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RF Berlin - CReAM Discussion Paper Series

From Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM)
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928: Peers, neighborhoods and immigrant student achievement - evidence from a placement policy Downloads
Olof Åslund, Per-Anders Edin, Peter Fredriksson and Hans Grönqvist
927: Age at migration and social integration Downloads
Olof Åslund, Anders Böhlmark and Oskar Skans
926: Remittances and the Brain Drain Revisited: The microdata show that more educated migrants remit more Downloads
Albert Bollard, David McKenzie, Melanie Morten and Hillel Rapoport
925: How Important is Access to Jobs? Old Question - Improved Answer Downloads
Olof Åslund, John Östh and Yves Zenou
924: Oppositional Identities and Employment for Ethnic Minorities. Evidence from England Downloads
Harminder Battu and Yves Zenou
923: Immigrants' Identity, Economic Outcomes, and the Transmission of Identity across Generations Downloads
Teresa Casey and Christian Dustmann
922: The Economic Situation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in France, Germany, and the UK Downloads
Yann Algan, Christian Dustmann, Albrecht Glitz and Alan Manning
921: The Remitting Patterns of African Migrants in the OECD Downloads
Albert Bollard, David McKenzie and Melanie Morten
920: The Impacts of International Migration on Remaining Household Members: Omnibus Results from a Migration Lottery Program Downloads
John Gibson, David McKenzie and Steven Stillman
919: Immigration and Housing Booms: Evidence from Spain Downloads
Libertad Gonzalez and Francesc Ortega
918: Assessing the Fiscal Costs and Benefits of A8 Migration to the UK Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls
917: On the robustness of brain gain estimates Downloads
Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier and Hillel Rapoport
916: Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of Skilled Native Women Downloads
Lidia Farre, Libertad Gonzalez and Francesc Ortega
915: The Trade Creation Effect of Immigrants: Testing the Theory on the Remarkable Case of Spain Downloads
Giovanni Peri and Francisco Requena Silvente
914: Equipping Immigrants: Migration Flows and Capital Movements Downloads
Fabian Lange and Douglas Gollin
913: Age at Arrival, English Proficiency, and Social Assimilation Among U.S. Immigrants Downloads
Hoyt Bleakley and Aimee Chin
912: Delinquent Networks Downloads
Coralio Ballester, Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Yves Zenou
911: Brain Drain and Brain Return: Theory and Application to Eastern-Western Europe Downloads
Karin Mayr-Dorn and Giovanni Peri
910: The Labor Market Impact of Immigration in Western Germany in the 1990's Downloads
Francesco D'Amuri, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri
909: Remittances and Temporary Migration Downloads
Christian Dustmann and Josep Mestres
908: Immigration and the U.S. Labor Market Downloads
Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo
907: Immigration and Inequality Downloads
David Card
906: Intermarriage and Immigrant Employment: The Role of Networks Downloads
Delia Furtado and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
905: Migration and Trade: Theory with an Application to the Eastern-Western European Integration Downloads
Susana Iranzo and Giovanni Peri
904: Do Interest Groups affect US Immigration Policy? Downloads
Giovanni Facchini, Anna Maria Mayda and Prachi Mishra
903: The Microeconomic Determinants of Emigration and Return Migration of the Best and Brightest: Evidence from the Pacific Downloads
John Gibson and David McKenzie
902: Intermarriage and the Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identity and Human Capital for Mexican Americans Downloads
Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo
901: Ancestry versus Ethnicity: The Complexity and Selectivity of Mexican Identification in the United States Downloads
Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo
817: When Minority Labor Migrants Meet the Welfare State Downloads
Bernt Bratsberg, Oddbjørn Raaum and Knut Røed
816: Complements or Substitutes? Immigrant and Native Task Specialization in Spain Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Sara De La Rica
815: Emigration and the Age Profile of Retirement Among Immigrants Downloads
Deborah Cobb-Clark and Steven Stillman
814: Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education Downloads
Antoni Calvó-Armengol, Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou
813: Highly-Educated Immigrants and Native Occupational Choice Downloads
Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber
812: Educational Achievement and Ethnicity in Compulsory Schooling Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Stephen Machin and Uta Schoenberg
811: The Labour Market Impact of Immigration Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Albrecht Glitz and Tommaso Frattini
810: The Construction of Neighbourhoods and its Relevance for the Measurement of Social and Ethnic Segregation: Evidence from Denmark Downloads
Anna Damm and Marie Louise Schultz-Nielsen
809: Effects of Low-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Natives: Evidence from Hurricane Mitch Downloads
Adriana Kugler and Mutlu Yuksel
808: Migration, Relationship Capital and International Travel: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Philip McCann, Jacques Poot and Lynda Sanderson
807: How Pro-Poor is the Selection of Seasonal Migrant Workers from Tonga Under New Zealand's Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Program? Downloads
John Gibson, David McKenzie and Halahingano Rohorua
806: Who is coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the new Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Program? Downloads
David McKenzie, Pilar Garcia Martinez and L. Winters
805: Immigration Accounting: U.S. States 1960-2006 Downloads
Giovanni Peri
804: Return Migration as Channel of Brain Gain Downloads
Karin Mayr-Dorn and Giovanni Peri
803: The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Ian Preston
802: Task Specialization, Immigration, and Wages Downloads
Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber
801: I'll Marry You If You Get Me a Job: Cross-Nativity Marriages and Immigrant Employment Rates Downloads
Delia Furtado and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
717: The Persistence of Self-Employment Across Borders: New Evidence on Legal Immigrants to the United States Downloads
Randall Akee, David Jaeger and Konstantinos Tatsiramos
716: Interethnic Marriage Decisions: A Choice between Ethnic and Educational Similarities Downloads
Delia Furtado and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
715: What Explains the Wealth Gap Between Immigrants and the New Zealand Born? Downloads
John Gibson, Trinh Le and Steven Stillman
714: The Impact of Immigration on the Geographic Mobility of New Zealanders Downloads
Steven Stillman and David Maré
713: The Effects of Immigration on U.S. Wages and Rents: A General Equilibrium Approach Downloads
Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri
Page updated 2024-12-06
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