University of Regensburg Working Papers in Business, Economics and Management Information Systems
From University of Regensburg, Department of Economics
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- 45997: Marktpotenziale von UV-C-Luftreinigern während und nach der Pandemie – eine empirische Marktstudie

- Jonathan Beißinger, Fabian Ott and Yvonne Schmid
- 38283: Multivariate Fractional Components Analysis

- Tobias Hartl and Roland Weigand
- 36304: Hypothetical thinking and the winner's curse: An experimental investigation

- Johannes Moser
- 34994: Hidden Variable Models for Market Basket Data. Statistical Performance and Managerial Implications

- Harald Hruschka
- 34818: Resource Allocation Heuristics for Unknown Sales Response Functions with Additive Disturbances

- Daniel Gahler and Harald Hruschka
- 31910: Function Follows Form

- Kristof Dascher
- 31751: GDP-Employment Decoupling and the Productivity Puzzle in Germany

- Sabine Klinger and Enzo Weber
- 31450: A hat matrix for monotonicity constrained B-spline and P-spline regression

- Kathrin Kagerer
- 31345: Your very private job agency: Job referrals based on residential location networks

- Franziska Hawranek and Norbert Schanne
- 30747: Linking Multi-Category Purchases to Latent Activities of Shoppers: Analysing Market Baskets by Topic Models

- Harald Hruschka
- 29927: Decomposing Beveridge curve dynamics by correlated unobserved components

- Sabine Klinger and Enzo Weber
- 29914: Job Recruitment and Vacany Durations in Germany

- Steven Davis, Christof Röttger, Anja Warning and Enzo Weber
- 29825: Capturing the Interaction of Trend, Cycle, Expectations and Risk Premia in the US Term Structure

- Max Soloschenko and Enzo Weber
- 29687: Matrix Box-Cox Models for Multivariate Realized Volatility

- Roland Weigand
- 29408: Long- versus medium-run identification in fractionally integrated VAR models

- Rolf Tschernig, Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
- 29162: Long- versus medium-run identification in fractionally integrated VAR models

- Rolf Tschernig, Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
- 28171: Implementierung des Marketing-Intelligence Konzepts in B-to-B Unternehmen

- Roland Helm and Stephanie Gritsch
- 28043: Measuring Persistence in Volatility Spillovers

- Christian Conrad and Enzo Weber
- 27968: A short introduction to splines in least squares regression analysis

- Kathrin Kagerer
- 27269: Fractionally Integrated VAR Models with a Fractional Lag Operator and Deterministic Trends: Finite Sample Identification and Two-step Estimation

- Rolf Tschernig, Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
- 27032: Trend-Cycle Interactions and the Subprime Crisis: Analysis of US and Canadian Output

- Max Soloschenko and Enzo Weber
- 25027: Messung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen und Marktattraktivität für die strategische Planung

- Roland Helm, Werner Gleißner and Susanne Kreiter
- 24934: Justification of per-unit risk capital allocation in portfolio credit risk models

- Gregor Dorfleitner and Tamara Pfister
- 24776: Codependent VAR Models and the Pseudo-Structural Form

- Carsten Trenkler and Enzo Weber
- 24774: Identifying the Shocks behind Business Cycle Asynchrony in Euroland

- Carsten Trenkler and Enzo Weber
- 24564: Die Unabhängigkeit von Zentralbanken - Ökonomische Begründung, Messung und Zukunftsperspektive

- Jürgen Jerger and Oke Röhe
- 23597: Identifying the Substitution Effect of Temporary Agency Employment

- Elke Jahn and Enzo Weber
- 22326: Updating the Option Implied Probability of Default Methodology

- Johannes Vilsmeier
- 21427: Testing for Parameter Stability in DSGE Models. The Cases of France, Germany and Spain

- Jürgen Jerger and Oke Röhe
- 21309: Costumer reactions to real out-of-stocks

- Roland Helm and Thomas Hegenbart
- 21306: The motivation structure of electronic word-of-mouth: Effects of personality on the generation of online articulations

- Roland Helm and Michael Moeller
- 20580: A Model of Heterogeneous Multicategory Choice for Market Basket Analysis

- Katrin Dippold and Harald Hruschka
- 20304: Search Unemployment and New Economic Geography

- Philipp vom Berge
- 20060: Testing for Parameter Stability in DSGE Models. The Cases of France, Germany and Spain

- Jürgen Jerger and Oke Röhe
- 19914: Safety first portfolio choice based on financial and sustainability returns

- Gregor Dorfleitner and Sebastian Utz
- 18951: Bigger Fish in Small Pond: The Interaction between Foreigners’ Trading and Emerging Stock Market Returns under the Microscope

- Numan Ülkü and Enzo Weber
- 18854: Non-Stationary Interest Rate Differentials and the Role of Monetary Policy

- Philipp Matros and Enzo Weber
- 17887: Sand im (Arbeits-) Marktgetriebe: Die Analyse von Suchfriktionen

- Jürgen Jerger
- 17365: Single-Name Credit Risk, Portfolio Risk, and Credit Rationing

- Lutz Arnold, Johannes Reeder and Stefanie Trepl
- 16901: Long-run Identification in a Fractionally Integrated System

- Rolf Tschernig, Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
- 16478: Testing for Codependence of Non-Stationary Variables

- Carsten Trenkler and Enzo Weber
- 16477: On the Identification of Codependent VAR and VEC Models

- Carsten Trenkler and Enzo Weber
- 16014: Foreign and Domestic Growth Drivers in Eastern Europe

- Enzo Weber
- 15602: Variable Selection for Market Basket Analysis

- Katrin Dippold and Harald Hruschka
- 15563: Anything is Possible: On the Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibria in the Shleifer-Vishny Model of Limits of Arbitrage

- Lutz Arnold
- 15152: Mean-Variance Cointegration and the Expectations Hypothesis

- Till Strohsal and Enzo Weber
- 14395: The Fixed Wage Puzzle: Why Profit Sharing Is So Hard to Implement

- Jürgen Jerger and Jochen Michaelis
- 14120: Laufzeitanalyse dreier Versionen eines Mehrparteien-Multiplikationsprotokolls

- Jürgen Wenzl
- 13581: On the Sources of U.S. Stock Market Comovement

- Enzo Weber
- 13579: Risk and Policy Shocks on the US Term Structure

- Enzo Weber and Juergen Wolters