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Operations Research and Decisions

2003 - 2024

From Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management
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Volume 25, issue 4, 2015

A new and fast approximation algorithm for vertex cover using a maximum independent set (VCUMI) pp. 5-18 Downloads
Imran Khan and Naveed Riaz
Data Envelopment Analysis as an instrument for measuring the efficiency of courts pp. 19-34 Downloads
Wojciech Major
A simulator supporting the distribution of the primary subsidy in a faculty at Wroclaw University of Technology pp. 35-49 Downloads
Witold Rekuć and Leopold Szczurowski
The impact of weights on the quality of agricultural producers' multicriteria decision models pp. 51-69 Downloads
Agata Sielska
Reducing the number of paths in a minimized project-network with given bounds on the durations of activities pp. 71-87 Downloads
Dmitri Viattchenin

Volume 25, issue 3, 2015

On the state of budgetary balance over time via the one-way classification model pp. 5-16 Downloads
Virtue Ekhosuehi and Francis Oyegue
Ruin probability of a discrete-time risk process with proportional reinsurance and investment for exponential and Pareto distributions pp. 17-38 Downloads
Helena Jasiulewicz and Wojciech Kordecki
Modelling the steady state of sewage networks as a support tool for their planning and analysis pp. 39-57 Downloads
Grażyna Petriczek, Jan Studziński and Lucyna Bogdan
Decisions involving databases, fuzzy databases and codatabases pp. 59-72 Downloads
Andrew Schumann and Jan Woleński
Real options in a systemic approach to the timing problem in development projects pp. 73-85 Downloads
Krzysztof Targiel

Volume 25, issue 2, 2015

An integrated dynamic weighing system based on SCADA pp. 5-18 Downloads
Piotr Bazydło, Roman Szewczyk and Michał Urbański
A theoretical framework for determining the appropriate level of subsidy in an economy pp. 19-34 Downloads
Augustine A. Osagiede and Virtue U. Ekhosuehi
Localizing of the atmospheric contamination source based on the Kori field tracer experiment data pp. 35-50 Downloads
Piotr Kopka, Anna Wawrzynczak and Mieczysław Borysiewicz
A game theoretical study of generalised trust and reciprocation in Poland: II. A description of the study group pp. 51-73 Downloads
Urszula Markowska-Przybyła and David Ramsey
Equilibrium strategies in a fiscal-monetary game. A simulation analysis pp. 75-100 Downloads
Irena Woroniecka-Leciejewicz

Volume 25, issue 1, 2015

The number of stable matchings in models of the Gale-Shapley type with preferences given by partial orders pp. 5-15 Downloads
Ewa Drgas-Burchardt
On the core of a cost allocation problem under asymmetric information pp. 17-32 Downloads
Yusuke Kamishiro
Elimination of dominated strategies and inessential players pp. 33-54 Downloads
Mamoru Kaneko and Shuige Liu
Two procedures for robust monitoring of probability distributions of economic data stream induced by depth functions pp. 55-79 Downloads
Daniel Kosiorowski
Hybrid correlated data in risk assessment pp. 81-101 Downloads
Bogdan Rębiasz

Volume 24, issue 4, 2014

Editorial pp. 5-6 Downloads
Izabella Stach and Vito Fragnelli
Ten years of SING meetings pp. 7-28 Downloads
Cesarino Bertini, Jerzy Duda, Bartłomiej Gaweł, Andrzej Paliński, Iwona Skalna and Izabella Stach
A multifaceted analysis of the electoral system of the Republic of Suriname pp. 29-49 Downloads
Imma Curiel
Further open problems in cooperative games pp. 51-62 Downloads
Vito Fragnelli and Gianfranco Gambarelli
Are we done with preference rankings? If we are, then what? pp. 63-74 Downloads
Hannu Nurmi
Banzhaf value for games analyzing voting with rotation pp. 75-88 Downloads
Honorata Sosnowska

Volume 24, issue 3, 2014

Theoretical and methodological bases of threats. The method of security management support pp. 5-21 Downloads
Tadeusz Galanc, Wiktor Kołwzan and Jerzy Pieronek
Choosing what to protect when attacker resources and asset valuations are uncertain pp. 23-44 Downloads
Kjell Hausken
Optimization of an M/M/1/N feedback queue with retention of reneged customers pp. 45-58 Downloads
Rakesh Kumar, Narendra Kumar Jain and Bhupernder Kumar Som
A game theoretical study of generalized trust and reciprocation in Poland. I. Theory and experimental design pp. 59-76 Downloads
Urszula Markowska-Przybyła and David Ramsey
A collaborative strategy for a three echelon supply chain with ramp type demand, deterioration and inflation pp. 77-100 Downloads
Narayan Singh, Bindu Vaish and Shiv Ray Singh

Volume 24, issue 2, 2014

The coexistence of controlling and other management methods pp. 5-33 Downloads
Agnieszka Bieńkowska and Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak
The role of normal logical form in decision-making and knowledge management pp. 35-58 Downloads
Tadeusz Galanc, Wiktor Kołwzan and Jerzy Pieronek
The optimal portfolio under VaR and ES pp. 59-79 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Artur Machno
Solving IRP using location based heuristics pp. 81-96 Downloads
Paweł Hanczar
An application of the representations of symmetric groups to characterizing solutions of games in partition function form pp. 97-122 Downloads
Joss Sánchez-Pérez

Volume 24, issue 1, 2014

Solving linear fractional multi-level programs pp. 5-21 Downloads
Shifali Bhargava
Determination of the optimal exchange rate via control of the domestic interest rate in Nigeria pp. 23-36 Downloads
Virtue Ekhosuehi and Sunday Ogbonmwan
Perturbation algorithm for a minimax regret minimum spanning tree problem pp. 37-49 Downloads
Mariusz Makuchowski
Implications of market frictions: serial correlations in indexes on the emerging stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 51-70 Downloads
Joanna Olbrys and Elżbieta Majewska
Probabilities on streams and reflexive games pp. 71-96 Downloads
Andrew Schumann

Volume 23, issue 4, 2013

Editorial pp. 5-7 Downloads
Tadeusz Trzaskalik
Stochastic Generalized Transportation Problem with discrete distribution of demand pp. 9-19 Downloads
Marcin Anholcer
Multi-period portfolio optimization of power generation assets pp. 20-38 Downloads
Barbara Glensk and Reinhard Madlener
A model for optimizing enterprise’s inventory costs. A fuzzy approach pp. 39-54 Downloads
Witold Kosiński, Rafał Muniak and Witold Konrad Kosiński
Three step procedure for a multiple criteria problem of project portfolio scheduling pp. 55-74 Downloads
Bogumiła Krzeszowska
Risks characteristic to Agile project management methodologies and responses to them pp. 75-95 Downloads
Wojciech Walczak and Dorota Kuchta

Volume 23, issue 3, 2013

On some properties of composite distributed lag models pp. 5-22 Downloads
Jan Gadomski
Analysis of incentive compatible decisions in a multicriteria auction pp. 23-33 Downloads
Lech Kruś, Jan Skorupiński and Eugeniusz Toczyłowski
Conflicts in public procurement pp. 35-42 Downloads
Helena Lindskog, Staffan Brege Jain and Per-Olof Brehmer
Deterministic properties of serially connected distributed lag models pp. 43-55 Downloads
Piotr Nowak and Jan Gadomski
Measuring human capital in education pp. 57-69 Downloads
Stanisław Walukiewicz and Aneta Anna Wiktorzak
Price patterns in an oligopoly with switching cost and uncertain demand pp. 71-89 Downloads
Mateusz Zawisza and Bogumił Kamiński

Volume 23, issue 2, 2013

Editorial - Systems and operational research for modelling and decision making – a perspective from BOS conferences pp. 5-9 Downloads
Jan W. Owsiński
Support in multi-criteria decision-making under uncertainty in a transport company pp. 11-23 Downloads
Joanna Banaś and Karina Tomaszewska
Determining preference orders based on a majority margin matrix pp. 25-41 Downloads
Hanna Bury and Dariusz Wagner
Multi-criteria model for determining order size pp. 43-54 Downloads
Katarzyna Jakowska-Suwalska
Method for efficient distribution of means to reduce CO2 emissions in a set of power plants pp. 55-65 Downloads
Andrzej Kałuszko
A model for assessing the environmental impact of transport pp. 67-80 Downloads
Małgorzata Łatuszyńska and Roma Strulak-Wójcikiewicz
A semi-Markov model of the variability of power generation from renewable sources pp. 81-90 Downloads
Jacek Malinowski
The kernel and shell structure as a tool for improving the graph of transportation connections pp. 91-105 Downloads
Barbara Mażbic-Kulma, Jan W. Owsiński, Krzysztof Sęp and Jarosław Stańczak

Volume 23, issue 1, 2013

Graphical presentation of a measure of an employee's competence for a job position pp. 5-16 Downloads
Agnieszka Bieńkowska and Marian Waldemar Brol
Comparative analysis of methods of measuring a company's intellectual capital pp. 17-28 Downloads
Przemysław Dominiak, Jacek Mercik and Agata Szymańska
Exchange of goods while investing into production and safety pp. 29-35 Downloads
Kjell Hausken
Comparison of the Gini and Zenga indexes using some theoretical income distributions abstract pp. 37-62 Downloads
Katarzyna Ostasiewicz and Edyta Mazurek
Solving some deterministic finite horizon inventory models pp. 63-74 Downloads
Pritibhushan Sinha
Analysis of the voting method used in the European Central Bank pp. 75-86 Downloads
Honorata Sosnowska
Page updated 2025-03-24