Business Economics
2005 - 2024
Current editor(s): Charles Steindel From: Palgrave Macmillan National Association for Business Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 59, issue 4, 2024
- From the Editor pp. 209-210

- Charles Steindel
- Inflation expectations, price equations, and Fed effects pp. 211-219

- Ray C. Fair
- Does the Zillow rent measure help predict CPI rent inflation? pp. 220-226

- N Kishor
- A real options approach to data valuation pp. 227-234

- Diane Coyle and Luca Gamberi
- CEO compensation and risk taking: S&P 1500 firms pp. 235-242

- Hai Van Le and Dulce Lopez Cruz
- Assessing sectoral capacity for wage increase: a multidimensional analysis using CPS ASEC data pp. 243-257

- Roudy Sassine
- Cars, costs, and cognitive dissonance pp. 258-274

- Patrick L. Anderson
- Navigating divergent trends in global oil demand: the impact of petrochemicals pp. 275-279

- Dean Foreman and Martha Gilchrist Moore
- Jeremy B. Rudd: A Practical Guide to Macroeconomics pp. 280-283

- Charles L. Evans
- Michael D. Bordo, John H. Cochrane, and John B. Taylor, eds.: Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track pp. 284-286

- Carola Binder
- Tom Chivers: Everything is Predictable: How Bayesian Statistics Explain the World pp. 287-289

- Stephen M. Stigler
- Scott Irwin and Doug Peterson: Back to the Futures: crashing dirt bikes, chasing cows, and unraveling the mystery of commodity futures markets pp. 290-291

- Bert Greenwalt
- Gordon Brown, Mohamed A. El-Erian and Michael Spence: Permacrisis—A Plan to fix a fractured world pp. 292-294

- Steven Kamin
Volume 59, issue 3, 2024
- From the editor pp. 131-132

- Charles Steindel
- Perspectives on global fiscal policy pp. 133-142

- Clare Lombardelli and Wendy Edelberg
- US sovereign debt crisis: mounting challenges, practical solutions pp. 143-148

- Dana M. Peterson
- Monetary policy and treasury market functioning pp. 149-153

- William Nelson, Tiffany Wilding and Ellen Zentner
- Labor, investment, and technology: assessing the drivers of productivity growth pp. 154-165

- Stephanie Aaronson, Catherine L. Mann and Chad Syverson
- A distributional approach to U.S. personal consumption expenditures: an overview pp. 166-173

- Thesia I. Garner, Robert Martin, Brett Matsumoto and Scott Curtin
- Does FDI encourage female labor force participation? Evidence from Arab countries pp. 174-189

- Manuchehr Irandoust
- Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein: We’ve got you covered: rebooting American health care pp. 190-192

- Kelli Marquardt
- Stephen D. King: We Need To Talk About Inflation: 14 Urgent Lessons from the Last 2,000 Years pp. 193-196

- Kevin Kliesen
- Markus K. Brunnermeier and Ricardo Reis: A crash course on crises: macroeconomic concepts for run-ups, collapses, and recoveries pp. 197-199

- Anjan Thakor
- Finn Murphy: Rocky mountain high: a tale of boom and bust in the new wild west pp. 200-202

- Richard Wobbekind
- Angus Deaton: Economics in America: An Immigrant Economist Explores the Land of Inequality Princeton University Press, 2023. Edmund Phelps: My Journeys in Economic Theory, Columbia University Press, 2023 pp. 203-206

- Douglas J. Lamdin
- Correction to: Olivier Blanchard: fiscal policy under low interest rates pp. 207-207

- Burton Abrams
Volume 59, issue 2, 2024
- From the Editor pp. 71-72

- Charles Steindel
- Economic policy in a changing world pp. 73-77

- Mario Draghi
- The Drucker indexes and profitability: a first look pp. 78-85

- David Ratigan and Peter A. Zaleski
- The effects of boardroom gender diversity on corporate performance: empirical evidence from a sample of European listed companies pp. 86-100

- Neji Al-Eid Omri and Abdulhameed Mohanna Alfaleh
- Effects of tourism and institutional quality on infrastructural development in Africa: new evidence from the system GMM technique pp. 101-117

- Obed I. Ojonta and Jonathan E. Ogbuabor
- Chris Miller: CHIP WAR: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology pp. 118-119

- Duncan Meldrum
- Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb: Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence pp. 120-122

- Timothy F. Bresnahan
- Refet S. Gürkaynak and Jonathan H. Wright, Editors: Research Handbook of Financial Markets pp. 123-126

- Richard M. Levich
- Olivier Blanchard: fiscal policy under low interest rates pp. 127-128

- Burton Abrams
- George Tavlas: The Monetarists: The making of the Chicago monetary tradition, 1927–1960 pp. 129-130

- Ronnie J. Phillips
Volume 59, issue 1, 2024
- From the Editor pp. 1-2

- Charles Steindel
- What have we learned about inflation dynamics? pp. 3-9

- Catherine L. Mann and Christina Romer
- Basic facts on the coverage of the paycheck protection program pp. 10-30

- Mark Schweitzer and Angela Guo
- The impact of real estate agent and firm characteristics on sales prices under different market conditions and price segments pp. 31-38

- Jason Beck and Yassaman Saadatmand
- Interest rates and lifestyle-driven moves for older adults: a vector autoregression analysis pp. 39-50

- Daniel G. Lindberg
- Journey in the change of consciousness toward sustainability pp. 51-52

- Christine Loh
- Macau's sustainability and diversification pp. 53-57

- Chengkun Liu and Yongjia Lin
- Stephen Poloz: The Next Age of Uncertainty pp. 58-59

- David Dodge
- Moritz Schularick, ed.: Leveraged: the new economics of debt and financial fragility pp. 60-61

- Joseph G. Haubrich
- Martin Neil Baily and Benjamin H. Harris: The Retirement Challenge: What’s Wrong with America’s System and a Sensible Way to Fix It pp. 62-63

- Abigail Hurwitz
- Racing Through Red Lines pp. 64-66

- Jeffrey Lacker
- George Serafeim: Purpose + profit: how business can lift up the world pp. 67-69

- Douglas J. Lamdin
Volume 58, issue 4, 2023
- From the editor pp. 191-192

- Charles Steindel
- Giving birth to innovation (or beware of bad narratives) pp. 193-200

- Julia Coronado
- Review Article: Eswar S. Prasad: How the Digital Revolution is Transforming Currencies and Finance pp. 201-204

- Harald Uhlig
- An alternative measure of core inflation: the Trimmed Persistence PCE price index pp. 205-223

- John O’Trakoun
- Predicting recessions, depth of recessions and monetary policy pivots: a new approach pp. 224-236

- Azhar Iqbal, Sam Bullard and Nicole Cervi
- Glenn Hubbard: The Wall and the Bridge pp. 237-238

- Rudy Penner
- Bruce Caldwell and Hansjoerg Klausinger: Hayek: A Life, 1899–1950 pp. 239-241

- Roger Backhouse
- Campbell R. Harvey, Ashwin Ramachandran, Joey Santoro: DeFi and the Future of Finance pp. 242-244

- Aaron Klein
- Benjamin M. Friedman: Religion and the rise of capitalism pp. 245-247

- Jürgen Hagen
- Barry Eichengreen, Asma El-Gamainy, Rui Esteves, and Kris James Mitchener: In Defense of Public Debt pp. 248-250

- George Hall
Volume 58, issue 3, 2023
- From the editor pp. 129-130

- Charles Steindel
- Financial stability pp. 131-138

- Janet L. Yellen
- The future of family-friendly policies pp. 139-148

- Melissa Boteach, Chelsea Follett, Sharita Gruberg, Melissa S. Kearney and Isabel V. Sawhill
- Housing market trends: analyzing housing dynamics, evaluating mortgage risk, and understanding the impact of filtering on affordability pp. 149-157

- Edward J. Pinto
- Confronting the housing supply shortage: policy options pp. 158-165

- Laurie S. Goodman
- Marvin Goodfriend: economist and central banker pp. 166-171

- David A. Marshall
- Jacob Soll: Free market: the history of an idea pp. 172-175

- Benjamin M. Friedman
- Mary Childs: The bond king—how one man made a market, built an empire, and lost it all pp. 176-177

- William Emmons
- Edward Chancellor: The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest Atlantic Monthly Press, 2022 pp. 178-180

- Paul Schmelzing
- J. Bradford DeLong: Slouching towards Utopia: an economic history of the twentieth century Hachette Book Group, 2022 pp. 181-183

- Ralf R. Meisenzahl
- Alan S. Blinder: A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961–2021 pp. 184-186

- Robert L. Hetzel
- Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson: Power and progress: our thousand-year struggle over technology and prosperity pp. 187-189

- Nicolas L. Ziebarth
Volume 58, issue 2, 2023
- From the Editor pp. 75-76

- Charles Steindel
- Bailouts, low rates, and their impact on financial stability pp. 77-84

- Sheila Bair
- Shift or shock? Long-term balance of power in labor markets pp. 85-96

- Betsey Stevenson, Diane Swonk and Michael Horrigan
- Estimating the impact of NABE member characteristics on compensation pp. 97-104

- Christopher Swann and Lilianna Ruby
- Perspectives from an accidental economist pp. 105-107

- Michelle Robinson
- Andrew W. Lo and Stephen R. Foerster: In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio pp. 108-111

- Steven Sharpe
- Thomas Moser and Marcel Savioz, Editors: Karl Brunner and Monetarism pp. 112-114

- Boris Hofmann
- Roger Lowenstein: Ways and Means: Lincoln and His Cabinet and the Financing of the Civil War pp. 115-117

- Richard Sylla
- Nicholas Mulder: The economic weapon: the rise of sanctions as a tool of modern war pp. 118-120

- Gary Hufbauer
- R. Douglas Arnold: Fixing Social Security: The Politics of Reform in a Polarized Age pp. 121-124

- Peter Diamond
- Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake: Restarting the Future: How to Fix the Intangible Economy pp. 125-127

- Andrea L. Eisfeldt
- Correction to Disruption in the meat industry: new technologies in nonmeat substitutes pp. 128-128

- Christopher Swann and Mary Kelly
Volume 58, issue 1, 2023
- From the Editor pp. 1-2

- Charles Steindel
- The Voltage Effect pp. 3-8

- John List
- Do looks matter in supply chain contracting? An experimental study pp. 9-23

- Lyudmyla Starostyuk, Kay-Yut Chen and Edmund L. Prater
- Public sentiment and opinion regarding the CARES Act pp. 24-33

- Maliha Singh
- Science of price experimentation at Amazon pp. 34-41

- Joe Cooprider and Shima Nassiri
- Disruption in the meat industry: new technologies in nonmeat substitutes pp. 42-60

- Christopher Swann and Mary Kelly
- Mark Carney: Value(s)—Building a Better World for All Public Affairs, Hatchett Book Group, 2021 pp. 61-62

- Dennis Lockhart
- David Autor, David A. Mindell, and Elisabeth B. Reynolds: The Work of the Future—Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines pp. 63-64

- Amanda Michaud
- Laurence J. Kotlikoff: An economist’s secrets to more money, less risk, and a better life pp. 65-66

- Alicia H. Munnell
- Paul Oyer: An economist goes to the game: how to throw away $580 million and other surprising insights from the economics of sports pp. 67-68

- Robert Butler
- Michael Keen and Joel Slemrod: review of Rebellion, rascals, and revenues: tax follies and wisdom through the ages pp. 69-70

- Jane Gravelle
- Modernizing the Consumer Price Index for the 21st Century pp. 71-73

- David Lebow
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