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Staff Working Papers

From Bank of Canada
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25-1: The International Exposure of the Canadian Banking System Downloads
Christian Friedrich, Hanno Friedrich, Nick Lawrence, Javier Cortes Orihuela and Phoebe Tian
24-52: CBDC in the Market for Payments at the Point of Sale: Equilibrium Impact and Incumbent Responses Downloads
Walter Engert, Oleksandr Shcherbakov and Andre Stenzel
24-51: Bouncing Back: How Mothballing Curbs Prices Downloads
Thibaut Duprey, Artur Kotlicki, Daniel E. Rigobon and Philip Schnattinger
24-50: Consumer Search, Productivity Heterogeneity, Prices, Markups, and Pass-through: Theory and Estimation Downloads
Alex Chernoff, Allen Head and Beverly Lapham
24-49: The Distributional Origins of the Canada-US GDP and Labour Productivity Gaps Downloads
James (Jim) MacGee and Joel Rodrigue
24-48: Familiarity with Crypto and Financial Concepts: Cryptoasset Owners, Non-Owners, and Gender Differences Downloads
Daniela Balutel, Walter Engert, Christopher Henry, Kim Huynh, Doina Rusu and Marcel Voia
24-47: The (Mis)Allocation of Corporate News Downloads
Xing Guo, Alistair Macaulay and Wenting Song
24-46: Is This Normal? The Cost of Assuming that Derivatives Have Normal Returns Downloads
Radoslav Raykov
24-45: How Preferences, Monetary Policy and Household Inflation Downloads
Geoffrey Dunbar
24-44: How Do Households Respond to Expected Inflation? An Investigation of Transmission Mechanisms Downloads
Janet Hua Jiang, Rupal Kamdar, Kelin Lu and Daniela Puzzello
24-43: Gender Gaps in Time Use and Entrepreneurship Downloads
Pedro Bento, Lin Shao and Faisal Sohail
24-42: Monetary Policy Transmission amid Demand Reallocations Downloads
Julien Bengui, Lu Han and Gaelan MacKenzie
24-41: Monetary Policy Transmission to Small Business Loan Performance: Evidence from Loan-Level Data Downloads
Rodrigo Sekkel, Tamon Takamura and Yaz Terajima
24-40: Immigration and US Shelter Prices: The Role of Geographical and Immigrant Heterogeneity Downloads
James Cabral and Walter Steingress
24-39: From Micro to Macro Hysteresis: Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy Downloads
Felipe Alves and Giovanni Violante
24-38: Does Unconventional Monetary and Fiscal Policy Contribute to the COVID Inflation Surge in the US? Downloads
Jing Cynthia Wu, Yinxi Xie and Ji Zhang
24-37: An Anatomy of Firms’ Political Speech Downloads
Pablo Ottonello, Wenting Song and Sebastian Sotelo
24-36: Consumer Credit Regulation and Lender Market Power Downloads
Zachary Bethune, Joaquín Saldain and Eric Young
24-35: Public and Private Money Creation for Distributed Ledgers: Stablecoins, Tokenized Deposits, or Central Bank Digital Currencies? Downloads
Jonathan Chiu and Cyril Monnet
24-34: Estimating the Portfolio-Balance Effects of the Bank of Canada’s Government of Canada Bond Purchase Program Downloads
Antonio Diez de los Rios
24-33: Household Food Inflation in Canada Downloads
Olena Kostyshyna and Maude Ouellet
24-32: Let’s Get Physical: Impacts of Climate Change Physical Risks on Provincial Employment Downloads
Thibaut Duprey, Soojin Jo and Geneviève Vallée
24-31: Price Discounts and Cheapflation During the Post-Pandemic Inflation Surge Downloads
Alberto Cavallo and Oleksiy Kryvtsov
24-30: Decision Synthesis in Monetary Policy Downloads
Tony Chernis, Gary Koop, Emily Tallman and Mike West
24-29: Entry and Exit in Treasury Auctions Downloads
Jason Allen, Ali Hortacsu, Eric Richert and Milena Wittwer
24-28: Housing Affordability and Parental Income Support Downloads
Jason Allen, Kyra Carmichael, Robert Clark, Shaoteng Li and Nicolas Vincent
24-27: Central Bank Digital Currency and Transmission of Monetary Policy Downloads
Saroj Bhattarai, S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini and Zhenning Zhao
24-26: Credit Card Minimum Payment Restrictions Downloads
Jason Allen, Michael Boutros and Benedict Guttman-Kenney
24-25: Untapped Potential: Mobile Device Ownership and Mobile Payments in Canada Downloads
Marie-Helene Felt, Angelika Welte and Katrina Talavera
24-24: Non-Parametric Identification and Testing of Quantal Response Equilibrium Downloads
Johannes Hoelzemann, Ryan Webb and Erhao Xie
24-23: Demand for Canadian Banknotes from International Travel: Indirect Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Hongyu Xiao
24-22: The Role of Beliefs in Entering and Exiting the Bitcoin Market Downloads
Daniela Balutel, Christopher Henry, Jorge Vásquez and Marcel Voia
24-21: Saving after Retirement and Preferences for Residual Wealth Downloads
Giulio Fella, Martin Holm and Thomas Michael Pugh
24-20: Markups and Inflation in Oligopolistic Markets: Evidence from Wholesale Price Data Downloads
Patrick Alexander, Lu Han, Oleksiy Kryvtsov and Ben Tomlin
24-19: Decomposing Systemic Risk: The Roles of Contagion and Common Exposures Downloads
Grzegorz Halaj and Ruben Hipp
24-18: Fire Sales and Liquidity Requirements Downloads
Yuteng Cheng and Roberto Robatto
24-17: Digital Payments in Firm Networks: Theory of Adoption and Quantum Algorithm Downloads
Sofia Priazhkina, Samuel Palmer, Pablo Martín-Ramiro, Román Orús, Samuel Mugel and Vladimir Skavysh
24-16: The Macroeconomic Implications of Coholding Downloads
Michael Boutros and Andrej Mijakovic
24-15: Finding a Needle in a Haystack: A Machine Learning Framework for Anomaly Detection in Payment Systems Downloads
Ajit Desai, Anneke Kosse and Jacob Sharples
24-14: Endogenous Credibility and Wage-Price Spirals Downloads
Olena Kostyshyna, Tolga Özden and Yang Zhang
24-13: Parallel Tempering for DSGE Estimation Downloads
Joshua Brault
24-12: U.S. Macroeconomic News and Low-Frequency Changes in Small Open Economies’ Bond Yields Downloads
Bingxin Xing, Bruno Feunou, Morvan Nongni-Donfack and Rodrigo Sekkel
24-11: Unintended Consequences of the Home Affordable Refinance Program Downloads
Phoebe Tian and Chen Zheng
24-10: Forecasting Recessions in Canada: An Autoregressive Probit Model Approach Downloads
Antoine Poulin-Moore and Kerem Tuzcuoglu
24-9: Monetary Policy Transmission Through Shadow and Traditional Banks Downloads
Yuteng Cheng and Ryuichiro Izumi
24-8: Monetary Policy Transmission Through Shadow and Traditional Banks Downloads
Amina Enkhbold
24-7: Regulation, Emissions and Productivity: Evidence from China’s Eleventh Five-Year Plan Downloads
Brantly Callaway, Tong Li, Joel Rodrigue, Yuya Sasaki and Yong Tan
24-6: Decomposing Large Banks’ Systemic Trading Losses Downloads
Radoslav Raykov
24-5: How Do Agents Form Macroeconomic Expectations? Evidence from Inflation Uncertainty Downloads
Tao Wang
24-4: Central Bank Digital Currency and Banking Choices Downloads
Jiaqi Li, Andrew Usher and Yu Zhu
Page updated 2025-01-11
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