The Journal of Business
1928 - 2006
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2006, volume 79, articles 6
- Endogeneity and Simultaneity in Competitive Pricing and Advertising: A Logit Demand Analysis pp. 2761-2788

- Pradeep Chintagunta, Vrinda Kadiyali and Naufel J. Vilcassim
- Variable Pricing in Oligopoly Markets pp. 2789-2810

- Frank Bass
- Who Is Afraid of Reg FD? The Behavior and Performance of Sell-Side Analysts Following the SEC's Fair Disclosure Rules pp. 2811-2834

- Anup Agrawal, Sahiba Chadha and Mark A. Chen
- Asset Prices and Consumption in a Model of Perpetual Youth pp. 2835-2868

- Stefano G. Athanasoulis
- Changes in Institutional Ownership and Stock Returns: Assessment and Methodology pp. 2869-2910

- Richard W. Sias and Laura T. Starks
- Prevention Is Better than Cure: The Role of IPO Syndicates in Precluding Information Acquisition pp. 2911-2924

- Yoram Barzel
- Are Firms Successful at Selective Hedging? pp. 2925-2950

- Gregory W. Brown, Peter R. Crabb and David Haushalter
- Multifactor Efficiency and Bayesian Inference pp. 2951-2998

- K. J. Martijn Cremers
- Corporate Governance and Conditional Skewness in the World's Stock Markets pp. 2999-3028

- Kee-Hong Bae
- Stock Return Cross-Autocorrelations and Market Conditions in Japan pp. 3029-3056

- Allaudeen Hameed and Yuanto Kusnadi
- Monitoring the Monitors: The Corporate Governance in Japanese Banks and Their Real Estate Lending in the 1980s pp. 3057-3082

- I. Serdar Dinç
- Interest Rate Term Structure Modeling Using Free-Knot Splines pp. 3083-3100

- Fernando Fernández-Rodríguez
- The Impact of Capital Structure on Advertising Competition: An Empirical Study pp. 3101-3124

- Gustavo Grullon and George Kanatas
- Idiosyncratic Volatility and Product Market Competition pp. 3125-3152

- José-Miguel Gaspar
- Asymmetric Stationarity in National Stock Market Indices: An MTAR Analysis pp. 3153-3174

- James Self
- Corporate Leverage and Product Differentiation Strategy pp. 3175-3208

- Stefan Arping and Gyöngyi Lóránth
- Fifteen Minutes of Fame? The Market Impact of Internet Stock Picks pp. 3209-3251

- Peter Antunovich and Asani Sarkar
2006, volume 79, articles 5
- Do New Major League Ballparks Pay for Themselves? pp. 2275-2300

- Marc Poitras
- Information Flow and Liquidity around Anticipated and Unanticipated Dividend Announcements pp. 2301-2336

- John R. Graham, Jennifer Koski and Uri Loewenstein
- The Market Price of Risk in Interest Rate Swaps: The Roles of Default and Liquidity Risks pp. 2337-2360

- Jun Liu, Francis Longstaff and Ravit E. Mandell
- Price versus Quantity Monitoring pp. 2361-2380

- Ramarao Desiraju
- Capital Structure and Interaction among Firms in Output Markets: Theory and Evidence pp. 2381-2422

- Evgeny Lyandres
- Does Stock Return Predictability Imply Improved Asset Allocation and Performance? Evidence from the U.S. Stock Market (1954–2002) pp. 2423-2468

- Puneet Handa
- Capital Structure, Debt Maturity, and Stochastic Interest Rates pp. 2469-2502

- Nengjiu Ju and Hui Ou-Yang
- Post-takeover Restructuring and the Sources of Gains in Foreign Takeovers: Evidence from U.S. Targets pp. 2503-2538

- Jun-Koo Kang, Jin-Mo Kim and Wei-Lin Liu
- Do Investors Integrate Losses and Segregate Gains? Mental Accounting and Investor Trading Decisions pp. 2539-2574

- Sonya Lim
- Bundling, Entry Deterrence, and Specialist Innovators pp. 2575-2594

- Jay Choi and Christodoulos Stefanadis
- The Relationship between the Value Effect and Industry Affiliation pp. 2595-2616

- John C. Banko and C. Mitchell Conover
- Anomalies in Stock Market Pricing: Problems in Return Measurements pp. 2617-2632

- Wentworth Boynton and Henry R. Oppenheimer
- The Macroeconomic News Cycle and Uncertainty Resolution pp. 2633-2658

- Arjun Chatrath, Rohan Christie-David and William T. Moore
- Exotics and Electrons: Electric Power Crises and Financial Risk Management pp. 2659-2696

- Suman Banerjee
- Daily Return Volatility, Bid-Ask Spreads, and Information Flow: Analyzing the Information Content of Volume pp. 2697-2740

- Jinliang Li and Chunchi Wu
- The "Ostrich Effect" and the Relationship between the Liquidity and the Yields of Financial Assets pp. 2741-2759

- Dan Galai
2006, volume 79, articles 4
- Hot Markets, Investor Sentiment, and IPO Pricing pp. 1667-1702

- Alexander Ljungqvist, Vikram Nanda and Rajdeep Singh
- Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 pp. 1703-1726

- Allen M. Poteshman
- Further Evidence on Closed-End Country Fund Prices and International Capital Flows pp. 1727-1754

- George Nishiotis
- Gains from Trade under Uncertainty: The Case of Electric Power Markets pp. 1755-1782

- Hendrik Bessembinder and Michael L. Lemmon
- On the Use of Poison Pills and Defensive Payouts by Takeover Targets pp. 1783-1808

- Randall A. Heron and Erik Lie
- Asymmetry, Loss Aversion, and Forecasting pp. 1809-1830

- Shaun A. Bond
- An Experimental Exploration of Self-Fulfilling Banking Panics: Their Occurrence, Persistence, and Prevention pp. 1831-1866

- Philippe Madiès
- So What Orders Do Informed Traders Use? pp. 1867-1914

- Ron Kaniel and Hong Liu
- Stock Market Manipulations pp. 1915-1954

- Rajesh Aggarwal and Guojun Wu
- Investigating the Role of Systematic and Firm-Specific Factors in Default Risk: Lessons from Empirically Evaluating Credit Risk Models pp. 1955-1988

- Gurdip Bakshi, Dilip Madan and Frank Xiaoling Zhang
- Governance Structure Changes and Product Market Competition: Evidence from U.S. Electric Utility Deregulation pp. 1989-2018

- Craig G. Rennie
- Pricing and Packaging: The Case of Marijuana pp. 2019-2044

- Kenneth Clements
- The Share Price Puzzle pp. 2045-2066

- Edward A. Dyl
- The Nontradability Premium of Derivatives Contracts pp. 2067-2098

- Rafi Eldor, Shmuel Hauser, Michael Kahn and Avraham Kamara
- The Impact of ATM Surcharges on Large versus Small Banks: Is There a Switching Effect? pp. 2099-2126

- Nadia Massoud, Anthony Saunders and Barry Scholnick
- On the Information Uncertainty Risk and the January Effect pp. 2127-2162

- Dongcheol Kim
- Optimal Bank Capital with Costly Recapitalization pp. 2163-2202

- Samu Peura and Jussi Keppo
- How Important Is Intertemporal Risk for Asset Allocation? pp. 2203-2242

- Bruno Gerard and Guojun Wu
- Stock Market Quality in the Presence of a Traded Option pp. 2243-2274

- Cyriel de Jong, Kees G. Koedijk and Charles R. Schnitzlein
2006, volume 79, articles 3
- Team Composition pp. 1019-1040

- Antonio S. Mello
- Earnings Quality and Stock Returns pp. 1041-1082

- Konan Chan, Louis K. C. Chan, Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Josef Lakonishok
- The Determinants of Venture Capital Portfolio Size: Empirical Evidence pp. 1083-1126

- Douglas Cumming
- Agency and Corporate Investment: The Role of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance pp. 1127-1148

- Sok-Hyon Kang, Praveen Kumar and Hyunkoo Lee
- God Save the Queen and Her Dividends: Corporate Payouts in the United Kingdom pp. 1149-1174

- Stephen P. Ferris, Nilanjan Sen and Ho Pei Yui
- Price Dispersion in the Grocery Market pp. 1175-1192

- Ying Zhao
- The Role of Asymmetries and Regime Shifts in the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 1193-1224

- Richard Clarida, Lucio Sarno, Mark Taylor and Giorgio Valente
- Understanding the Fine Structure of Electricity Prices pp. 1225-1262

- Hélyette Geman and Andrea Roncoroni
- Is Time-Series-Based Predictability Evident in Real Time? pp. 1263-1292

- Michael Cooper and Huseyin Gulen
- Improving the Design of Treasury Bond Futures Contracts pp. 1293-1316

- Rodolfo Oviedo
- Capital Asset Prices with Heterogeneous Beliefs pp. 1317-1354

- Haim Levy
- Should Banks Be Diversified? Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Portfolios pp. 1355-1412

- Viral Acharya, Iftekhar Hasan and Anthony Saunders
- Expropriation vs. Proportional Sharing in Corporate Acquisitions pp. 1413-1444

- Mara Faccio and David Stolin
- Dampened Power Law: Reconciling the Tail Behavior of Financial Security Returns pp. 1445-1474

- Liuren Wu
- Selective Hedging, Information Asymmetry, and Futures Prices pp. 1475-1502

- April Knill, Kristina Minnick and Ali Nejadmalayeri
- Do Artists Benefit from Online Music Sharing? pp. 1503-1534

- Ram D. Gopal and G. Lawrence Sanders
- Sources of Time Variation in the Covariance Matrix of Interest Rates pp. 1535-1550

- Christophe Perignon and Christophe Villa
- Stochastic Volatility, Trading Volume, and the Daily Flow of Information pp. 1551-1590

- Jeff Fleming, Chris Kirby and Barbara Ostdiek
- Predictable Dynamics in the S&P 500 Index Options Implied Volatility Surface pp. 1591-1636

- Silvia Goncalves and Massimo Guidolin
- Sector Investment Growth Rates and the Cross Section of Equity Returns pp. 1637-1665

- Qing Li, Maria Vassalou and Yuhang Xing
2006, volume 79, articles 2
- The Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Incentive Stock Options pp. 453-488

- Jonathan E. Ingersoll, Jr.
- On the Profitability of Media Mergers pp. 489-526

- Esther Gal-Or and Anthony Dukes
- Predictability in Emerging Sovereign Debt Markets pp. 527-566

- Gergana Jostova
- Nationwide Branching and Its Impact on Market Structure, Quality, and Bank Performance pp. 567-592

- Astrid A. Dick
- The Costs and Benefits of Moral Suasion: Evidence from the Rescue of Long-Term Capital Management pp. 593-622

- Craig Furfine
- Irreversible Investment under Interest Rate Variability: Some Generalizations pp. 623-644

- Luis Alvarez and Erkki Koskela
- On the Out-of-Sample Predictability of Stock Market Returns pp. 645-670

- Hui Guo
- The Impact of Short Selling on the Price-Volume Relationship: Evidence from Hong Kong pp. 671-692

- Ólan Henry and Michael McKenzie
- Reputation, Certification, Warranties, and Information as Remedies for Seller-Buyer Information Asymmetries: Lessons from the Online Comic Book Market pp. 693-730

- Michaël Dewally and Louis Ederington
- Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and Corporate Debt Yields: An Empirical Investigation pp. 731-770

- Alexander S. Reisz and Claudia Perlich
- Hybrid Mutual Funds and Market Timing Performance pp. 771-798

- George Comer
- The Hedge Ratio and the Empirical Relationship between the Stock and Futures Markets: A New Approach Using Wavelet Analysis pp. 799-820

- Francis In and Sangbae Kim
- Promotions in the Internal and External Labor Market: Evidence from Professional Football Coaching Careers pp. 821-850

- C. Edward Fee
- Size, Leverage, Concentration, and R&D Investment in Generating Growth Opportunities pp. 851-876

- Yew Kee Ho, Mira Tjahjapranata and Chee Meng Yap
- On the Patterns and Wealth Effects of Vertical Mergers pp. 877-902

- Joseph P. H. Fan and Vidhan Goyal
- Relative Portfolio Performance Evaluation and Incentive Structure pp. 903-922

- Yoon K. Choi
- Asset Pricing When Returns Are Nonnormal: Fama-French Factors versus Higher-Order Systematic Comoments pp. 923-940

- Y. Peter Chung and Michael J. Schill
- A New Variance Bound on the Stochastic Discount Factor pp. 941-962

- Raymond Kan and Guofu Zhou
- Anatomy of a Government Intervention in Index Stocks: Price Pressure or Information Effects? pp. 963-986

- Karan Bhanot
- Merger Momentum and Investor Sentiment: The Stock Market Reaction to Merger Announcements pp. 987-1017

- Richard Rosen
2006, volume 79, articles 1
- Risk and Valuation under an Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model pp. 1-36

- Michael J. Brennan and Yihong Xia
- On the Debt Capacity of Growth Options pp. 37-60

- Michael J. Barclay and Erwan Morellec
- A No-Arbitrage Approach to Range-Based Estimation of Return Covariances and Correlations pp. 61-74

- Michael W. Brandt and Francis Diebold
- Unifying Underreaction Anomalies pp. 75-114

- Andrew Jackson
- The Market Pricing of Implicit Options in Merger Collars pp. 115-136

- Micah S. Officer
- Planned Obsolescence and Social Welfare pp. 137-148

- Atsuo Utaka
- Sharpe and Treynor Ratios on Treasury Bonds pp. 149-180

- Eugene A. Pilotte and Frederic P. Sterbenz
- Connected Lending: Thailand before the Financial Crisis pp. 181-218

- Chutatong Charumilind, Raja Kali and Yupana Wiwattanakantang
- Dynamic Relations between International Equity and Currency Markets: The Role of Currency Order Flow pp. 219-258

- Bill B. Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Delroy M. Hunter
- Why Did Individual Stocks Become More Volatile? pp. 259-292

- Steven X. Wei and Chu Zhang
- An Exact Bayes Test of Asset Pricing Models with Application to International Markets pp. 293-324

- Doron Avramov and John Chao
- Inventory Information pp. 325-364

- Huining Cao, Martin Evans and Richard Lyons
- EMU and European Stock Market Integration pp. 365-392

- Gikas Hardouvelis, Dimitrios Malliaropulos and Richard Priestley
- An Empirical Evaluation of Behavioral Models Based on Decompositions of Stock Prices pp. 393-428

- Bong-Soo Lee
- Macromomentum: Returns Predictability in International Equity Indices pp. 429-451

- Sanjeev Bhojraj
On this page- 2006, volume 79
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2005, volume 78
2004, volume 77
2003, volume 76
2002, volume 75
2001, volume 74
2000, volume 73
1999, volume 72
1998, volume 71
1997, volume 70
1996, volume 69
1995, volume 68
1994, volume 67
1993, volume 66
1992, volume 65
1991, volume 64
1990, volume 63
1989, volume 62
1988, volume 61
1987, volume 60
1986, volume 59
1985, volume 58
1984, volume 57
1983, volume 56
1982, volume 55
1981, volume 54
1980, volume 53
1979, volume 52
1978, volume 51
1977, volume 50
1976, volume 49
1975, volume 48
1974, volume 47
1973, volume 46
1972, volume 45
1971, volume 44
1970, volume 43
1969, volume 42
1968, volume 41
1967, volume 40
1966, volume 39
1965, volume 39
1965, volume 38
1964, volume 38
1964, volume 37
1963, volume 37
1963, volume 36
1962, volume 36
1962, volume 35
1961, volume 35
1961, volume 34
1960, volume 34
1960, volume 33
1959, volume 33
1959, volume 32
1958, volume 31
1957, volume 30
1956, volume 29
1955, volume 29
1955, volume 28
1954, volume 27
1953, volume 26
1952, volume 25
1951, volume 24
1950, volume 23
1949, volume 22
1948, volume 21
1946, volume 20
1946, volume 19
1945, volume 18
1944, volume 18
1944, volume 17
1943, volume 16
1942, volume 15
1941, volume 14
1940, volume 13
1939, volume 12
1937, volume 11
1937, volume 10
1936, volume 9
1935, volume 8
1934, volume 7
1933, volume 6
1932, volume 5
1931, volume 4
1930, volume 3
1929, volume 2
1928, volume 1
On this page- 2006, volume 79
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2005, volume 78
2004, volume 77
2003, volume 76
2002, volume 75
2001, volume 74
2000, volume 73
1999, volume 72
1998, volume 71
1997, volume 70
1996, volume 69
1995, volume 68
1994, volume 67
1993, volume 66
1992, volume 65
1991, volume 64
1990, volume 63
1989, volume 62
1988, volume 61
1987, volume 60
1986, volume 59
1985, volume 58
1984, volume 57
1983, volume 56
1982, volume 55
1981, volume 54
1980, volume 53
1979, volume 52
1978, volume 51
1977, volume 50
1976, volume 49
1975, volume 48
1974, volume 47
1973, volume 46
1972, volume 45
1971, volume 44
1970, volume 43
1969, volume 42
1968, volume 41
1967, volume 40
1966, volume 39
1965, volume 39
1965, volume 38
1964, volume 38
1964, volume 37
1963, volume 37
1963, volume 36
1962, volume 36
1962, volume 35
1961, volume 35
1961, volume 34
1960, volume 34
1960, volume 33
1959, volume 33
1959, volume 32
1958, volume 31
1957, volume 30
1956, volume 29
1955, volume 29
1955, volume 28
1954, volume 27
1953, volume 26
1952, volume 25
1951, volume 24
1950, volume 23
1949, volume 22
1948, volume 21
1946, volume 20
1946, volume 19
1945, volume 18
1944, volume 18
1944, volume 17
1943, volume 16
1942, volume 15
1941, volume 14
1940, volume 13
1939, volume 12
1937, volume 11
1937, volume 10
1936, volume 9
1935, volume 8
1934, volume 7
1933, volume 6
1932, volume 5
1931, volume 4
1930, volume 3
1929, volume 2
1928, volume 1