Working Papers
From University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joeri Nys (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2014024: A large neighbourhood metaheuristic for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem

- Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen and Johan Springael
- 2014023: A hybridised taboo search heuristic to increase security in a utility network

- Jochen Janssens, Luca Talarico and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2014022: How to reform western care payment systems according to physicians, policy makers, healthcare executives and researchers: A discrete choice experiment

- Roselinde Kessels, Pieter van Herck, Eline Dancet, Lieven Annemans and Walter Sermeus
- 2014021: Real options and bank bailouts: How uncertainty affects optimal bank bailout policy

- Glen Vermeulen and Peter Kort
- 2014020: Generalized local branching heuristics and the capacitated ring tree problem

- Alessandro Hill and Stefan VOß
- 2014019: Generating structured music using quality metrics based on Markov models

- Dorien Herremans, Stéphanie Weisser, Kenneth Sörensen and Darrell Conklin
- 2014018: An iterated local search algorithm for water distribution network design optimisation

- Annelies de Corte and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2014017: The economics of port authority reform. A framework for ex-post evaluation

- Eddy van de Voorde and Patrick Verhoeven
- 2014016: Active learning-based pedagogical rule extraction

- Enric Junqué de Fortuny and David Martens
- 2014015: An equi-model matheuristic for the multi-depot ring star problem

- Alessandro Hill and Stefan VOß
- 2014014: Rhetorical impression management in corporate narratives and institutional environment

- Beibei Yan and Walter Aerts
- 2014013: A unified structural equation modeling approach for the decomposition of rank-dependent indicators of socioeconomic inequality of health

- Roselinde Kessels and Guido Erreygers
- 2014012: Optimal capacitated ring trees

- Alessandro Hill and Stefan VOß
- 2014011: Multi-exchange neighborhoods for the capacitated ring tree problem

- Alessandro Hill
- 2014010: India's surge in Modern Services Exports: Empirics for policy

- Pravakar Sahoo and Ranjan Kumar Dash
- 2014009: Port capacity extension. A trade-off between public investment and shipping companies' time losses

- Hilde Meersman and Eddy van de Voorde
- 2014008: A consistent measure of aggregate import substitution

- Ko Min Lin, Joseph Plasmans and Song-ken Hsu
- 2014007: A canonical form for non-regular arrays based on generalized word length pattern values of delete-one-factor projections

- Pieter T. Eendebak
- 2014006: Port pricing: Principles, structure and models

- Hilde Meersman, Siri Strandenes and Eddy van de Voorde
- 2014005: Ambulance routing for disaster response with patient groups

- Luca Talarico, Frank Meisel and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2014004: Gain sharing in horizontal logistic collaboration. A case study in the fresh fruit and vegetables sector

- Christof Defryn, Christine Vanovermeire, Kenneth Sörensen, Alex van Breedam, Bart Vannieuwenhuyse and Sven Verstrepen
- 2014003: Dance hit song prediction

- Dorien Herremans, David Martens and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2014002: Multi-objective microzone-based vehicle routing for courier companies: From tactical to operational planning

- Jochen Janssens, Joos van Den Bergh, Kenneth Sörensen and Dirk Cattrysse
- 2014001: Looking into the minds of Bach, Haydn and Beethoven: Classification and generation of composer-specific music

- Dorien Herremans, David Martens and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013033: I-optimal mixture designs

- Peter Goos, Bradley Jones and Utami Syafitri
- 2013032: Public preferences for prioritizing preventive and curative health care interventions: A discrete choice experiment

- Jeroen Luyten, Roselinde Kessels, Peter Goos and Philippe Beutels
- 2013031: Estimating collaborative profits under varying partner characteristics and strategies

- Christine Vanovermeire, Daniel Palhazi Cuervo and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013030: All but one: How pioneers of linear economics overlooked Perron-Frobenius mathematics

- Wilfried Parys
- 2013029: The k-dissimilar vehicle routing problem

- Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen and Johan Springael
- 2013028: A discrete choice approach for analysing the airport choice for freighter operations in Europe

- Franziska Kupfer, Roselinde Kessels, Peter Goos, Eddy van de Voorde and Ann Verhetsel
- 2013027: Staggered-level designs for response surface modeling

- Heidi Arnouts and Peter Goos
- 2013026: Data mining for fraud detection using invoicing data. A case study in fiscal residence fraud

- David Martens, Enric Junqué de Fortuny and Marija Stankova
- 2013025: Structuurverandering in het segment van de grote drogeladingbinnenvaartschepen

- Edwin van Hassel
- 2013024: Location of logistics companies: A stated preference study to disentangle the impact of accessibility

- Ann Verhetsel, Roselinde Kessels, Nele Blomme, Jeroen Cant and Peter Goos
- 2013023: Foreign exchange constraints and macroeconomic dynamics in a small open economy

- Sisay Senbeta
- 2013022: A univariate analysis: Short-term forecasts of container throughput in the port of Antwerp

- Yasmine Rashed, Hilde Meersman, Eddy van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander
- 2013021: Financial fair play in European football

- Thomas Peeters and Stefan Szymanski
- 2013020: The political economy of pricing and capacity decisions for congestible local public goods in a federal state

- Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost
- 2013019: Integration of the cost allocation in the optimization of collaborative bundling

- Christine Vanovermeire and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013018: Improving horizontal logistic co-operation through different concessions

- Christine Vanovermeire, Lukas Carlier and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013017: Measuring and rewarding flexibility in collaborative distribution, including two-partner coalitions

- Christine Vanovermeire and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013016: Economic effects of a temporary shutdown of an airport - Review and case study

- Katrien de Langhe, Els Struyf, Christa Sys, Eddy van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander
- 2013015: International financial integration, credit frictions and exchange rate regimes

- Mara Pirovano
- 2013014: Household and firm leverage, capital flows and monetary policy in a small open economy

- Mara Pirovano
- 2013013: An argument for preferring Firth bias-adjusted estimates in aggregate and individual-level discrete choice modeling

- Roselinde Kessels, Bradley Jones and Peter Goos
- 2013012: The risk constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem with time windows

- Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen and Johan Springael
- 2013011: Oxytocin does not make a face appear more trustworthy but improves the accuracy of trustworthiness judgments

- Bruno Lambert, Carolyn H. Declerck and Christophe Boone
- 2013010: An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls

- Daniel Palhazi Cuervo, Peter Goos, Kenneth Sörensen and Emely Arráiz
- 2013009: Analysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport setting

- Christine Vanovermeire, Dries Vercruysse and Kenneth Sörensen
- 2013008: The effect of employee workplace representation on firm performance. A cross-country comparison within Europe

- Annette van Den Berg, Yolanda Grift, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Christophe Boone and Olivier van der Brempt
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