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ECONtribute Discussion Papers Series

From University of Bonn and University of Cologne, Germany
Niebuhrstrasse 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany.

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2021: On Event Studies and Distributed-Lags in Two-Way Fixed Effects Models: Identification, Equivalence, and Generalization Downloads
Kurt Schmidheiny and Sebastian Siegloch
336: Estimating Preference Parameters from Strictly Concave Budget Restrictions Downloads
Holger Gerhardt and Rafael Suchy
335: Local Decline and Populism Downloads
Thiemo Fetzer, Jacob Edenhofer and Prashant Garg
334: Insurers Monitor Shocks to Collateral: Micro Evidence from Mortgage-backed Securities Downloads
Thiemo Fetzer, Benjamin Guin, Felipe Netto and Farzad Saidi
333: Two Centuries of Systemic Bank Runs Downloads
Rustam Jamilov, Tobias König, Karsten Müller and Farzad Saidi
332: How to Attract Talents? Field-Experimental Evidence on Emphasizing Flexibility and Career Opportunities in Job Advertisements Downloads
Larissa Fuchs, Matthias Heinz, Pia Pinger and Max Thon
331: Welfare Effects of Property Taxation Downloads
Max Löffler and Sebastian Siegloch
330: Worker Representatives Downloads
Julian Budde, Thomas Dohmen, Simon Jäger and Simon Trenkle
329: A Theory of Digital Ecosystems Downloads
Paul Heidhues, Mats Köster and Botond Kőszegi
328: Monopsony Makes Firms not only Small but also Unproductive: Why East Germany has not Converged Downloads
Rüdiger Bachmann, Christian Bayer, Heiko Stüber and Felix Wellschmied
327: The Role of Interpersonal Uncertainty in Prosocial Behavior Downloads
Anujit Chakraborty and Luca Henkel
326: Axiom Preferences and Choice Mistakes under Risk Downloads
Fabian Herweg, Svenja Hippel, Daniel Müller and Fabio Römeis
325: Optimal Security Design for Risk-Averse Investors Downloads
Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang
324: Group Image Concerns Downloads
Arno Apffelstaedt, Gönül Doğan and Fabian Hoffmann
323: Maintaining Cooperation through Vertical Communication of Trust when Removing Sanctions Downloads
Ann-Christin Posten, Pınar Uğurlar, Sebastian Kube and Joris Lammers
322: The Value of Commuting Time, Flexibility, and Job Security: Evidence from Current and Recent Jobseekers in Flanders Downloads
Bert Van Landeghem, Thomas Dohmen, Arne Risa Hole and Annemarie Künn-Nelen
321: Can Work from Home Help Balance the Parental Division of Labor? Downloads
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Radost Holler, Lenard Simon and Christian Zimpelmann
320: Putting a Price Tag on Air Pollution: The Social Healthcare Costs of Air Pollution in France Downloads
Julia Mink
319: Mental Models in Financial Markets: How Do Experts Reason About the Pricing of Climate Risk? Downloads
Rob Bauer, Katrin Gödker, Paul Smeets and Florian Zimmermann
318: Procrastination Markets Downloads
Paul Heidhues, Takeshi Murooka and Botond Kőszegi
317: Misinterpreting Yourself Downloads
Paul Heidhues, Botond Kőszegi and Philipp Strack
316: Overconfidence and Prejudice Downloads
Paul Heidhues, Botond Kőszegi and Philipp Strack
315: Tastes Better than Expected: Post-Intervention Effects of a Vegetarian Month in the Student Canteen Downloads
Charlotte Klatt and Anna Schulze-Tilling
314: Coarse Information Design Downloads
Qianjun Lyu, Wing Suen and Yimeng Zhang
313: Childhood Migration and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Hanna M. Schwank
312: Disruptive Effects of Natural Disasters: The 1906 San Francisco Fire Downloads
Hanna M. Schwank
311: An Endogenous Gridpoint Method for Distributional Dynamics Downloads
Christian Bayer, Ralph Luetticke, Maximilian Weiss and Yannik Winkelmann
310: Losing on the Home Front? Battlefield Casualties, Media, and Public Support for Foreign Interventions Downloads
Thiemo Fetzer, Pedro CL Souza, Oliver Vanden Eynde and Austin L Wright
309: Team Production on the Battlefield: Evidence from NATO in Afghanistan Downloads
Thiemo Fetzer, Oliver Vanden Eynde and Austin L Wright
308: A Theory of Auditability for Allocation Mechanisms Downloads
Aram Grigoryan and Markus Möller
307: Multi-rater Performance Evaluations and Incentives Downloads
Axel Ockenfels, Dirk Sliwka and Peter Werner
306: Transparent Matching Mechanisms Downloads
Markus Möller
305: Broken Homes and Empty Pantries: The Impact of Couple Separation on Living Standards in France Downloads
Julia Mink
304: Is This Really Kneaded? Identifying and Eliminating Potentially Harmful Forms of Workplace Control Downloads
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Mitchell Hoffman, Tobias Kretschmer and Nick Zubanov
303: Less Bank Regulation, More Non-Bank Lending Downloads
Mary Chen, Seung Jung Lee, Daniel Neuhann and Farzad Saidi
302: Integrating Machine Behavior into Human Subject Experiments: A User-Friendly Toolkit and Illustrations Downloads
Christoph Engel, Max R. P. Grossmann and Axel Ockenfels
301: The Origins of Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Earnings Expectations: Causal Evidence from a Mentoring Intervention Downloads
Teodora Boneva, Thomas Buser, Armin Falk and Fabian Kosse
300: Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply Downloads
Teodora Boneva, Marta Golin, Katja Kaufmann and Christopher Rauh
299: Is a uniform price on Carbon desirable? A public finance perspective Downloads
Felix Bierbrauer
298: Measuring What Is Top of Mind Downloads
Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, Stefanie Stantcheva and Johannes Wohlfart
297: Strategic incentives in intermediary markets: Field-experimental evidence Downloads
Max Thon, Oliver Gürtler, Matthias Heinz, Kai Schäfer and Dirk Sliwka
296: Repeated Trade with Imperfect Information about Previous Transactions Downloads
Francesc Dilme
295: Private Sunspots in Games of Coordinated Attack Downloads
Yuliyan Mitkov
294: On the Relationship between Borrower and Bank risk Downloads
Yuliyan Mitkov and Ulrich Schüwer
293: Army of Mortgagors: Long-Run Evidence on Credit Externalities and the Housing Market Downloads
Tobias Herbst, Moritz Kuhn and Farzad Saidi
292: Mixing QE and Interest Rate Policies at the Effective Lower Bound: Micro Evidence from the Euro Area Downloads
Christian Bittner, Alexander Rodnyansky, Farzad Saidi and Yannick Timmer
291: Explanations Downloads
Thomas Graeber, Christopher Roth and Constantin Schesch
290: Fake News: Susceptibility, Awareness and Solutions Downloads
Tiziana Assenza, Alberto Cardaci and Stefanie Huber
289: Informal Elections with Dispersed Information: Protests, Petitions, and Nonbinding Voting Downloads
Mehmet Ekmekci and Stephan Lauermann
288: Auctions with Frictions: Recruitment, Entry, and Limited Commitment Downloads
Stephan Lauermann and Asher Wolinsky
Page updated 2024-09-14
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