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Working Papers

From University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
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2003029: Voluntary R&D cooperation in experimental duopoly markets Downloads
Sigrid Suetens
2003028: Intra-industry imitation in corporate environmental disclosure: A neo-institutional perspective Downloads
Walter Aerts, Denis Cormier and Michel Magnan
2003027: Path integrals as a tool for pricing interest rate contingent claims: The case of reflecting and absorbing boundaries Downloads
Marc Decamps, Ann De Schepper and Marc Goovaerts
2003026: An empirical study of the variance of Belgium firm profitability Downloads
Frank Bostyn, P. Debal, R. Vandingenen, Peter Willemé and M.M. Yeo
2003025: Euclidian distance measurement methodology for determining the reliability of financial statements Downloads
Frank Bostyn, P. Debal and R. Vandingenen
2003024: Sources of persistent firm performance differences Downloads
Frank Bostyn and R. Vandingenen
2003023: Conceptualization and measurement of firm performance Downloads
Frank Bostyn and R. Vandingenen
2003022: The writing processes and learning strategies of initial users of speech recognition. A case study on the adaptation process of two professional writers Downloads
Mariëlle Leijten and Luuk van Waes
2003021: Revenue sharing and competitive balance. Does it invariance proposition hold? Downloads
Stefan Kesenne
2003020: Does the Compass Rose pattern matter for testing normality? Downloads
Jan Annaert, Anouk G.P. Claes and Marc J.K. de Ceuster
2003019: Macroeconomic stabilisation policies in the EMU: Spillovers, asymmetries and institutions Downloads
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Jacob Engwerda, Joseph Plasmans and Bas van Aarle
2003018: The salary cap proposal of the G-14 in European football Downloads
Stefan Kesenne
2003017: Competitive balance and revenue sharing when rich clubs have poor teams Downloads
Stefan Kesenne
2003016: Improvement of infrastructure: Spatial effects and how to finance Downloads
Floris W. C. J. van de Vooren and Tom Pauwels
2003015: Effects of migration: An applied general equilibrium analysis for Belgium Downloads
Liesbet Okkerse
2003014: External financing, information disclosure and the timeliness of annual shareholder meetings and financial statement filings in Belgium Downloads
Marc Deloof and Véronique Weets
2003013: Reform reversals and output growth in transition economies Downloads
Bruno Merlevede
2003012: Ondernemingsgroepen en interne kapitaalmarkten: Een literatuuroverzicht Downloads
An Buysschaert, Marc Deloof and Marc Jegers
2003011: Mode choice modelling. A literature review on the role of quality of service attributes and their monetary valuation in freight demand models Downloads
Jan de Maeyer and Tom Pauwels
2003010: The influence of a stochastic interest rate on the n-fold compound option Downloads
Liesbeth Thomassen and Martine van Wouwe
2003009: Copulas and the distribution of cash flows with mixed signs Downloads
Marc Goovaerts, Ann De Schepper and Yong Hua
2003008: A genetic algorithm for robust schedules in a just-in-time environment Downloads
Marc Sevaux and Kenneth Sörensen
2003007: Price squeezes in a regulatory environment Downloads
Jan Bouckaert and Frank Verboven
2003006: The impact of lot splitting on lead times in a deterministic production line Downloads
Inneke van Nieuwenhuyse and Nico Vandaele
2003005: Empirical research on market efficiency with respect to accounting information: A critical survey of the literature Downloads
Steve van Uytbergen
2003004: Transport tax reform, commuting and endogenous values of time Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Kurt van Dender
2003003: Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports Downloads
Stefan Szymanski and Stefan Kesenne
2003002: Koppeling van transportmodellen Downloads
Floris W. C. J. van de Vooren
2003001: Inflation and unemployment in OECD countries: The role of political ideologies, central bank independance and industrial relations Downloads
Alain Borghijs, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Bruno Merlevede
2002044: Therapeutic drug prescription behavior: Decision process and marketing mix effects Downloads
Katia Campo, Odette de Staebel, Els Gijsbrechts and Walter van Waterschoot
2002043: Some critical observations on the classic concept and classification of distribution service outputs Downloads
Walter van Waterschoot, Joeri de Haes and Annouk Lievens
2002042: Corporate disclosure strategies before business failure: The case of voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises Downloads
Patricia van de Wiele
2002041: Order bias in estimates of willingness to pay for drugs to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. A contingent valuation study among students Downloads
A. de Ridder and Diana De Graeve
2002040: Decomposition of the n-fold compound option Downloads
Liesbeth Thomassen, Jan van Casteren and Martine van Wouwe
2002039: The use of planning and control practices in SME's and the relationship with company performance Downloads
Ann Jorissen, Eddy Laveren and Ann Vanstraelen
2002038: The relationship between management accounting systems, firm strategy, perceived environmental uncertainty, networking, CEO characteristics and performance in SME's Downloads
Ann Jorissen, Eddy Laveren, Rudy Martens and Anne-Mie Reheul
2002037: Differences between family and non-family firms. The impact of different research samples with increasing elimination of demographic sample differences Downloads
Ann Jorissen, Eddy Laveren, Rudy Martens and Anne-Mie Reheul
2002036: On store format, category space allocation, and opportunities for micromarketing Downloads
Katia Campo and Els Gijsbrechts
2002035: Empirical research on the efficient stock markets hypothesis: the state of affairs Downloads
Steve van Uytbergen
2002034: Measuring horizontal inequity in health care using Belgian panel data Downloads
Tom Van Ourti
2002033: Readers and writers: how the analysis of reading behaviour provides a sound basis for designing L2-hypertexts Downloads
Isabelle de Ridder, Gert Rijlaarsdam and Luuk van Waes
2002032: The impact of audit quality on earnings rounding-up behaviour Downloads
Tom van Caneghem
2002031: MOBILEC: de wisselwerking tussen mobiliteit en economie gemodelleerd. Beleidseffecten in Vlaanderen Downloads
Floris W.C.J. van de Vooren and Tom Pauwels
2002030: The importance of frequency for combined transport of containers Downloads
Gust Blauwens, S. Janssens, Bert Vernimmen and Frank Witlox
2002029: The impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPS) on the management accounting (information) systems of an organization Downloads
Xavier Gabriëls
2002028: The influence of cultural differences on corporate internet reporting in three Western European countries: a preliminary study Downloads
Tony van Kerckhoven
2002027: Tabu searching for robust solutions. Theoretical framework Downloads
Kenneth Sörensen
2002026: Transition probabilities for diffusion equations by means of path integrals Downloads
Marc Goovaerts, Ann De Schepper and Marc Decamps
2002025: Self-serving tendencies in retrospective reasoning in accounting narratives: does a capital market environment matter? Downloads
Walter Aerts
2002024: Migration probability as an incentive for human capital accumulation when information is asymmetric Downloads
Margo Alofs
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