TEC Empresarial
2017 - 2025
Current editor(s): Juan Carlos Leiva From School of Business, Costa Rica Institute of Technology (ITCR) Cartago; Costa Rica, TEC Empresarial ISSN: 1659-3359. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Esteban Lafuente (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 1, 2025
- The role of international experience on SMEs’ internationalization pp. 1-21
- Carlos Sandoval-Álvarez
- Location of entrepreneurial zones in Latin America: a spatial analysis pp. 22-35
- María de los Ángeles Frende-Vega, Alejandro Almeida, Juan Manuel Martín-Álvarez and Antonio Golpe
- Burnout resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic pp. 36-50
- Yvette Mucharraz y Cano, Diana Dávila-Ruiz and Karla Cuilty-Esquivel
- Advantages and barriers of university-business linkages: Analysis from an academic perspective pp. 51-67
- Adilson Mueller, Geannina Moraga López, Jane Lucia Silva Santos, Carla de la Cerna Hernández, Gerardo Villalobos Rodríguez, Eduardo Giugliani and Eysel Adolfo Chong Guardia
- Ethical leadership and organizational commitment in the Colombian electricity sector: the importance of work self-efficacy pp. 68-90
- Carlos Santiago-Torner
- The effect of online platform management and online interactions on donors' engagement pp. 91-105
- Ma del Mar Gálvez-Rodríguez, Sara Herrada-Lores, Arturo Haro-de-Rosario and Laura Saraite-Sariene
- Perceived value of second-hand clothing in centennials: Analysis of antecedents and effects pp. 106-123
- Judith Cavazos-Arroyo and José Luis Zapata-Sánchez
Volume 18, issue 3, 2024
- Enhancing Management Research through Qualitative Methods pp. 1-11
- Francisco Balbastre-Benavent, Edison Jair Duque-Oliva and María Teresa Canet-Giner
- Nurturing seeds of innovation: the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and socio-emotional wealth and its implications for family business innovation pp. 12-34
- Ana Lucia Caicedo-Leitón, Nuria Villanueva and Lucía Garcés-Galdeano
- Breaking Barriers: Unleashing the Power of Feminist Action Research to Transform Organisational Inequalities—A Case Study of XEAS País Valencià pp. 35-54
- Marta Maicas-Pérez and Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer
- Co-creation with customers to innovate in a service SME: insights from an action research approach pp. 55-79
- Ramiro Bonaque-Rodríguez, María Luisa Flor-Peris and Teresa Vallet-Bellmunt
- Organizational routines and sustainability strategizing in the port sector pp. 80-102
- Eduardo Aquino-Hübler, Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa-Lavarda and Felipe Kopp-Leite
- Firms’ digital transformation and e-human resource management. A qualitative approach pp. 103-128
- Naiara Escribá-Carda, Ana Redondo-Cano and María Ángeles Escribá-Moreno
Volume 18, issue 2, 2024
- Green Business Strategy and its effect on Financial Performance: The mediating role of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 1-17
- Ma. Mónica Gloria Clara Castillo-Esparza, Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán and Juan Mejía-Trejo
- Regional endogenous development in Chile: a simulation analysis of two models of allocation of public funds pp. 18-35
- Oswaldo Terán, Danko Ravlic-Torres, Gianni Romaní and Karla Soria-Barreto
- Crisis communication strategies: A qualitative study about a natural medicine controversy in Colombia pp. 36-50
- Orlando E. Contreras-Pacheco, Juan Camilo Álvarez-Arciniegas and María Fernanda Garnica-Rugeles
- Industries, frameworks, and key drivers of lean startup: a systematic literature review pp. 51-80
- Alejandro Gamón-Sanz, Joaquín Alegre and Ricardo Chiva
- Board leadership in global ventures: A bibliometric analysis pp. 81-86
- Roberto Andres Herrera-Barriga and Diana Marcela Escandon-Barbosa
- Brand equity and purchase decision of fast-moving consumer goods pp. 97-114
- Washington Macias, Gabriela Barquet-Arenas and Jazmín Yambay-Aucancela
Volume 18, issue 1, 2024
- Perceived behavioral traits as key determinants of entrepreneurial intention in higher education institutions pp. 1-22
- Carlos Sandoval-Álvarez
- Categorizing the effects of knowledge management practices on SMES: a literature review pp. 23-42
- Adalberto Escobar-Castillo and Gabriel Velandia-Pacheco
- The internationalization of Colombian Multilatinas: a composite indicator analysis pp. 43-64
- Juan Camilo López-Caicedo, Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas, Ana Maria Gomez-Trujillo and Daniel Bonilla-Calle
- Influence of skills and knowledge on the financial attitude of university students pp. 65-83
- Renzi Loza, Gianni Romaní, Winston Castañeda and Gerardo Arias
- Internal and external determinants of the use of supplementary pension plans in manager compensation pp. 84-100
- Lorenzo Revuelto-Taboada and Marcelo Duques-Ospina
- Second opportunities for clothing products: motivations to purchase second-hand clothes pp. 101-117
- Ana M. Pereira, Lina M. Ceballos and María Claudia Mejía-Gil
Volume 17, issue 3, 2023
- Lean manufacturing is the financial performance and sustainable finances problems solution? pp. 1-19
- Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán, Sandra Yesenia Pinzón-Castro and Raymundo Juárez-del Toro
- The relationship between work accident rates and economic activity: Evidence from Peru (2016-2021) pp. 20-32
- Johanna Cabrera-Flores
- Institutional trust and entrepreneurs' export behavior: An international analysis pp. 33-45
- Felipe De Anda, Juan Carlos Baker and Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García
- Assessment of urban development: A composite indicator analysis of the safe city index through the ‘benefit of the doubt’ model pp. 46-62
- Nadine Burgoa and Andre Rosado
- Conceptualizing digital transformation using semantic decomposition pp. 63-75
- Javier Rojas-Segura, Margie Faith-Vargas and Jose Martinez-Villavicencio
Volume 17, issue 2, 2023
- The role of intellectual capital on innovation: Evidence from Hungarian SMEs pp. 1-19
- András Rideg, László Szerb and Anna Róza Varga
- Internal organizational characteristics and their impact on sales: the case of Paraguayan MSMEs during the covid-19 pandemic pp. 20-32
- Edgar Antonio Sánchez-Báez, Diego Daniel Sanabria and Raúl Marcelo Ferrer Dávalos
- Topics and feelings of entrepreneurs during a crisis period: Analysis of business Twitter hashtags pp. 33-47
- Orly Carvache-Franco, Ana Gabriela Víquez-Paniagua, Mauricio Carvache-Franco, Wilmer Carvache-Franco and Allan Pérez-Orozco
- Marketing strategy and competitiveness: Evidence from Colombian SMEs pp. 48-64
- Jorge Moreno-Gómez, Juan Carlos Londoño and Luis Felipe Zapata-Upegui
- Key factors of competitive tourist destinations: A study in San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia pp. 65-77
- Diego Armando Marín-Idárraga, Juan Carlos Cuartas-Marín, Pedro Emilio Sanabria-Rangel and Juan de Jesús Sánchez-Torres
Volume 17, issue 1, 2023
- The relationship between the economic cycle and work accidents in the United States: A time series analysis pp. 1-17
- Manfred Murrell
- Evolution of occupational illness in Spain during 2009-2020: Territorial and industrial trends pp. 18-33
- Dayana Delgado-Sánchez
- Prospective of the circular economy in a banana agri-food chain pp. 34-52
- Pola Mary Silva-Alvarado, Erik Orozco-Crespo, Douglas Andrés Verduga-Alcívar, Karel Diéguez-Santana, Sebastiana del Monserrate Ruiz-Cedeño and Neyfe Sablón-Cossío
- VUCA environments before the recession caused by covid-19: a systematic literature review pp. 53-69
- Vicente Woltés and Anabel Fernández-Mesa
- Collaboration between startups and large firms: a new way to engage in open innovation pp. 70-93
- Hugo Kantis, Cecilia Menendez, Paola Álvarez-Martínez and Juan Federico
Volume 16, issue 3, 2022
- Allocation of entrepreneurial and innovative talent: An economic model based on institutionally-driven relative rewards pp. 1-15
- Yancy Vaillant
- Overconfidence, fear of failure, risk-taking and entrepreneurial intention: The behavior of undergraduate students pp. 16-33
- Eduart Villanueva and Izaias Martins
- Location, market orientation, and firm performance: An analysis of the Colombian healthcare industry pp. 34-54
- Juan C. Amézquita, Francisco Puig and Marcelo Royo-Vela
- Innovation capabilities and export performance in manufacturing SMEs pp. 55-71
- Joaquin Alegre, José Luis Ferreras-Méndez, Anabel Fernández-Mesa and Roger Strange
- Risk perception and crisis communication during the Covid-19 pandemic: Analysis based on Twitter hashtags pp. 72-91
- Orly Carvache-Franco, Ana Gabriela Víquez-Paniagua, Mauricio Carvache-Franco, Allan Pérez-Orozco and Wilmer Carvache-Franco
Volume 16, issue 2, 2022
- Disentangling the relationship between prior knowledge and entrepreneurial orientation: a bibliometric study pp. 1-17
- Diana Espinoza-Torres and Marival Segarra-Oña
- Knowledge management and intellectual capital in the business model innovation of Costa Rican manufacturing firms pp. 18-33
- Alfredo Elías Alfaro-Ramos and José Luis Ferreras-Méndez
- Financial resources, eco-innovation and sustainability performance in automotive industry pp. 34-54
- Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán and Sandra Yesenia Pinzón-Castro
- What drives project management success in developing countries? The case of Ghana pp. 55-78
- Armstrong Amoah, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent and Frederic Marimon
- Measuring the credibility of consumer-generated media (CGM): a scale to test credibility in the field of tourism pp. 79-93
- Ricardo Castano and Diana Escandon-Barbosa
Volume 16, issue 1, 2022
- A note on the configuration of the digital ecosystem in Latin America pp. 1-19
- Zoltan Acs, Esteban Lafuente and László Szerb
- Perceived new venture creation speed: The relevance of the university’s context and entrepreneurial experience pp. 20-43
- Paola Lafuente-González and Juan Carlos Leiva
- Transitioning towards sustainability: The ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the integration of sustainable practices into business models pp. 44-86
- Ines Diez-Martinez and Angel Peiro-Signes
- Strategic Futures Studies and Entrepreneurial Resiliency: A Focus on Digital Technology Trends and Emerging Markets pp. 87-100
- Leo Dana, Aidin Salamzadeh, Samira Mortazavi, Morteza Hadizadeh and Mahnaz Zolfaghari
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goals: a bibliometric analysis pp. 101-122
- Elba Patricia Benavides-Sánchez, Ismael Moya-Clemente and Gabriela Ribes-Giner
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