Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
2003 - 2024
Current editor(s): Professor Xiaming Liu From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 10, issue 4, 2012
- China's rise as a new paradigm in the world economy: preliminaries pp. 301-312
- Liming Wang and Jianghai Zheng
- China meets the middle-income trap: the large potholes in the road to catching-up pp. 313-336
- Wing Woo
- The ‘Beijing consensus’ and the ‘Singapore model’: unmasking the myth of an alternative authoritarian state-capitalist model pp. 337-359
- Stephan Ortmann
- The People's Bank of China during the global financial crisis: policy responses and beyond pp. 361-390
- Miao Han
- Government intervention and executive compensation contracts of state-owned enterprises: empirical evidence from China pp. 391-411
- Ningyue Liu, Liming Wang, Min Zhang and Wen Zhang
Volume 10, issue 3, 2012
- A new study of the Chinese regions in a neoclassical framework of models of growth pp. 209-228
- Yanqing Jiang
- An evaluation of Chinese macroeconomic forecasts pp. 229-246
- Bruno Deschamps and Paolo Bianchi
- Exchange rate misalignments: a comparison of China today against recent historical experiences of Japan, Germany, Singapore and Taiwan pp. 247-266
- Xinhua He, Duo Qin and Yimeng Liu
- Bank profitability and GDP growth in China: a note pp. 267-273
- Yong Tan and Christos Floros
- Household savings in China pp. 275-299
- Riccardo Cristadoro and Daniela Marconi
Volume 10, issue 2, 2012
- Introduction to the special issue on corporate finance and corporate governance pp. 109-110
- Jian Chen
- Political economy of IPO underpricing: the evidence from China pp. 111-129
- Jian Chen and Roger Strange
- Corporate governance and bank performance in China pp. 131-146
- Chunxia Jiang, Genfu Feng and Jianhua Zhang
- The Anglo-Saxon paradox: corporate governance best-practices and the reform deficit in China's banking sector pp. 147-168
- Damian Tobin
- ARCH effects, trading volume and the information flow interpretation: empirical evidence from the Chinese stock markets pp. 169-191
- Renzeng Wang and Jean J. Chen
- Will China's split share structure reform mitigate agency problems? pp. 193-207
- Tzu-Yun Tseng
Volume 10, issue 1, 2012
- Are there industrial and agricultural convergence clubs in China? pp. 1-13
- Jenni Pääkkönen
- African trade dynamics: is China a different trading partner? pp. 15-45
- Paul De Grauwe, Romain Houssa and Giulia Piccillo
- Chinese ODI in Italy: an empirical investigation at the firm-level pp. 47-66
- Valeria Gattai
- Consumers’ trust in government and their attitudes towards genetically modified food: empirical evidence from China pp. 67-87
- Huanguang Qiu, Jikun Huang, Carl Pray and Scott Rozelle
- The state of the market and the contrarian strategy: evidence from China's stock market pp. 89-108
- Qiwei Chen, Ying Jiang and Yuan Li
Volume 9, issue 4, 2011
- Framework for building national innovation capacity in China pp. 317-327
- Rongping Mu and Yonggang Fan
- Technology transfer, indigenous innovation and leapfrogging in green technology: the solar-PV industry in China and India pp. 329-347
- Xiaolan Fu and Jing Zhang
- Basic research and catch-up in China's high-speed rail industry pp. 349-367
- Xielin Liu, Peng Cheng and Ao Chen
- Technology spillover effects in the context of the evolution of inter-regional industrial structure in China pp. 369-381
- Enjun Xia and Xiaohui Liu
- Internal and external sources of tacit knowledge: evidence from the Chinese optical fibre and cable industry pp. 383-399
- Xiaolan Fu, Jizhen Li and Martin Johnson
Volume 9, issue 3, 2011
- What caused the 'marginal-products-of-labour wage gap' in state-owned enterprises in China during the early-reform era? A reconsideration based on a case study in Henan pp. 217-238
- Go Yano, Maho Shiraishi and Xohrat Mahmut
- The impact of microcredit on women's empowerment: evidence from China pp. 239-261
- Xia Li, Christopher Gan and Baiding Hu
- Wage disparities in China: an analysis by firm types pp. 263-282
- Florence Bouvet and Alyson Ma
- The settlement of rural migrants in urban China - some of China's migrants are not 'floating' anymore pp. 283-300
- Rachel Connelly, Kenneth Roberts and Zhenzhen Zheng
- Predicting the bankruptcy risk of Taiwanese OTC corporations pp. 301-316
- Chia-Liang Lin and Kuan Min Wang
Volume 9, issue 2, 2011
- Measuring and explaining productivity growth in China pp. 97-109
- Jinghai Zheng
- Total factor productivity growth in China: a review pp. 111-126
- Yanrui Wu
- An international comparison of the TFP levels and the productivity convergence of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese listed firms pp. 127-150
- Kyoji Fukao, Tomohiko Inui, Keiko Ito, YoungGak Kim and Tangjun Yuan
- Economic environment, technology diffusion, and growth of regional total factor productivity in China pp. 151-161
- Yanqing Jiang
- Productivity performance in Chinese business groups: the positive and negative impacts of business group affiliation pp. 163-180
- Dylan Sutherland, Lutao Ning and Sam Beatson
- The sources of total factor productivity growth in Chinese agriculture: technological progress or efficiency gain? pp. 181-203
- Gucheng Li, Liangzhi You and Zhongchao Feng
- A short-run production function for electricity generation in China pp. 205-216
- Finn Førsund, Lennart Hjalmarsson and Jinghai Zheng
Volume 9, issue 1, 2011
- FDI and spillovers in China: non-linearity and absorptive capacity pp. 1-22
- Taotao Chen, Ari Kokko and Patrik Tingvall
- Regional determinants of FDI in China: a factor-based approach pp. 23-42
- Martijn Boermans, Hein Roelfsema and Yi Zhang
- Exploring 'onward-journey' ODI strategies in China's private sector businesses pp. 43-65
- Dylan Sutherland and Lutao Ning
- The cultural transformation of large Chinese enterprises into internationally competitive corporations: case studies of Haier and Huawei pp. 67-83
- Colin Hawes and Eng Chew
- The value impact of name changes evidence from Chinese firms during the technology boom pp. 85-96
- Henk Berkman, Nick Nguyen and Liping Zou
Volume 8, issue 4, 2010
- An empirical study of structural factors and regional growth in China pp. 335-352
- Yanqing Jiang
- Is China different? A meta-analysis of the effects of foreign direct investment on domestic firms pp. 353-371
- Christer Ljungwall and Patrik Tingvall
- The evolution of value added in assembly operations: the case of China and Mexico pp. 373-397
- Mehdi Shafaeddin and Juan Pizarro
- Poverty and vulnerability in rural China: effects of taxation pp. 399-425
- Katsushi Imai, Xiaobing Wang and Woojin Kang
- The impact of casinos on employment across sectors in Macau pp. 427-444
- Hsiao-Chuan Chang
Volume 8, issue 3, 2010
- China and the changing landscape of the world economy pp. 203-214
- Liming Wang and Jinghai Zheng
- China's economic recovery and the China model pp. 215-226
- Baocheng Ji
- Globalisation and the provinces of China: the role of domestic versus international trade integration pp. 227-252
- Arne Melchior
- Market structure, FDI, imitation and innovation: a model of North-South intellectual property rights conflict pp. 253-267
- Ziyin Zhuang and Wei Zou
- Monetary policy and trade imbalance adjustment pp. 269-292
- Zhigang Huang
- China's financial market integration with the world pp. 293-314
- Anders Johansson
- An empirical analysis of the volatility spillover effect between primary stock markets abroad and China pp. 315-333
- Jian Ke, Liming Wang and Louis Murray
Volume 8, issue 2, 2010
- Thirty years of legal and economic reform in China: growth, institutions, and laws pp. 117-132
- Linda Yueh
- Impacts of privatization on employment: evidence from China pp. 133-156
- Lingwen Huang and Yang Yao
- Migrant happiness in China pp. 157-166
- Karsten von Kleist
- Toward an institutional ecology of establishment of foreign firms in the Chinese construction industry pp. 167-184
- Chaohong Zhou
- A study of the capital structure of Taiwanese firms investing in China pp. 185-201
- Yi-Chein Chiang and Jing-Syue Lin
Volume 8, issue 1, 2010
- Trade, capital flows and external balance: is China unique in two hundred years of globalisation? pp. 1-22
- Yiping Zhu
- The flower that didn't bloom: why did the industrial revolution happen in Europe and not in China? pp. 23-44
- Jens Kaalhauge Nielsen
- Efficiency measurement and decomposition for the Chinese state-owned commercial banks at the provincial level pp. 45-65
- Ya Ping Yin, Jianlu Shang and Mick Broadbent
- Capital flows and domestic market integration in China pp. 67-94
- Li Qi
- Causality between housing returns, inflation and economic growth with endogenous breaks pp. 95-115
- T. Thanh-Binh Nguyen and Kuan Min Wang
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