Handbook of Labor Economics
Current editor(s): O. Ashenfelter, R. Layard and D. Card From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Ch 01 Decomposition Methods in Economics

- Nicole Fortin, Thomas Lemieux and Sergio Firpo
- Ch 01 Labor supply of men: A survey , pp 3-102

- John Pencavel
- Ch 02 Female labor supply: A survey , pp 103-204

- Mark Killingsworth and James J. Heckman
- Ch 02 Field Experiments in Labor Economics

- John List and Imran Rasul
- Ch 03 Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn from the Lab?

- Gary Charness and Peter Kuhn
- Ch 03 Models of marital status and childbearing , pp 205-271

- Mark Montgomery and James Trussell
- Ch 04 The Structural Estimation of Behavioral Models: Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming Methods and Applications

- Michael Keane, Petra Todd and Kenneth I. Wolpin
- Ch 04 Home production -- A survey , pp 273-304

- Reuben Gronau
- Ch 05 Program Evaluation and Research Designs

- John DiNardo and David S. Lee
- Ch 05 Retirement from the labor force , pp 305-355

- Edward Lazear
- Ch 06 Identification of Models of the Labor Market

- Eric French and Christopher Taber
- Ch 06 Demand for education , pp 357-386

- Richard Freeman
- Ch 07 Search in Macroeconomic Models of the Labor Market

- Richard Rogerson and Robert Shimer
- Ch 07 Forestalling the demise of empirical economics: The role of microdata in labor economics research , pp 387-423

- Frank Stafford
- Ch 08 The demand for labor in the long run , pp 429-471

- Daniel S. Hamermesh
- Ch 08 Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motives: Standard and Behavioral Approaches to Agency and Labor Markets

- James Rebitzer and Lowell Taylor
- Ch 09 Earnings, Consumption and Life Cycle Choices

- Costas Meghir and Luigi Pistaferri
- Ch 09 Dynamic models of labour demand , pp 473-522

- Stephen Nickell
- Ch 10 Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Significance of Discrimination

- Roland G. Fryer
- Ch 10 Wage determinants: A survey and reinterpretation of human capital earnings functions , pp 525-602

- Robert Willis
- Ch 11 The determination of life cycle earnings: A survey , pp 603-640

- Yoram Weiss
- Ch 11 Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market

- Alan Manning
- Ch 12 Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings

- Daron Acemoglu and David Autor
- Ch 12 The theory of equalizing differences , pp 641-692

- Sherwin Rosen
- Ch 13 The economic analysis of labor market discrimination: A survey , pp 693-781

- Glen Cain
- Ch 13 Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets

- Tito Boeri
- Ch 14 Local Labor Markets

- Enrico Moretti
- Ch 14 The employment relationship: Job attachment, work effort, and the nature of contracts , pp 789-848

- Donald Parsons
- Ch 15 Human Capital Development before Age Five

- Douglas Almond and Janet Currie
- Ch 15 Job search and labor market analysis , pp 849-919

- Dale Mortensen
- Ch 16 Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility

- Sandra Black and Paul Devereux
- Ch 16 The natural rate of unemployment: Explanation and policy , pp 921-999

- George Johnson and Richard Layard
- Ch 17 Cyclical fluctuations in the labor market , pp 1001-1035

- David M. Lilien and Robert E. Hall
- Ch 17 New Perspectives on Gender

- Marianne Bertrand
- Ch 18 Great Expectations: Law, Employment Contracts, and Labor Market Performance

- W. Bentley Macleod
- Ch 18 The analysis of union behavior , pp 1039-1089

- Henry S. Farber
- Ch 19 Human Resource Management and Productivity

- Nicholas Bloom and John van Reenen
- Ch 19 The economics of strikes , pp 1091-1137

- John Kennan
- Ch 20 Union relative wage effects , pp 1139-1181

- H. Gregg Lewis
- Ch 20 Personnel Economics: Hiring and Incentives

- Paul Oyer and Scott Schaefer
- Ch 21 Segmented labor markets , pp 1183-1217

- Paul Taubman and Michael L. Wachter
- Ch 22 Public-sector labor markets , pp 1219-1260

- Ronald Ehrenberg and Joshua L. Schwarz
- Ch 23 Empirical strategies in labor economics , pp 1277-1366

- Joshua Angrist and Alan Krueger
- Ch 24 New developments in econometric methods for labor market analysis , pp 1367-1397

- Robert Moffitt
- Ch 25 Institutions and laws in the labor market , pp 1399-1461

- Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn
- Ch 26 Changes in the wage structure and earnings inequality , pp 1463-1555

- Lawrence Katz and David Autor
- Ch 27 Labor supply: A review of alternative approaches , pp 1559-1695

- Richard Blundell and Thomas Macurdy
- Ch 28 The economic analysis of immigration , pp 1697-1760

- George Borjas
- Ch 29 Intergenerational mobility in the labor market , pp 1761-1800

- Gary Solon
- Ch 30 The causal effect of education on earnings , pp 1801-1863

- David Card
- Ch 31 The economics and econometrics of active labor market programs , pp 1865-2097

- James J. Heckman, Robert LaLonde and Jeffrey Smith
- Ch 32 Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income , pp 2101-2163

- Charles Brown
- Ch 33 Firm size and wages , pp 2165-2214

- Walter Oi and Todd Idson
- Ch 34 The labor market implications of international trade , pp 2215-2288

- George Johnson and Frank Stafford
- Ch 35 Individual employment contracts , pp 2291-2372

- James Malcomson
- Ch 36 Careers in organizations: Theory and evidence , pp 2373-2437

- Robert Gibbons and Michael Waldman
- Ch 37 Mobility and stability: The dynamics of job change in labor markets , pp 2439-2483

- Henry S. Farber
- Ch 38 Executive compensation , pp 2485-2563

- Kevin Murphy
- Ch 39 New developments in models of search in the labor market , pp 2567-2627

- Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides
- Ch 40 The analysis of labor markets using matched employer-employee data , pp 2629-2710

- John Abowd and Francis Kramarz
- Ch 41 Gross job flows , pp 2711-2805

- Steven Davis and John Haltiwanger
- Ch 42 Labor markets in the transitional Central and East European economies , pp 2809-2857

- Jan Svejnar
- Ch 43 Labor markets in developing countries , pp 2859-2939

- Jere Behrman
- Ch 44 Labor markets and economic growth , pp 2943-2984

- Robert Topel
- Ch 45 Microeconomic perspectives on aggregate labor markets , pp 2985-3028

- Giuseppe Bertola
- Ch 46 Labor market institutions and economic performance , pp 3029-3084

- Stephen Nickell and Richard Layard
- Ch 47 The causes and consequences of longterm unemployment in Europe , pp 3085-3139

- Stephen Machin and Alan Manning
- Ch 48 Race and gender in the labor market , pp 3143-3259

- Joseph Altonji and Rebecca Blank
- Ch 49 New developments in the economic analysis of retirement , pp 3261-3307

- Robin L. Lumsdaine and Olivia Mitchell
- Ch 50 Health, health insurance and the labor market , pp 3309-3416

- Janet Currie and Brigitte Madrian
- Ch 51 Economic analysis of transfer programs targeted on people with disabilities , pp 3417-3528

- John Bound and Richard Burkhauser
- Ch 52 The economics of crime , pp 3529-3571

- Richard Freeman
- Ch 53 Recent developments in public sector labor markets , pp 3573-3630

- Robert Gregory and Jeff Borland