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Documentos de Trabajo (DT-AEHE)

From Asociación Española de Historia Económica
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2405: The Rise and Fall of Family Allowances in Spain: Religious Cleavages, Political Regimes and Economic Constraints, 1926-1958 Downloads
Guillem Verd Llabrés
2404: Did the US annexation of Puerto Rico in 1898 increase the biological standard of living of its population? A first anthropometric approach Downloads
Javier Moreno Lázaro
2403: A Note on the Reception and Influence of H. C. Carey in Spain Downloads
Manuel Martín Rodríguez
2402: Market Power, Liberalization, and Deregulation in the Spanish Banking Sector between 1971 and 2018. New Evidence Downloads
Josep Dols-Miro, Joaquim Cuevas and Juan Fernández de Guevara
2401: The South American Meat Industry during the First Global Economy Downloads
Andrea Lluch, Pablo Delgado and Vicente Pinilla
2308: Inquiry into the black box of the cereal system. Towards the supression of fallow in the Andalusian countryside: Jerez de la Frontera (1750-1922) Downloads
José Ignacio Jiménez Blanco
2307: From net importer to global leader: understanding the drivers of Spain's meat export growth since the 1960s Downloads
Pablo Delgado, Vicente Pinilla and Ignacio Belloc
2306: Migratory chains in the configuration of mining communities in Spain in the 19th century: Linares Downloads
Andrés Sánchez Picón, Victor Antonio Luque de Haro, María del Carmen Pérez Artés and María José Mora Mayoral
2305: Missing females: how many, where, when, causes and consequences Downloads
Enrique Llopis Agelán
2304: Cooperation, Fairness, and Rational Altruism in the Making of the Modern Living Standards. The Case of Maresme (1853-2022) Downloads
Jose Luis Martínez-González
2303: Argentina Banking System in the Interwar Period: Stylized Facts in the Light of a New Database, 1925-1935 Downloads
Sebastian Alvarez and Gianandrea Nodari
2302: Socioeconomic status and adult mortatility in the West. From late 18th century to present Downloads
Víctor A Luque de Haro
2301: The Bankruptcy Process of a Genoan Commerce Desk in the Early Modern Spain Downloads
Mercedes Gómez Oreña
2207: ESPAREL. A look at the relationship between population and territory in Spain in historical perspective Downloads
Francisco Beltrán Tapia, Alfonso Díez Minguela, Víctor Fernández Modrego, Alicia Gómez Tello, Julio Martinez-Galarraga and Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat
2206: Export Boom and Re-Primarisation in Latin America (1994-2019): Determining Factors of Agri-Food Product Exports Downloads
Maria-Isabel Ayuda, Ignacio Belloc and Vicente Pinilla
2205: Antonio de Miguel: Informal Journalist of the Francoist Economy Downloads
Manuel Martin Rodriguez
2204: The Fruit of Regulation: Wine, Regulations, Subsidies, Quality and Cooperatives in Franco's Spain and Beyond Downloads
Samuel Garrido
2203: A Key Work in the Origin of the Theory of the Entrepreneur in the Spanish Enlightenment: An Unknown Manuscript of the Cantillon's Essai Downloads
Jesus Astigarraga and Juan Zabalza
2201: Excess Female Mortality in Early Infancy? Missing Girls in Ciudad Real and Guadalajara, 1840-1899 Downloads
Enrique Llopis, Gloria Quiroga, Felipa Sánchez Salazar, Ángel L. Velasco, Ana de la Fuente, Rocío García Calvo, Laura Ramos and Víctor M. Sierra
2112: From Massification to Diversification: Inequalities in the Consumption of Dairy Products, Meat and Alcoholic Drinks in Spain (1964-2018) Downloads
Pablo Delgado and Vicente Pinilla
2110: Natural Trading Partners Versus Empires in East and Southeast Asia Regional Integration (1840-1938) Downloads
Alejandro Ayuso-Díaz
2109: Transition and Change in World Agriculture during the Interwar Years Downloads
Vicente Pinilla and Henry Willebald
2108: On the Way to Another Place: Jordi Nadal and Rural Depopulation Downloads
Fernando Collantes and Vicente Pinilla
2107: For a Multidimensional Measure of Land Inequality in 1930s Italy. A Historical-Statistical Analysis Downloads
Vito Ricci and Giacomo Zanibelli
2106: Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Secondary Education in 19th Century Downloads
Pau Insa-Sánchez
2105: The Spanish Industry Performance in International Markets (1890-1913) Downloads
Pablo Delgado
2104: A Different Product?: Expansion and Geography of International Meat Trade in the First Globalization and the Great Depression Downloads
Pablo Delgado, Vicente Pinilla and Gema Aparicio
2103: Famine and Malnutrition in Franco's Spain. An Anthropometric Balance Downloads
José M. Martínez Carrión and Javier Puche
2102: Regulatory Capture in the First Spanish Nuclear Program (C.1951-1964) Downloads
Josean Garrues-Irurzun and Juan Rubio-Mondéjar
2101: Numeracy Selectivity of Spanish Migrants in Hispanic America (16th-18th Centuries) Downloads
Mari Carmen Pérez-Artés
2012: The Spanish Tuna Industry in Tropical Waters: From the African Atlantic to the Indian and the Pacific Oceans (1984-2015) Downloads
Rafael Uriarte Ayo
2011: The Curse of Geography? Railways and Growth in Spain 1877-1930 Downloads
Guillermo Esteban-Oliver
2010: Economic Growth and Structural Change in the Iberian Incomes, 1800-2000 Downloads
Luciano Amaral, Concha Betrán and Vicente Pinilla
2009: From a Family Company to an Information and Communication Technology Multinational: the case of Amper, 1976-2003 Downloads
Ángel Amado Calvo Calvo
2008: The Public Accounts of the Basque Economic Agreement in Times of Change and Economic Crisis (1929-1935). Quantitative Sources and Accounting Methodology Downloads
Mikel Erkoreka
2007: Son Preference, Gender Discrimination and Missing Girls in Rural Spain, 1750-1950 Downloads
Francisco Marco-Gracia and Francisco Beltrán Tapia
2006: Private Banking in 21st Century Spain: An Introductory History Downloads
Nuria Puig and José Luis García Ruiz
2005: Engineers and the Knowledge Gap between Andean and Nordic Countries, 1850-1939 Downloads
José Peres-Cajías and Kristin Ranestad
2004: Protection or Taxation? The Custom Policy of the Iberian Dictatorships on the Cork sector, 1930-1975 Downloads
Francisco Parejo Moruno, Amélia Branco, José Rangel Preciado and Esteban Cruz Hidalgo
2003: Catedráticos in the making of the Spanish Secondary Education System, 1861-1885 Downloads
Pau Insa-Sánchez
2002: Explaining World Wine Exports in the First Wave of Globalisation, 1848-1938 Downloads
María-Isabel Ayuda, Hugo Ferrer-Pérez and Vicente Pinilla
2001: The True History of the Depopulation of Rural Spain and How It Can Help Us Improve Our Policies Downloads
Fernando Collantes and Vicente Pinilla
1914: Medio siglo del libro de Malefakis: en torno al origen de la Guerra Civil Española Downloads
Ricardo Robledo Hernández
1913: Globalización y cambio técnico en la flota atunera del País Vasco. La pesquería de túnidos en aguas tropicales del Atlántico africano (1945-1985) Downloads
Rafael Uriarte Ayo
1912: The fundamental causes of economic growth: a comparative analysis of the total factor productivity growth of European agriculture, 1950-2005 Downloads
Miguel Martín-Retortillo and Vicente Pinilla
1911: The financial cycle and the regulatory pendulum in the United Kingdom (1885-2016) Downloads
German Forero-Laverde, Jesus Mur and María Ángeles Pons
1910: The Development of Modern Agricultural History within Economic History in Spain Downloads
Iñaki Iriarte Goñi and Vicente Pinilla
1909: Inequality during the nutritional transition: Hospital diets in Mediterranean Spain (Valencia, 1853-1923) Downloads
Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo and Salvador Calatayud
1908: La biblioteca de Economía de Manuel de Torres en la editorial Aguilar (1945-1960) Downloads
Manuel Martín Rodríguez
1907: The First Business Schools and the Corporate Elite in Spain (1958-2000) Downloads
Luis Chirosa, Juan Rubio-Mondéjar and Josean Garrues-Irurzun
Page updated 2024-09-13
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