Sociological Methods & Research
1972 - 2025
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Volume 36, issue 4, 2008
- Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Study Causal Order pp. 431-441

- Charles C. Ragin and Sarah Ilene Strand
- Statistical Models of Association for Comparing Cross-Classifications pp. 442-461

- Richard Breen
- An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in RMSEA Test Statistic in Structural Equation Models pp. 462-494

- Feinian Chen, Patrick J. Curran, Kenneth A. Bollen, James Kirby and Pamela Paxton
- The Multi-Item Randomized Response Technique pp. 495-514

- Samuel Himmelfarb
- Insiders, Outsiders, and the Editing of Inconsistent Survey Data pp. 515-541

- Mariano Sana and Alexander A. Weinreb
- Testing the Stability of an Acquiescence Style Factor Behind Two Interrelated Substantive Variables in a Panel Design pp. 542-562

- Jaak B. Billiet and Eldad Davidov
- Book Review: W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, and V. Batagelj Exploratory Social Network Analysis With Pajek. (2004). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 563-564

- Phillip Bonacich
- Book Review: Edited by R. M. Stolzenberg (2005). Sociological Methodology. Vol. 35. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association pp. 564-568

- Kenneth C. Land
Volume 36, issue 3, 2008
- Advances in Age–Period–Cohort Analysis pp. 287-296

- Herbert L. Smith
- Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Repeated Cross-Section Surveys: Fixed or Random Effects? pp. 297-326

- Yang Yang and Kenneth C. Land
- A Smoothing Cohort Model in Age–Period–Cohort Analysis With Applications to Homicide Arrest Rates and Lung Cancer Mortality Rates pp. 327-361

- Wenjiang J. Fu
- A Mechanism-Based Approach to the Identification of Age–Period–Cohort Models pp. 362-401

- Christopher Winship and David J. Harding
- A Mixed Model Estimation of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects pp. 402-428

- Robert M. O'Brien, Kenneth Hudson and Jean Stockard
Volume 36, issue 2, 2007
- Introduction to the Special Section on Replication and Data Access pp. 151-152

- Christopher Winship
- Replication Standards for Quantitative Social Science pp. 153-172

- Jeremy Freese
- An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing pp. 173-199

- Gary King
- Replication Data Sets and Favored-Hypothesis Bias pp. 200-209

- Glenn Firebaugh
- Notes on Replication pp. 210-219

- Andrew Abbott
- Overcoming Objections to Open-Source Social Science pp. 220-226

- Jeremy Freese
- Least Absolute Deviation Estimation in Structural Equation Modeling pp. 227-265

- Enno Siemsen and Kenneth A. Bollen
- Log-Linear Randomized-Response Models Taking Self-Protective Response Behavior Into Account pp. 266-282

- Maarten J. L. F. Cruyff, Ardo van den Hout, Peter G. M. van der Heijden and Ulf Böckenholt
Volume 36, issue 1, 2007
- EI Extended Model and the Fear of Ecological Fallacy pp. 3-25

- Baodong Liu
- Linked Markov Sources pp. 26-47

- Cees H. Elzinga, Adriaan W. Hoogendoorn and Wil Dijkstra
- Latent Variable Models Under Misspecification: Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimators pp. 48-86

- Kenneth A. Bollen, James B. Kirby, Patrick J. Curran, Pamela M. Paxton and Feinian Chen
- Latent Class Analysis With Sampling Weights pp. 87-111

- Jeroen K. Vermunt and Jay Magidson
- Longitudinal Research at the Turn of the Century pp. 112-137

- Vilma Ortiz and Estela Godinez Ballon
- Book Review: David A. Freedman (2005). Statistical Models: Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press pp. 138-140

- George Farkas
- Book Review: Andrew Gelman and Xiao-Li Meng, eds. (2004). Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from Incomplete-Data Perspectives: An Essential Journey with Donald Rubin's Statistical Family, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. New York: John Wiley pp. 140-143

- Herbert L. Smith
- Book Review: Robbins, N. B. 2005. Creating more effective graphs. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience pp. 143-146

- Jane E. Miller
Volume 35, issue 4, 2007
- Constructing Summary Indices of Quality of Life pp. 455-496

- Michael R. Hagerty and Kenneth C. Land
- Graphing Age Trajectories pp. 497-541

- John Mirowsky and Jinyoung Kim
- Advances in Group-Based Trajectory Modeling and an SAS Procedure for Estimating Them pp. 542-571

- Bobby L. Jones and Daniel S. Nagin
- The Usefulness and Uselessness of the Decomposition of Tobit Coefficients pp. 572-582

- Jeong-han Kang
- Testing for IIA in the Multinomial Logit Model pp. 583-600

- Simon Cheng and J. Scott Long
Volume 35, issue 3, 2007
- Addressing Data Sparseness in Contextual Population Research pp. 311-351

- Philippa Clarke and Blair Wheaton
- A Unified Maximum Likelihood Approach for Analyzing Structural Equation Models With Missing Nonstandard Data pp. 352-381

- Sik-Yum Lee and Xin-Yuan Song
- Experimental Plans in Factorial Surveys pp. 382-409

- Hermann Dülmer
- The Joint Effect of Topic Interest and Follow-Up Procedures on the Response in a Mail Questionnaire pp. 410-428

- Henk Roose, John Lievens and Hans Waege
- Statistical Inference for Generalized Yule Coefficients in 2 × 2 Contingency Tables pp. 429-446

- Douglas G. Bonett and Robert M. Price
- Book Review: Constrained Statistical Inference: Inequality, Order, and Shape Restrictions pp. 447-451

- Michael S. Rendall
Volume 35, issue 2, 2006
- Jointness and Duality in Algebraic Approaches to Dichotomous Data pp. 159-192

- John Levi Martin
- Subset Correspondence Analysis pp. 193-218

- Michael Greenacre and Rafael Pardo
- Expectation States Theory and Research pp. 219-249

- Will Kalkhoff and Shane R. Thye
- Finite Sample Effects in Group-Based Trajectory Models pp. 250-278

- Tom Loughran and Daniel S. Nagin
- The Measure of Induced Abortion Levels in Mexico Using Random Response Technique pp. 279-301

- Diana Lara, Sandra G. GarcÃa, Charlotte Ellertson, Carol Camlin and Javier Suárez
- Book Review: Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis pp. 302-304

- John Levi Martin
Volume 35, issue 1, 2006
- Matching Estimators of Causal Effects pp. 3-60

- Stephen L. Morgan and David J. Harding
- Comparing Fixed Effects and Covariance Structure Estimators for Panel Data pp. 61-83

- Mette Ejrnæs and Anders Holm
- Investigating the Variation of Personal Network Size Under Unknown Error Conditions pp. 84-112

- Peter D. Killworth, Christopher McCarty, Eugene C. Johnsen, H. Russell Bernard and Gene A. Shelley
- Modeling Partially Incomplete Marital Satisfaction Data pp. 113-136

- Ivy Jansen, Ann Van den Troost, Geert Molenberghs, Ad A. Vermulst and Jan R. M. Gerris
- A Multilevel Factor Model for Mixed Binary and Ordinal Indicators of Women's Status pp. 137-153

- Fiona Steele and Harvey Goldstein
- Book Review: Cohort analysis pp. 154-156

- Yang Yang
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