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230917: The Long Italian Stagnation and the Welfare Effects of Outsourcing Downloads
Jacopo Zotti
230584: An Attempt to Disperse the Italian Interlocking Directorship Network: Analyzing the Effects of the 2011 Reform Downloads
Carlo Drago, Roberto Ricciuti and Paolo Santella
209019: The Effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities Downloads
David Cuberes and Rafael González-Val
208364: Positive Freedom in Networked Capitalism: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Davide Carbonai and Carlo Drago
195803: Attractiveness, Anthropometry or Both? Their Relationship and Role in Economic Research Downloads
Sonia Oreffice and Climent Quintana-Domeque
195752: On the Timing of Political Regime Changes: Theory and Application to the Arab Spring Downloads
Raouf Boucekkine, Fabien Prieur and Klarizze Puzon
195726: Volunteering and Life or Financial Shocks: Does Income and Wealth Matter? Downloads
Tony Beatton and Benno Torgler
190625: War Size Distribution: Empirical Regularities Behind the Conflicts Downloads
Rafael González-Val
188003: Corporate Preferences for Domestic Policy Instruments under a Sectoral Market Mechanism: A Case Study of Shanxi Province in China Downloads
Shuai Gao, Wenjia Cai, Wenling Liu, Can Wang and ZhongXiang Zhang
186606: E-participation: Social Capital and the Internet Downloads
Fabio Sabatini and Francesco Sarracino
179223: Size, Age and the Growth of Firms: New Evidence from Quantile Regressions Downloads
Roberta Distante, Ivan Petrella and Emiliano Santoro
172710: What Happens to the Careers of European Workers when Immigrants "Take their Jobs"? Downloads
Cristina Cattaneo, Carlo Fiorio and Giovanni Peri
172709: Rugby League in Australia between 2001 and 2012: an Analysis of Home Advantage and Salary Cap Violations Downloads
Thomas Longden and Greg Kannard
166522: Which Factors Explain the Rising Ethnic Heterogeneity in Italy? An Empirical Analysis at Province Level Downloads
Cristina Cattaneo
165792: Wage Incentive Profiles in Dual Labor Markets Downloads
Marco Di Cintio and Emanuele Grassi
165757: Is Participation in Tourism Market an Opportunity for Everyone? Some Evidence from Italy Downloads
Cristina Bernini and Maria Francesca Cracolici
165754: From Outsourcing to Productivity, Passing Through Training: Microeconometric Evidence from Italy Downloads
Roberto Antonietti
163619: Trust as a Key Variable of Sustainable Development and Public Happiness: A Historical and Theoretical Example Regarding the Creation of Money Downloads
Nicola Genovese and Maria Grazia La Spada
162561: The Dawn of Italian Industry in Argentina: Pirelli in Buenos Aires Downloads
Veronica Ronchi
162560: Economic Cycles and Their Synchronization: A Survey of Spectral Properties Downloads
Lisa Sella, Gianna Vivaldo, Andreas Groth and Michael Ghil
162370: External Influence as an Indicator of Scholarly Importance Downloads
Ho Fai Chan, Bruno Frey, Jana Gallus, Markus Schaffner, Benno Torgler and Stephen Whyte
158733: The Transmission of Sustainable Harvesting Norms When Agents Are Conditionally Cooperative Downloads
Andries Richter and Johan Grasman
158668: Ambiguous Beliefs on Damages and Civil Liability Theories Downloads
Gerard Mondello
156578: Multinational Production and the Scope of Innovation Downloads
Sasan Bakhtiari, Antonio Minniti and Alireza Naghavi
156577: Adjustment Costs and Long Run Spatial Agglomerations Downloads
William A. Brock, Anastasios Xepapadeas and Athanasios Yannacopoulos
156575: Tax Competition, Investment Irreversibility and the Provision of Public Goods Downloads
Michele Moretto, Paolo Panteghini and Sergio Vergalli
156574: Long-run Investment under Uncertain Demand Downloads
Luca Di Corato, Michele Moretto and Sergio Vergalli
156487: The Political Economy of Oil and the Crisis of the Arab State System Downloads
Daniel Atzori
151534: Decentralization, Social Capital and Regional Convergence Downloads
Luciano Mauro and Francesco Pigliaru
151531: Asymmetry Reversals and the Business Cycle Downloads
Roberta Distante, Ivan Petrella and Emiliano Santoro
151530: Investments in Quality, Collective Reputation and Information Acquisition Downloads
Fulvio Fontini, Katrin Millock and Michele Moretto
150374: Clean and Dirty International Technology Diffusion Downloads
Valentina Bosetti and Elena Verdolini
150373: Saving Rate Dynamics in the Neoclassical Growth Model – Hyperbolic Discounting and Observational Equivalence Downloads
Y. Hossein Farzin and Ron Wendner
150372: Mitigation and Solar Radiation Management in Climate Change Policies Downloads
Vasiliki Manousi and Anastasios Xepapadeas
150370: Marginal Intra-industry Trade and Adjustment Costs in Labour Market Downloads
Nuno Carlos Leitao, Bogdan Dima and Cristea Stefana Dima
148920: Business Groups as Hierarchies of Firms: Determinants of Vertical Integration and Performance Downloads
Carlo Altomonte and Armando Rungi
146627: The Impact of Immigration on Portuguese Intra-Industry Trade Downloads
Nuno Carlos Leitao
146357: Towards a New Eastern Mediterranean Energy Corridor? Natural Gas Developments Between Market Opportunities and Geopolitical Risks Downloads
Tagliapietra Simone
146350: Social Incentives Matter: Evidence from an Online Real Effort Experiment Downloads
Mirco Tonin and Michael Vlassopoulos
143130: An Econometric Analysis of the Effectiveness of Development Finance for the Energy Sector Downloads
Giorgio Gualberti, Luis Martins and Morgan Bazilian
143128: Unbundling Technology Adoption and tfp at the Firm Level. Do Intangibles Matter? Downloads
Michele Battisti, Filippo Belloc and Massimo Del Gatto
143125: Destination Image Built by the Cinema: The Case of “Basilicata Coast to Coast” Downloads
Angelo Bencivenga, Livio Chiarullo, Delio Colangelo and Annalisa Percoco
143122: Kaldor-Verdoorn's Law and Increasing Returns to Scale: A Comparison Across Developed Countries Downloads
Emanuele Millemaci and Ferdinando Ofria
142954: Are all High-Skilled Cohorts Created Equal? Unemployment, Gender, and Research Productivity Downloads
John Conley, Ali Onder and Benno Torgler
142893: Civic Capital and the Size Distribution of Plants: Short-Run Dynamics and Long-Run Equilibrium Downloads
Matthias Burker and Gaetano Alfredo Minerva
139507: Time Overruns as Opportunistic Behavior in Public Procurement Downloads
Chiara D'Alpaos, Michele Moretto, Paola Valbonesi and Sergio Vergalli
139488: Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms’ Performance: A Stratigraphical Analysis Downloads
Nicola Comincioli, Laura Poddi and Sergio Vergalli
138635: Bounded Rationality and Voting Decisions Exploring a 160-Year Period Downloads
David Stadelmann and Benno Torgler
138634: Migration, Cultural Diversity and Innovation: A European Perspective Downloads
Valentina Bosetti, Cristina Cattaneo and Elena Verdolini
138633: Multicultural Cities, Communication and Transportation Improvements. An Empirical Analysis for Italy Downloads
Cristina Cattaneo
138500: The Push Factors for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Probit Analysis Downloads
Paolo Cominetti, Laura Poddi and Sergio Vergalli
130901: Citation Success Over Time: Theory or Empirics? Downloads
David Johnston, Marco Piatti and Benno Torgler
130900: Variation in Risk Seeking Behavior in a Natural Experiment on Large Losses Induced by a Natural Disaster Downloads
Lionel Page, David Savage and Benno Torgler
130899: Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect the Performance of Firms? Downloads
Nicola Comincioli, Laura Poddi and Sergio Vergalli
129577: Procurement with Unenforceable Contract Time and the Law of Liquidated Damages Downloads
Cesare Dosi and Michele Moretto
127432: The Possibilities for the Development of Tourism in the Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese National Park: A Participative Qualitative-Quantitative Approach Downloads
Angelo Bencivenga, Margaretha Breil, Mariaester Cassinelli, Livio Chiarullo and Annalisa Percoco
127422: Technology Spillovers Embodied in International Trade: Intertemporal, Regional and Sectoral Effects in a Global CGE Framework Downloads
Enrica De Cian and Ramiro Parrado
127421: The Role of Oscillatory Modes in U.S. Business Cycles Downloads
Andreas Groth, Michael Ghil, Stephane Hallegatte and Patrice Dumas
122864: Cross-Border Intellectual Property Rights: Contract Enforcement and Absorptive Capacity Downloads
Alireza Naghavi and Yingyi Tsai
122020: Combined Effects of Load Factors and Booking Time on Fares: Insights from the Yield Management of a Low-Cost Airline Downloads
Marco Alderighi, Marcella Nicolini and Claudio A. Piga
121910: The Equivalence of Strict Liability and Negligence Rule: A « Trompe l'œil » Perspective Downloads
Gerard Mondello
120045: Work Values in Western and Eastern Europe Downloads
Benno Torgler
120020: Finding Maxmin Allocations in Cooperative and Competitive Fair Division Downloads
Marco Dall'Aglio and Camilla Di Luca
119114: Applications and Interviews. A Structural Analysis of Two-Sided Simultaneous Search Downloads
Ronald Wolthoff
119112: Development Accounting with Intermediate Goods Downloads
Jan Grobovsek
119100: Intellectual Property Rights, Product Complexity, and the Organization of Multinational Firms (Previously titled: International Sourcing, Product Complexity and Intellectual Property Rights) Downloads
Alireza Naghavi, Julia Spies and Farid Toubal
119098: Emigration and Wages: The EU Enlargement Experiment Downloads
Benjamin Elsner
116909: The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency (Previously titled: Cultural Transmission and the Pendulum of Economic Systems: The Case of Communism) Downloads
Etienne Farvaque, Alexander Mihailov and Alireza Naghavi
115848: Autocracies and Development in a Global Economy: A Tale of Two Elites Downloads
Anders Akerman, Anna Larsson and Alireza Naghavi
115847: Punish and Perish? Downloads
Angelo Antoci and Luca Zarri
115817: Intellectual Property Rights, Migration, and Diaspora Downloads
Alireza Naghavi and Chiara Strozzi
115816: Intellectual Property Rights and South-North Formation of Global Innovation Networks Downloads
Maria Comune, Alireza Naghavi and Giovanni Prarolo
115723: Migration Restrictions and Criminal Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Downloads
Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Paolo Pinotti
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