Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics
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- The Hiramatsu Concept of “One Village, One Product” as an Element of Regional Industrial Specialization and a Cluster Policy Tool
- Anna H. Jankowiak
- Public Expenditure on Social Protection in the Light of the Europe 2020 Poverty Objective
- Katarzyna Maj-Waśniowska, Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio and Agnieszka Wałęga
- Business Processes Intrinsic Accounting Quality Attributes Assessment in Lithuanian Organizations
- Kristina Kundeliene
- An Assessment of the Paper Industry Firms Listed in Borsa Istanbul Using Entropy-Based MAUT Method
- Mehmet Apan, Ahmet Oztel and Mehmet Islamoglu
- Participation and Sharing Economy: The Spanish Case of #Compartirmola
- Josep Martínez-Polo, Jesús T. Martínez-Sánchez and José Manuel Noguera Vivó
- Competitive Intelligence Among SMEs: Assessing the Role of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation on Innovation Performance
- Ainul Abdul Mohsin, Hasliza Abdul Halim and Noor Haslina Ahmad
- What About Coordination, Transparency and Anticipation in Projects? A Systematic Review of “Controlling” of Projects, Especially of Public Infrastructure Projects
- Pia Herrmann and Konrad Spang
- Motivating Employees in Times of Industry 4.0: The Suitability of Classical Motivation Theories Within the Framework of Industry 4.0
- Sabrina Romina Sorko and Claudia Brandstätter
- Economics, Competition and Coopetition of the Italian Private Welfare State: A Cluster Analysis
- Angela Besana
- Performance Indicators Development in Function of Higher Education Quality Monitoring
- Verica Budimir, Ivana Dražić Lutilsky and Robert Idlbek
- Contemporary Trade Regionalism on the Example of Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)
- Sebastian Bobowski
- The Analysis of the Appliance of Fair Value Concept in Croatian Companies from Real Sector
- Hrvoje Perčević, Mirjana Hladika and Ivana Valenta
- Central Asian Integration and Its Impact on Regional Trade and Economy
- Bulat Mukhamediyev and Azimzhan Khitakhunov
- Establishment of Start-Up’s Identity as Strategy for Maintaining Business Continuity
- Evy Rachmawati Chaldun and Andiva Liesty Amelia
- Developing Financial Efficiency Index for Higher Education Institutions
- Jekaterina Kuzmina, Andris Natrins, Anda Ziemele and Ennata Kivrina
- Level of Similarity of Team Management with the Use of System of Organizational Terms
- Olaf Flak
- The Role of Technology in Student Learning and Engagement: The Case of the Webinar
- Mohammad Ali Wasim and Kathryn Mitchell
- Complexity Theory in the Advancement of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Research: Future Research Directions
- Zeynab Aeeni and Mehrzad Saeedikiya
- Forecasting the Dividend Policy Using Machine Learning Approach: Decision Tree Regression Models
- Hanaan Yaseen and Victor Dragotă
- Empirical Evidence of Managerial Attribution in Managing Poor-Performing Employees
- Suhaila Mohamed and Jo Ann Ho
- Building the Neural Network-Based System for Identifying the Gaming Addiction Level in Children and Adolescents
- Anna Khoziasheva
- A Seat at the Table: Exploring 4.0 Leadership Attributes Using a Thematic Approach
- Salina Daud and Wan Noordiana Wan Hanafi
- COVID-19 Vaccination Opinions in Education-Related Tweets
- Erik-Robert Kovacs, Liviu-Adrian Cotfas and Camelia Delcea
- Research on the Transparency of Information Regarding the Public-Private Partnership in the Public Hospitals from Romania
- Aurelia Ștefănescu and Monica Dudian
- Linking Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovation and Company Performance: A Theoretical Investigation
- Olegs Nikadimovs
- The Impact of Digitization on Organizational Resilience in a Changing Environment: Evidence from Four Case Studies
- Samah Chemli Horchani
- Leadership in Various Project Management Methodologies
- Hanna Soroka-Potrzebna
- Workplace Bullying in Malaysia: Incidence, Consequences and Role of Organisational Support
- Arif Hassan, Ahmad Talib Sadiq Bir and Junaidah Hashim
- Destimulants of the Convergence Process Illustrated with the Example of the Level of Participation of Polish SMEs in the Seventh Framework Program and Preparedness to Participate in the Horizons 2020 Programs
- Monika Fabińska
- Tools and Actions for Increasing the Effectiveness of the Strategy Implementation
- Joanna Radomska
- Personal Innovativeness and Employability: How Personal Traits Affect Employer Attractiveness
- Amila Pilav-Velic, Jasmina Selimovic and Hatidza Jahic
- The Bulgarian Life Insurance Sector: Review and Analysis of Investments
- A. Filipova-Slancheva
- Hawkers’ Attitude on Environmentally Friendly Food Packaging Practices in Night Market
- Nur Dalila Binti Mat Yusoff, Hamrila Binti Abdul Latip, Norizan Binti Jaafar, Noor Raihani Binti Zainol and Nurul Izyan Mat Daud
- The Impact of Audit Committee Composition on Corporate Risk Disclosure in Emerging Countries
- Musa Uba Adamu and Irina Ivashkovskaya
- Implementation of Accounting Standards: Financial Reporting in Albania
- Sonila Gruda
- Consumers’ Behavior in Decision-Making in Foodstuff Purchasing Process
- Jelena Šalkovska, Valerijs Praude, Anda Batraga and Oksana Afoniceva
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
- Yusuf Opeyemi Akinwale, Adel Abdullah Alaraifi and Aljohara Khalid Ababtain
- Role of Social Media to Influence the Environmental Knowledge and Awareness Toward Education for Sustainable Development in Malaysia
- Wajiha Moughal, Shahrina B. T. M. Nordin, Rohani B. T. Salleh and Haider Ali Abbasi
- The Impact of Changes in Time to Maturity on the Risk of Geometric Options
- Ewa Dziawgo
- Local or Imported Product: Assessment of Purchasing Preferences of Consumers on Food Markets—The Case of Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Ukraine
- Marek Angowski and Aneta Jarosz-Angowska
- Sustainability Integration Impact on Fast Fashion Supply Chains
- Vytautas Snieska and Ignas Valodka
- Workplace Bullying: Organizational Antecedents and HRM Prevention Program
- Sahar Ahmed and Kamel Omran
- The Role and Impact of Performance Audit in Public Governance
- Dalia Daujotaitė and Danutė Adomavičiūtė
- Impact of Integrated Communication on Entrepreneurial Companies’ Financial Performance: A Developing Economy
- Tamara Jovanov Marjanova, Elenica Sofijanova, Ljupco Davcev and Riste Temjanovski
- Prospects of Cooperation in the Agribusiness in Russia
- Ekaterina Nikolaeva
- The Link Between Accounting Measures of Biological Assets and Financial Standing of the Agricultural Enterprises: Evidence from Lithuania
- Neringa Stonciuviene, Danute Zinkeviciene and Dalia Juociuniene
- ASEAN and Trade Regionalism: An Opportunity for Convergence or Threat of “Two Speeds”?
- Sebastian Bobowski
- A Planning and Control Process for Sustainable Crop Production
- Chun Meng Tang and Lee Yen Chaw
- Is Franchising an Efficient Tool for Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy?
- Necla Iyigun and Milena Keskin
- Importance of Hospital Way-Finding System on Patient Satisfaction
- S. Didem Kaya, Y. Yalcin Ileri and Aydan Yuceler
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