Working Papers
From University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joeri Nys (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2002023: Adolphe Quetelet, the average man and the development of economic methodology

- Bert Mosselmans
- 2002022: Inter-ethnic trust and reciprocity: Results of an experiment with small business entrepreneurs

- Jan Bouckaert and Geert Dhaene
- 2002021: Optimal prices, package sizes and package compositions in a market with variety seeking and loyal consumers

- Els Gijsbrechts and Wilfried Pauwels
- 2002020: The unemployment benefit system and wage flexibility in EMU: time-varying evidence in five countries

- Joseph Plasmans, Hilde Meersman, Andre Van Poeck and Bruno Merlevede
- 2002019: Style breaks in return-based style analysis

- Jan Annaert and Geert van Campenhout
- 2002018: Club objectives and ticket pricing in professional team sports

- Stefan Kesenne
- 2002017: Constructing press releases: Quotations as preformulation

- Kim Sleurs, Geert Jacobs and Luuk van Waes
- 2002016: Building a corporate image. An analysis of identity markers in business speeches

- Dorien van de Mieroop
- 2002015: Another way of looking at group decision making opens new perspectives

- Wim de Keyser and Johan Springael
- 2002014: A sensivity analysis for the n-fold compound option

- Liesbeth Thomassen and Martine van Wouwe
- 2002013: Staying together or breaking apart: Policy-makers' endogenous coalitions formation in the European economic and monetary Union

- Bas van Aarle, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Jacob Engwerda and Joseph Plasmans
- 2002012: Knowledge spillovers in Belgium: Evidence from the firm's patent citation behaviour

- Ruslan Lukatch and Joseph Plasmans
- 2002011: Optimale schatting van beta's in de minder liquide Belgische markt
- Anouk Claes, Marc J.K. de Ceuster and Istvan Lagaert
- 2002010: Voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises: an extended analytical model

- Patricia van de Wiele
- 2002009: The issue of instability in a simple policy game between the central bank and the representative union

- Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Wilfried Pauwels
- 2002008: Inter-temporal stability of the European credit spread co-movement structure

- Jan Annaert, Anouk G.P. Claes and Marc J.K. de Ceuster
- 2002007: Fund misclassification and the limitations and applications of return-based style analysis

- Geert van Campenhout
- 2002006: Inheritance and equal shares: Early American views

- John Cunliffe and Guido Erreygers
- 2002005: Non-linear learning the 'open' way: language acquisition on the Web

- Isabelle de Ridder, Licia Calvi and Walter Geerts
- 2002004: The valuation of IPOs by investment banks and the stock market: Empirical evidence

- Marc Deloof, Wouter De Maeseneire and Koen Inghelbrecht
- 2002003: Earnings management induced by cognitive reference points

- Tom van Caneghem
- 2002002: An empirical analysis of voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises

- Patricia van de Wiele
- 2002001: Thailand's export opportunities today with special attention to Asia-Pacific and the European Union

- Ludo Cuyvers
- 2001041: The n-fold compound option

- Liesbeth Thomassen and Martine van Wouwe
- 2001040: Optimal grouping for a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) scanner

- Nico Vandaele, Inneke van Nieuwenhuyse and Sascha Cupers
- 2001039: Patinkin, the cowles commission, and the theory of unemployment and aggregate supply

- Mauro Boianovsky
- 2001038: Trust in interorganisational networks: Towards a conceptual model

- Sigrid de Wever, Rudy Martens and Koen Vandenbempt
- 2001037: Bounds for present value functions with stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility

- Ann De Schepper, Marc Goovaerts, Jan Dhaene, Rob Kaas and David Vyncke
- 2001036: Modeling a generic assembly system II

- Liesje de Boeck and Nico Vandaele
- 2001035: Regulating banks through market discipline. A Survey of the Issues
- Marc J.K. de Ceuster and Nancy Masschelein
- 2001034: Equity sales in Belgian corporate groups: Expropriationof minority shareholders?

- An Buysschaert, Marc Deloof and Marc Jegers
- 2001033: Planning and control practices in family firms versus non-family firms: Empirical evidence from SMES in the wholesale sector

- Ann Jorissen, Eddy Laveren, Rudy Martens and Anne-Mie Reheul
- 2001032: Contrastive perspectives on the reliability of grammar testing: The case of the verb phrase in L2 English

- Geert Jacobs and Chris Braecke
- 2001031: An original and data based approach to the work-life balance

- Hans Keune, Mieke Vercaeren and Daniël Vloeberhs
- 2001030: Using an inventory theoric approach for modal choice: A case study

- Bert Vernimmen and Frank Witlox
- 2001029: Scheduling flexibility and insertion zones in vehicle routing

- Wout Dullaert and Geert van de Weyer
- 2001028: The player labour market in a win maximizing sports league
- Stefan Kesenne
- 2001027: Does working capital management affect profitability of Belgian firms?

- Marc Deloof
- 2001026: Regionale effectanalyse van infrastructuurprojecten

- Floris W.C.J. van de Vooren
- 2001025: New heuristics for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows

- Wout Dullaert, Gerrit K. Janssens, Kenneth Sörensen and Bert Vernimmen
- 2001024: Scheduling flexibility and the contribution maximizing vehicle routing problem with time windows

- Wout Dullaert
- 2001023: The integration of Poland into the European Union

- Erik Faucompret and Jozef Konings
- 2001022: EMU and labour market reform: Needs, incentives and realisations

- Andre Van Poeck and Alain Borghijs
- 2001021: De betekenis van transport en transportbeleid voor de economische groei

- Floris W.C.J. van de Vooren and J.T. Jetten
- 2001020: The impact of international trade with East and South-East Asian NICS on wages in Europe

- Ludo Cuyvers, Michel Dumont, Glenn Rayp and Katrien Stevens
- 2001019: International transfer pricing. Do regulatory changes drive management accounting changes? Preliminary insights from the tax director's point of view

- Martine Cools
- 2001018: Wie valt er door de mazen van het net? Verkennend profiel van de patiënt met betalingsproblemen in het ziekenhuis

- Ines Adriaenssen and Diana De Graeve
- 2001017: European political integration: A historical perspective

- Erik Faucompret
- 2001016: Modale keuze in het goederenvervoer op basis van een vergelijking van de totale logistieke kostprijs: Twee concrete gevalstudies

- Guyst Blauwens, S. Janssens, Bert Vernimmen and Frank Witlox
- 2001015: Integrale evaluatie van de band tussen ruimtelijk-economische structuur en infrastructuur voor goederenvervoer

- Thierry Vanelslander and Ann Verhetsel
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