2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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- 103936: Response of Farm Energy Input Prices to World Crude Oil Prices

- Kepifri Lakoh
- 103935: ACRE: Probabilistic Approach to Evaluate Farm Payout and Public Liability

- Cory Walters and Greg Halich
- 103932: How Market Power Changes in Monopoly: Using Lau’s Hessian Identities

- Koichi Yamaura and Allen Featherstone
- 103931: Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Demand In the Texas High Plains

- Shiliang Zhao, Chenggang Wang, James P. Bordovsky, Zhuping Sheng and Jesus R. Gastelum
- 103930: Willingness of Agricultural Landowners to Supply Perennial Energy Crops

- David Smith, Candi Schulman, Dean Current and K. Easter
- 103929: Impacts of Weather and Time Horizon Selection on Crop Insurance Ratemaking: A Conditional Distribution Approach

- Joshua D. Woodard
- 103928: Livelihood Disruption and Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship as Technology Adoption A Comparison between Kentucky and Shaanxi Farmers

- Sivalai V. Khantachavana, David Just, Helen Pushkarskaya and Rong Kong
- 103927: Accidents Happen: The Effect of Uncertainty on Environmental Policy Design

- Thomas W. Sproul and David Zilberman
- 103926: An Optimal Rule for Switching over to Renewable fuels with Lower Price Volatility: A Case of Jump Diffusion Process

- Kavita Sardana and Subhra K. Bhattacharya
- 103924: How does insect resistance to phosphine affect insect control costs of stored-grain?

- John Mann, Brian Adam and Frank Arthur
- 103922: A dynamic structural model of household migration decisions and their effects

- Michael Castelhano, C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell and J. Edward Taylor
- 103921: “Order This, Not That”: Does Nutrition Information on Restaurant Menus Influence Food Choice?

- Brenna Ellison, David W. Davis and Jayson Lusk
- 103920: Who benefits from the adoption of Bt cotton in Burkina- Faso?

- Comlanvi Martin Konou
- 103918: The Effectiveness of Local Food Marketing Strategies of Food Cooperatives

- Ani Katchova and Timothy Woods
- 103917: Broiler Consumption in a Transition Economy: An Application of Quantile Regression to Household Expenditure Analysis in Poland

- Lukasz Holubowicz, Wojciech J. Florkowski and Maciej Muczynski
- 103911: Does Duality Theory Hold in Practice? A Monte Carlo Analysis for U.S. Agriculture

- Juan Rosas and Sergio Lence

- Jon Devine and Alejandro Plastina
- 103908: Managing Sustainability and Export Risks: The Case of Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster

- Domenico Dentoni
- 103907: Impacts of Land Rental Markets on Rural Poverty in Kenya

- Songqing Jin and Thomas Jayne
- 103906: Price Transmission to Ugandan Coffee Growers in a Liberalized Market

- Mark Musumba and Rajorshi Sen Gupta
- 103905: Micro-Savings & Informal Insurance in Villages: A Field Experiment on Indirect Effects of Financial Deepening on Safety Nets of the Poor

- Jeffrey Flory
- 103904: Using Weak Separability and Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem in Modeling Ground Beef Demand

- Lee Schulz, Ted Schroeder and Tian Xia
- 103903: Assessing Domestic Demand for Organic and ‘Locally Grown' Produce on An ‘Organic Island': Dominica's Dilemma

- Kathryn Boys, David B. Willis, Seraphine George and Michael D. Hammig
- 103901: Bias and Scale Effects of Decoupled Farm Payments

- Samiul Haque and Roman Kenney
- 103900: Artificial Agents as an Application to Policy Design: The Market Entry Game

- Hernan Bejarano and Maciej Latek
- 103898: Bounded Learning Efficiency and Sources of Firm Level Productivity Growth in Colombian Food Manufacturing Industry

- Apurba Shee and Spiro Stefanou
- 103897: Coordination and Miss-Coordination in Market Entry Games with an Application to Congestion Externalities

- Hernan Bejarano and James Shortle
- 103896: An Assessment of the Interaction between High Tunnels and Crop Insurance for Specialty Crop Producers

- Eric Belasco, Chen Chen, Srinivasa Sasdhar Ponnaluru, Suzette Galinato and Thomas Marsh
- 103895: Commercial Citrus or a Really Big Backyard: Small Citrus Growers and their Effects on Citrus Pest Populations

- Kelly Grogan
- 103894: Black Sea Wheat Market Integration with the International Wheat Markets: Some Evidence from Co-integration Analysis

- Kateryna Goychuk and William H. Meyers
- 103893: Dynamic Feedback between Surface and Groundwater Systems: Implications for Conjunctive Management

- Kelly M. Cobourn
- 103892: Measuring Price Sensitivity Differences for Inner-City and Suburban Consumers: An Analysis of Breakfast Cereals with Supermarket Scanner Data

- Eugene Jones
- 103891: Land Use Consequences of Crop Insurance Subsidies

- Ruiqing Miao, Hongli Feng and David Hennessy
- 103889: The Changing Debt Maturity Structure of U.S. Farms

- James Michael Harris and Robert P. Williams
- 103888: Commodity Storage under Backwardation: Does the Working Curve Still Work?

- Kishore Joseph, Scott Irwin and Philip Garcia
- 103887: Farmers’ Choice and Informal Credit Markets in China

- Yan Yuan, Youxin Hu and Ping Gao
- 103886: Voluntary Pollution Abatement and Regulation

- Michael S. Delgado and Neha Khanna
- 103885: The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act and the Exemption for Small Firms

- Sebastien Pouliot
- 103883: Supermarkets, Farm Assets, and Technology Choices: a Duration Analysis of Horticultural Growers in Nicaragua

- Ricardo Hernandez, Thomas Reardon, Francisco Jose Perez and Jennifer Wiegel
- 103882: Road to Specialization in Agricultural Production: Tales of 18 Natural Villages in China

- Yu Qin and Xiaobo Zhang
- 103880: Value of Minimum Sire Accuracy Traits in Bred Heifer Price

- Lisa Rees, Joe Parcell and David J. Patterson
- 103879: Rural Non-farm Dynamics: Occupational Ladders and Earnings Mobility in Thailand

- Chayanee Chawanote and Christopher Barrett
- 103878: Do Farmers Exhibit Disposition Effect?: Evidence from Grain Marketing

- Fabio Mattos
- 103877: A Review of FDA Imports Refusals - US Seafood Trade 2000-2010

- Sven Anders and Sabrina Westra
- 103876: Spatially Explicit Estimates of Crop Rotation Responses

- Nathan Hendricks and Daniel Sumner
- 103875: An Economic Analysis of Water Infrastructure Investments, Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change in the Mekong Delta: Adapting to Increased Salinity and Sea Level Rise

- David Corderi Novoa, Jeffrey Williams, Richard E. Howitt and Jay R. Lund
- 103874: A Mixture of Experts Model to Explain Households' Choice Patterns for Termite Control Options in Louisiana

- Krishna Paudel, Mahesh Pandit, Michael A. Dunn and Vinaya Amatya
- 103873: North Dakota Beef Cow Producers: Identifying Current Management Practices and Factors that Influence Adoption Rates of Best Management Practices Relating to Surface Water Pollution

- Andrea Van Winkle and Joleen Hadrich
- 103871: Recent Developments in Unit Root Tests and Historical Crop Yields

- Hector O. Zapata, David Isaias Maradiaga, Aude Liliana Pujula and Michael R. Dicks
- 103869: Effectiveness of Trade Sanctions as an Enforcement Mechanism in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Agreements in Agriculture and Forestry

- Zeynep Burcu Irfanoglu and Juan Sesmero
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