Economic Inquiry
1974 - 2006
Continued by Economic Inquiry. Current editor(s): Preston McAfee From Western Economic Association International Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 44, issue 4, 2006
- When Are Women More Generous than Men? pp. 587-598
- James Cox and Cary Deck
- Communication and Incentive Mechanisms Based on Group Performance: An Experimental Study of Nonpoint Pollution Control pp. 599-613
- Christian Vossler, Gregory Poe, William D. Schulze and Kathleen Segerson
- Group Size and Social Ties in Microfinance Institutions pp. 614-628
- Klaus Abbink, Bernd Irlenbusch and Elke Renner
- Unemployment and Other Measures of Labor Market Inefficiency: A Comparison of U.K. and U.S. Labor Markets 1931--96 pp. 629-643
- Keith Bender, Rebecca Neumann and John Douglas Skåtun
- Subsidy and Tuition Policies in Public Higher Education pp. 644-655
- Gary Fethke
- Differences in Average Prices on the Internet: Evidence from the Online Market for Air Travel pp. 656-670
- Jihui Chen
- Has Production Management Improved Since 1984? pp. 671-688
- David Bivin
- Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Safety Regulations pp. 689-698
- John C. Hause
- Financial Sector Weakness and the M2 Velocity Puzzle pp. 699-715
- Cara Lown, Stavros Peristiani and Kenneth Robinson
- Velocity Futures Markets: Does the Fed Need a Structural Model? pp. 716-728
- Aaron Jackson and Scott Sumner
- Cigarette Taxes and the Master Settlement Agreement pp. 729-739
- Justin Trogdon and Frank Sloan
- One Lump or Two: Unitary versus Bifurcated Measures of Injury at the USITC pp. 740-752
- Kenneth Kelly and Morris E. Morkre
- Workers Should Want to Pay More for Social Security pp. 753-758
- J. R. Clark and Dwight R. Lee
- Economic Inquiry 2005--2006 Editor's Report pp. 759-762
- Dennis Jansen
Volume 44, issue 3, 2006
- The Labor Market Effects of Sex and Race Discrimination Laws pp. 385-419
- David Neumark and Wendy A. Stock
- A Theory of Affirmative Action in College Admissions pp. 420-428
- Qiang Fu
- Principal Agency Theory and Health Care Utilization pp. 429-441
- Helen Schneider and Alan Mathios
- Do You Want Fries with That? An Exploration of Serving Size, Social Welfare, and Our Waistlines pp. 442-450
- Thomas Jeitschko and Rowena Pecchenino
- Marginal Welfare Costs of Taxation with Human and Physical Capital pp. 451-464
- Sam Allgood and Arthur Snow
- Has the Internet Increased Trade? Developed and Developing Country Evidence pp. 465-484
- George Clarke and Scott J. Wallsten
- Why Did Semiconductor Price Indexes Fall So Fast in the 1990s? A Decomposition pp. 485-496
- Ana Aizcorbe
- Real Balance Effects and Monetary Policy pp. 497-511
- Alessandro Piergallini
- The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: Evidence from a "Judicial Experiment" pp. 512-535
- Hashem Dezhbakhsh and Joanna M. Shepherd
- Shirking on the Court: Testing for the Incentive Effects of Guaranteed Pay pp. 536-546
- David Berri and Anthony Krautmann
- No-Fault Divorce and the Compression of Marriage Ages pp. 547-558
- Douglas Allen, Krishna Pendakur and Wing Suen
- Why Do Entrepreneurs Enter Politics? Evidence from China pp. 559-578
- Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng and Junsen Zhang
- Do EPA Defendants Prefer Republicans? Evidence from the 2000 Election pp. 579-585
- Paul Hughes
Volume 44, issue 2, 2006
- Returns to Skills and Personnel Management: U.S. Department of Defense Scientists and Engineers pp. 199-214
- Michael Gibbs
- Birth Order and Risky Adolescent Behavior pp. 215-233
- Laura M. Argys, Daniel Rees, Susan Averett and Benjama Witoonchart
- The Effects of Discretionary Federal Spending on Parliamentary Election Results pp. 234-248
- Thomas A. Evans
- Do Newly Retired Workers in the United States Have Sufficient Resources to Maintain Well-Being? pp. 249-264
- Robert Haveman, Karen Holden, Barbara Wolfe and Shane Sherlund
- Did the Euro Foster Online Price Competition? Evidence from an International Price Comparison Site pp. 265-279
- Michael Baye, J. Rupert J. Gatti, Paul Kattuman and John Morgan
- Tracking Customer Search to Price Discriminate pp. 280-295
- Cary Deck and Bart Wilson
- Poverty, Prices, and Place: How Sensitive is the Spatial Distribution of Poverty to Cost of Living Adjustments? pp. 296-310
- Dean Jolliffe
- Lessons from a Failed Airline Auction pp. 311-317
- J. Patrick Meister and Kyle J. Anderson
- A Time Series Test of Innovation-Driven Endogenous Growth pp. 318-332
- Norman H. Sedgley
- Smoke-Free Air Laws, Cigarette Prices, and Adult Cigarette Demand pp. 333-342
- John Tauras
- Turns in Consumer Confidence: An Information Advantage Linked to Manufacturing pp. 343-351
- Lucia Dunn and Ida Mirzaie
- An Experimental Study of Compliance and Leverage in Auditing and Regulatory Enforcement pp. 352-366
- Timothy Cason and Lata Gangadharan
- Sunk Costs, Profit Variability, and Turnover pp. 367-373
- Adelina Gschwandtner and Val Lambson
- Simultaneous Equation Econometrics: The Missing Example pp. 374-384
- Dennis Epple and Bennett McCallum
Volume 44, issue 1, 2006
- Stabilization Policy: A Reconsideration pp. 1-22
- Janet Yellen and George Akerlof
- How Important are Capital and Total Factor Productivity for Economic Growth? pp. 23-49
- Scott Baier, Gerald Dwyer and Robert Tamura
- The Impact of High-Tech Capital on Productivity: Evidence from Australia pp. 50-68
- Ellis Connolly and Kevin Fox
- Labor-Market Consequences of Poor Attitude and Low Self-Esteem in Youth pp. 69-97
- Glen Waddell
- International Outsourcing and the Productivity of Low-Skilled Labor in the EU pp. 98-108
- Hartmut Egger and Peter Egger
- A Change Point Analysis of the Impact of "Environmental Federalism" on Aggregate Air Quality in the United States: 1940--98 pp. 109-120
- Thomas Fomby and Limin Lin
- Health Care, Insurance, and the Contract Choice Effect pp. 121-127
- Richard Dusansky and Çagatay Koç
- Media Concentration and Consumer Product Prices pp. 128-141
- Anthony Dukes
- U.S. Narrow Money for the Twenty-First Century pp. 142-152
- Donald Dutkowsky, Barry Cynamon and Barry Jones
- Two to Tango? Gender Differences in the Decisions to Publish and Coauthor pp. 153-168
- John McDowell, Larry D. Singell and Mark Stater
- External Recruitment and Intrafirm Mobility pp. 169-184
- William Chan
- The Usefulness of Consumer Confidence in Forecasting Household Spending in Canada: A National and Regional Analysis pp. 185-197
- Andy C.C. Kwan and John Cotsomitis
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