Economics and Business
2015 - 2023
Current editor(s): Remigijs Počs
From Sciendo
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Volume 29, issue 1, 2016
- Research and Development Expenditures and Economic Growth in the EU: A Panel Data Analysis pp. 5-11
- Freimane Rita and Bāliņa Signe
- Modelling Electricity Price Expectations in a Day-Ahead Market: A Case of Latvia pp. 12-26
- Bobinaite Viktorija and Zuters Jānis
- Idea Management and Web-Based Idea Management Systems Situation and Potential in Latvia pp. 27-36
- Miķelsone Elīna and Lielā Elita
- Aspects of Statistics on Innovation in Latvia and Some Guidelines for Its Effective Use pp. 37-42
- Jesiļevska Svetlana
- Project Risk Register Analysis Based on the Theoretical Analysis of Project Management Notion of Risk pp. 43-48
- Uzulāns Juris
- Financial Management as a Tool for Achieving Stable Firm Growth pp. 49-55
- Saksonova Svetlana and Savina Svetlana
- Expecting Refugees in Latvia: Negative Stereotyping pp. 56-64
- Murašovs Vadims, Ruža Aleksejs, Raščevskis Vitālijs and Dombrovskis Valērijs
- Development of State-Owned Enterprises of Transport Industry in Latvia pp. 65-75
- Plūmiņš Māris and Ščeulovs Deniss
- Tax Impact on Household Income pp. 76-81
- Pavlova Mariyana
- Role of Social Partners for Work-Based Learning: Results of Surveys pp. 82-89
- Buligina Ilze, Sloka Biruta, Kantāne Ināra and Līce Anita
- Financial Security in the Baltic States: Comparison with Selected EU Countries pp. 90-95
- Semjonova Nadežda
- Measurement of Social Innovation at Organisation’s Level: Theoretical Issues pp. 96-103
- Dainienė Rasa and Dagilienė Lina
- Using Key “Blue Ocean” Tools for Strategy Rethinking of a SME: A Case from the Bulgarian Knitwear Industry pp. 104-110
- Papazov Emil and Mihaylova Lyudmila
Volume 28, issue 1, 2016
- Development of a System Dynamics Model for Evaluation of the Impact of Integration of Renewable Energy Sources on the Operational Efficiency of Energy Supply Facilities: Theoretical Background pp. 4-12
- Balodis Māris, Skribans Valērijs and Ivanova Poļina
- Theoretical Old-Age Pension Benefits and Replacement Rates in the Baltic States: A Retrospective Simulation pp. 13-19
- Rajevska Olga
- Opportunities for the Use of Business Data Analysis Technologies pp. 20-25
- Bāliņa Signe, Žuka Rita and Krasts Juris
- Organisational Innovations in Crisis Management of Project-Based Enterprises pp. 26-32
- Głodziński Eryk and Marciniak Stanisław
- A Concept of Accounting Quality from Accounting Harmonisation Perspective pp. 33-37
- Legenzova Renata
- Investigation of Stock Market Integration in the Baltic Countries pp. 38-44
- Deltuvaitė Vilma
- AirBaltic Case Based Analysis of Potential for Improving Employee Engagement Levels in Latvia through Gamification pp. 45-51
- Ērgle Daiga
- RFID within High-Tech Clusters – Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy pp. 52-60
- Bembenek Boguslaw
- Foreign Direct Investment Impact on Economic Indicators of the Baltic Countries pp. 61-67
- Barkauskaite Aida and Naraskeviciute Violeta
- Latvian Potential in the Trade with the EU Countries pp. 68-75
- Pančenko Ērika and Ivanova Tatjana
- Model of the Factors Influencing Competitiveness of the Latvian Fisheries Sector Cluster pp. 76-82
- Biukšāne Inese
- The Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems in New Member States of the European Union: A Nonparametric DEA Approach pp. 83-89
- Dzemydaitė Giedrė, Dzemyda Ignas and Galinienė Birutė
- Management Modelling for Forest Landscapes pp. 90-97
- Dragozova-Ivanova Elena, Paligorov Ivan, Ivanov Ivaylo and Kovacheva Stanislava
- Expert In-depth Interview on Development and Efficiency of “RIGA International Airport” Reflecting Factors pp. 98-105
- Paramonovs Sergejs and Ijevleva Ksenija
- Human Resource Selection Approaches and Socially Responsible Strategy pp. 106-114
- Stariņeca Olga
Volume 27, issue 1, 2015
- Evaluation of Self-Employment Development Factors: Latvian Case pp. 5-11
- Remeikiene Rita
- The Analysis of Investment Environment and Foreign Direct Investment Prognostication: Lithuanian Case pp. 12-17
- Gaspareniene Ligita
- International Comparison of High-Technology Manufacturing and Knowledge-Intensive Services in the EU pp. 18-22
- Auziņa-Emsiņa Astra
- Development of Customs Fiscal Function in Latvia pp. 23-28
- Rudzītis Normunds and Čevers Aldis
- Financial Leverage and its Determinants in Companies Producing Electricity from Wind Resources in Latvia pp. 29-39
- Bobinaite Viktorija
- The Role of Marketing Tools in the Improvement of Consumers Financial Literacy pp. 40-45
- Paramonovs Sergejs and Ijevleva Ksenija
- Factor Analysis of Passengers’ Satisfaction at “RIGA International Airport” pp. 46-52
- Paramonovs Sergejs and Ijevleva Ksenija
- Investment Planning in the Context of Business Cycle Volatility pp. 53-57
- Nazarova Jekaterina
- Employer Brand Role in HR Recruitment and Selection pp. 58-63
- Stariņeca Olga
- Integration of Young People into the Latvian Labour Market pp. 64-68
- Grinevica Liva and Kovalevs Raimonds
- Employers’ Needs and Expectations for Qualified Employees (Case Study on the Opinions in One of the Regions in Latvia) pp. 69-75
- Sloka Biruta, Kantāne Ināra, Buligina Ilze, Tora Ginta, Dzelme Juris, Buševica Regīna, Buligina Alise and Tora Pēteris
- Factors Influencing the Choice of Higher Education Establishment for Marketing Strategies of Higher Education pp. 76-80
- Sarkane Glorija and Sloka Biruta
- Compulsive Buying Behaviour in Estonian Market pp. 81-85
- Raudsepp Marju and Parts Oliver