Economia dei Servizi
2006 - 2015
Current editor(s): Fabio Gobbo
From Società editrice il Mulino
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2015, issue 2
- The Invisible Wealth of the Creative Industries pp. 117-122

- Francesco Izzo
- Le imprese creative: dall'approccio per classificazioni ai modelli di management pp. 123-150

- Paola Paniccia, Giovanna Morelli and Annalisa Cicerchia
- The Art of Creativity. The Determinants of Innovation in a Small Italian Animation Studio pp. 151-178

- Francesco Izzo and Barbara Masiello
- Innovation and Creative Communities in Industrial Design. A Historical Perspective pp. 179-196

- Enrico Bertacchini and Martha Friel
- The Management of Outsourced Creative and Design Services: Managerial Trade-offs and Organizational Configurations pp. 197-216

- Cabirio Cautela and Michele Simoni
- Lead Retailer: From the Cultural Process to the Service Logic pp. 217-240

- Monica Calcagno and Erika Cavriani
- When Museums Do Not Exclude: Inclusive Innovation Strategies for XXI Century Museums pp. 241-258

- Lucia Colombari and Gabriele Troilo
- From «Creative Destruction» to Digital Revolution: The Organization of New Enterprises pp. 259-272

- Maurizio Carmignani
2015, issue 1
- The Economics of Water Use and Management: From Human Rights to the Financing of Costs of Services pp. 3-16

- Laura Castellucci
- On Consumer Behaviour and Customer On Line Purchasing Motivation: An Empirical Investigation into the Sports-Betting Industry in Italy pp. 17-40

- Paolo Calvosa
- Financial Services As a Tool Against Poverty: Microfinance and Microcredit pp. 41-64

- Domenica Federico and Antonella Notte
- Financial Crisis and Single European Banking Supervision: Implications for the Financial Services Market pp. 65-82

- Enzo Scannella
- The Business Continuity Management. Business Decisions in Industry and Services pp. 83-104

- Giovanna Morelli and Paolo Prandi
- Government and the Environment. The Role of the Modern State in the Face of Global Challenges pp. 105-108

- Edilio Valentini
2014, issue 3
- Entrepreneurial Human Capital and Industrial Restructuring pp. 233-258

- Daniela Federici and Francesco Ferrante
- Cross Regional Heterogeneity of Individual Attitudes Towards Public Management of Local Services. An Empirical Analysis Based on Italian Data pp. 259-270

- Salvatore Ercolano
- The Gift and the State of the Art pp. 271-290

- Elina De Simone and Amedeo Di Maio
- Fundraising, Culture and Sponsorships. The Case of Italy pp. 291-304

- Manuela Veronelli
- Rethinking Remote Office Work. The Opportunities of Smart Work Centers pp. 305-328

- Luisa Errichiello and Tommasina Pianese
- Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't pp. 329-334

- Nicola Davola
2014, issue 2
- Measuring the Service Sector: Pros and Cons on Tourism Statistics pp. 121-138

- Fabrizio Antolini
- The Italian Insurance Industry: Challenges and Opportunities in a Fast Changing Market pp. 139-160

- Dario Focarelli and Antonio Nicelli
- Italian Motor Third Party Liability Insurance: The Reasons for Its Peculiarity pp. 161-178

- Alessandro Santoliquido
- The Italian Insurance Industry and the Challenge Towards a More Competitive Market pp. 179-196

- Rosella Creatini and Giuseppe Galasso
- Solvency II: Solvency Requirements as Virtuous Competition Tools for the Insurance Companies pp. 197-220

- Albina Canadian and Lydia Velliscig
- Il settore dei giochi pubblici on line in Italia. Dinamiche di sviluppo, modelli di business e strategie competitive pp. 221-225

- Giuseppe Mongelli
2014, issue 1
- Diversification, Vertical Integration and Multi-Platform Production in Italian Media and Telecommunications Industries pp. 3-18

- Andrea Mangani
- Relationships and Trends in Inter-organizational Accounting Exchanges for Competitive Productservices pp. 19-42

- Alessandro Marelli and Enrico Di Berardino
- Are Media Able to Grab Investors' Attention? The Case of Spin-off Deals pp. 43-62

- Elvira Anna Graziano
- Narrowband: the decline of telecommunications in Italy pp. 63-84

- Andrea Renda, Giacomo Luchetta and Felice Simonelli
- Cultural Tourism in the Italian Opera Houses' Experience pp. 85-106

- Giovanna Morelli and Chiara Fisichella
- La finanza nel mondo delle idee (tra mano invisibile e Leviatano) pp. 107-109

- Antonio Lopes
2013, issue 3
- Municipal Police Costs and Efficiency pp. 221-238

- Vincenzo Patrizii and Giuliano Resce
- The Italian Model of Gambling Taxation: Fiscal Policy Guidelines for the «Sustainable Development» of an Important and Controversial Market pp. 239-258

- Valeria De Bonis and Alessandro Gandolfo
- Austerity Programs and Services Quality Within Italian Municipalities. An Exploration of Trends and Evolving Practices pp. 239-258

- Francesca Magno and Fabio Cassia
- On Environmental Regulation and Firm Competitiveness Relationship. Social Costs vs. Private Opportunities pp. 269-292

- Giovanna Morelli and Linda Meleo
- Low Cost Passengers Between Economic Crisis and Carriers' Policy: Trends at the Italian Orio al Serio Airport pp. 293-308

- Andrea Macchiavelli and Andrea Pozzi
- Capitalismo e finanza. Il futuro tra rischio e fiducia pp. 309-310

- Valeria Del Genio
2013, issue 2
- Corporation Tax Reforms in Italy pp. 109-126

- Francesco Crespi, Antonio Di Majo and Maria Grazia Pazienza
- Analysing Employability Determinants of the Labour Market: The Case of Italian Graduates pp. 127-146

- Ivano Dileo, Thaís García Pereiro and Francesco Losurdo
- On the Efficiency of the Italian Logistic Providers pp. 147-160

- Claudio Ferrari, Andrea Migliardi and Alessio Tei
- Regulation and Business: A Multidimensional Investigation pp. 161-176

- Vittorio Carlei and Alessandro Marra
- Matching Advanced Studies to the Skills Required for Work: The Case of PhD. Graduates in Italy pp. 177-188

- Giuseppe Gaeta
- New Perspectives on Service Productivity pp. 189-202

- Roberta Sebastiani
- La valorizzazione immobiliare. Metodi e progetti pp. 203-205

- Gualtiero Tamburini
- Le metamorfosi del «Modello emiliano». L'Emilia-Romagna e i distretti industriali che cambiano pp. 206-210

- Alberto Crepaldi
2013, issue 1
- The Sustainable Management of Museums: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence from Marche Region pp. 3-28

- Tonino Pencarelli, Mara Cerquetti and Simone Splendiani
- Does Fire Safety Regulation Work? Lessons from Turin, Italy pp. 29-56

- John M. Cobin
- Nowcasting the Sectoral Growth in Euro Area pp. 57-70

- Antonio Frenda
- Virtual Communities and Tourism Experience Innovation: The Case of MSC Friends pp. 71-90

- Alessandra Marasco and Roberto Micera
- La responsabilità civile automobilistica. Strategie, innovazione e normativa nei modelli di offerta pp. 91-93

- Dario Focarelli
- Italia Reloaded. Ripartire con la cultura pp. 94-98

- Valeria Del Genio