Malaysia pp. 475-488

- Sheikh Mohammad Maniruzzaman Al Masud, Rohana Binti Hamzah and Hasan Ahmad
- Substituting, Differentiating, Discriminating! Migration and Cognitive Borders in Aging Societies pp. 489-499

- Francesco Maniglio
- Migrants in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Migration Linguistic Perspective pp. 501-508

- Ariane Macalinga Borlongan
- Impact of the Pandemic on the Eastern European Roma Population in Spain pp. 509-522

- Almudena Macías León
- A Long-Term View of Refugee Flows from Ukraine: War, Insecurities, and Migration pp. 523-535

- Armağan Teke Lloyd and Ibrahim Sirkeci
- Bringing Labour Back to Migration History: A Report on the Activities of the Working Group Labour Migration History pp. 537-546

- Sara Bernard
- Citizenship, Belonging and the Sense of Ambiguity among French Tamils of India pp. 547-556

- Aindrila Chakraborty
- Book Review: Christine Inglis, Wei Li, Binod Khadria (eds) The SAGE Handbook of International Migration pp. 557-560

- Imran Khan and Mrutuyanjaya Sahu
Volume 19, issue 3, 2022
- The Role of Out-group Network in the Choice of Migration Destination: Evidence from Turkey pp. 253-260

- Filiz Kunuroglu and Ali Onder
- The Effect of Time and Departure on Entry into Ghana for Citizens from Five ECOWAS Member States from 1997 to 2019 pp. 261-272

- Michael K. Dzordzormenyoh
- An Empirical Analysis of Securitization Discourse in the European Union pp. 273-286

- Atahan Demirkol
- Migrants’ Population, Residential Segregation, and Metropolitan Spaces - Insights from the Italian Experience over the Last 20 Years pp. 287-301

- Federico Benassi, Massimiliano Crisci, Stephen A. Matthews and Stefania M.L. Rimoldi
- Expression of Emotions in The Norwegian-American Immigrant Letters, 1838-1848 pp. 303-313

- Matiul Hoque Masud and Nils Olav Østrem
- Immigration Threat Amplifiers and Whites’ Immigration Attitudes in the Age of Trump pp. 315-330

- Eileen Díaz McConnell and Lisa M. Martinez
- Migration Experiences of the Highly Skilled and Stay-at-Home Turkish Mothers in the UK pp. 331-342

- Arzu Kırcal Şahin
- Transformative Agency in Workers’ Account: Tensions in Professional Development pp. 343-355

- Maria Antonietta Impedovo
- Youth and Migration Aspiration in Kerala pp. 357-365

- Sulaiman Km and R B Bhagat
Volume 19, issue 2, 2022
- Perception of immigrants in Latin America pp. 95-106

- Andres Marroquin and Antonio Saravia
- Undocumented Workers during Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) pp. 107-121

- Diana Peters, Marja Azlima Omar, Ramli Dollah and Wan Shawaluddin Wan Hassan
- Asylum Flows in the EU Context: Lessons from Gravity pp. 123-138

- Dimitrios Karkanis, Evgenia Anastasiou, Konstantina Ragazou and Marie-Noëlle Duquenne
- Gauging the responsibility assumed by national governments in receiving asylum seekers: An overlooked cornerstone of the EU asylum policy pp. 139-147

- Maria Hierro and Adolfo Maza
- Dual Nature of International Circular Migration pp. 149-158

- Sándor Illés and Éva Lukács Gellérné
- Border Migration Processes in Ukraine: Developing Responses to Emerging Vulnerabilities pp. 159-170

- Olha Levytska
- Analysing the Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Turkish Immigrants pp. 171-177

- Elif Duygu Cindik-Herbrüggen and Rahman Demirkol
- Determinants of Migration Decisions of Asylum Seekers in Vienna pp. 179-191

- Andrej Přívara
- Asylum seekers; migration decision; Vienna; labor market efficiency pp. 193-206

- Juan Galeano
- Remittances, Financial Sector Development, Institutions and Economic Growth in the ECOWAS Region pp. 207-234

- Temitayo O. Olaniyan, Muftau A. Ijaiya and Funso T. Kolapo
- Employment Status and Labour Income of Turkish and Other Immigrants in the United States pp. 235-245

- Selda Dudu
- Book Review: Gabriel Echeverría (2020). Towards a Systemic Theory of Irregular Migration: Explaining Ecuadorian Irregular Migration in Amsterdam and Madrid pp. 247-252

- Gabriele De Luca and Shahanaz Parven
Volume 19, issue 1, 2022
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Migration, Education, and Youth pp. 1-2

- Ana Vila Freyer and Sümeyra Buran
- Double-Edged Roots: Two Advance-Parole ‘Dacamented’ Mexican Women Visiting Their Country of Birth pp. 3-13

- Ana Vila Freyer
- Populations in Crisis: Migration Plans and Determinants Among Medical Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 15-28

- Evgenia Anastasiou
- The Role of Social Networks on Youth Migration, Settlement and Entrepreneurship in Malawi pp. 29-40

- Tony Mwenda Kamninga, Winford H. Masanjala, Bertha Bangara and Martin Limbikani Mwale
- The Impact of Economic, Social, and Political Determining Factors of the Youth Migration in Kosovo pp. 41-54

- Adriatik Hoxha
- Skill Choice, Brain Drain, and Variety of Goods: Innovation in the Core-Periphery Model pp. 55-66

- I-Chun Chen and Tomoru Hiramatsu
- Potential Migration of Educated Youth from North Macedonia: Can Brain Drain be Averted? pp. 67-81

- Merita Zulfiu Alili, Russell King and Ilir Gëdeshi
- Being Young in the Diaspora: Fragmentation of the Palestinian Youth Mobilisation from the Middle East to Europe pp. 83-93

- Fanny Christou
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