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RF Berlin - CReAM Discussion Paper Series

From Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM)
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1315: Public Attitudes toward Immigration Downloads
Jens Hainmueller and Daniel J. Hopkins
1314: Ethnic composition of schools and school performances in secondary education of Turkish migrant students in 7 countries and 19 European educational systems Downloads
Gert-Jan Veerman and Jaap Dronkers
1313: Out-migration, Wealth Constraints, and the Quality of Local Amenities Downloads
Christian Dustmann and Anna Okatenko
1312: Employment Verification Mandates and the Labor Market Outcomes of Likely Unauthorized and Native Workers Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Cynthia Bansak
1311: Labor Market Laws and Intra-European Migration: The Role of the State in Shaping Destination Choices Downloads
John Palmer and Mariola Pytlikova
1310: Eliciting Illegal migration rates through list randomization Downloads
David McKenzie and Melissa Siegel
1309: Single-parenthood among migrant children: Determinants and consequences for educational performance Downloads
Jaap Dronkers and Matthijs Kalmijn
1308: Development Impacts of Seasonal and Temporary Migration: A Review of Evidence from the Pacific and Southeast Asia Downloads
John Gibson, David McKenzie and Halahingano Rohorua
1307: Can gender differences in the educational performance of 15-year old migrant pupils be explained by the gender equality in the countries of origin and destination? Downloads
Jaap Dronkers and Nils Kornder
1306: Minimum wages and the creation of illegal migration Downloads
Gil Epstein and Odelia (Cohen) Heizler
1305: Scientific Mobility and Knowledge Networks in High Emigration Countries: Evidence from the Pacific Downloads
John Gibson and David McKenzie
1304: Birthplace Diversity and Economic Prosperity Downloads
Alberto Alesina, Johann Harnoss and Hillel Rapoport
1303: The value of earning for learning: Performance bonuses in immigrant language training Downloads
Olof Åslund and Mattias Engdahl
1302: How Do Tougher Immigration Measures Impact Unauthorized Immigrants? Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Thitima Puttitanun and Ana Martinez-Donate
1301: Immigrant Homeownership and Immigration Status: Evidence from Spain Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Kusum Mundra
1236: The Returns to Language Skills in the US Labor Market Downloads
Ingo Isphording and Mathias Sinning
1235: Neighborhood Quality and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Quasi-Random Neighborhood Assignment of Immigrants Downloads
Anna Damm
1234: Split Decisions: Family finance when a policy discontinuity allocates overseas work Downloads
Michael Clemens and Erwin Tiongson
1233: What Determines Attitudes to Immigration in European Countries? An Analysis at the Regional Level Downloads
Yvonni Markaki and Simonetta Longhi
1232: European immigrants in the UK before and after the 2004 enlargement: Is there a change in immigrant self-selection? Downloads
Simonetta Longhi and Magdalena Rokicka
1231: Relative Quality of Foreign Nurses in the United States Downloads
Patricia Cortés and Jessica Pan
1230: The Economic Integration of Forced Migrants: Evidence for Post-War Germany Downloads
Thomas Bauer, Sebastian Braun and Michael Kvasnicka
1229: The Effect of Emigration from Poland on Polish Wages Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Anna Rosso
1228: Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being Downloads
Steven Stillman, John Gibson, David McKenzie and Halahingano Rohorua
1227: The Impact of Labour Market Dynamics on the Return–Migration of Immigrants Downloads
Govert Bijwaard, Christian Schluter and Jackline Wahba
1226: The Short- and Long-Run Determinants of Less- Educated Immigrant Flows into U.S. States Downloads
Nicole Simpson and Chad Sparber
1225: Migrants, Ethnicity and the Welfare State Downloads
Gil Epstein
1224: Frontier Issues of the Political Economy of Migration Downloads
Gil Epstein
1223: Cultural diversity and plant-level productivity Downloads
Michaela Trax, Stephan Brunow and Jens Suedekum
1222: Ethnic Segregation in Germany Downloads
Albrecht Glitz
1221: Musn’t Grumble. Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany Downloads
Jonathan Wadsworth
1220: Assimilation through Marriage Downloads
Gil Epstein and Renana Lindner Pomerantz
1219: Can an Ethnic Group Climb up from the Bottom of the Ladder? Downloads
Gil Epstein and Erez Siniver
1218: A Global View of Cross-Border Migration Downloads
Julian di Giovanni, Andrei Levchenko and Francesc Ortega
1217: Sale Of Visas: A Smuggler's Final Song? Downloads
Emmanuelle Auriol and Alice Mesnard
1216: The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants Downloads
John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia
1215: Why are migrant students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others? On the effects of educational systems, school composition, track level, parental background, and country of origin on the achievement of 15-year- old migrant students Downloads
Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and Allison Dunne
1214: Do Migrant Girls Always Perform Better? Differences between the Reading and Math Scores of 15-Year-Old Daughters and Sons of Migrants in PISA 2009 and Variations by Region of Origin and Country of Destination Downloads
Nils Kornder and Jaap Dronkers
1213: Immigrants' Children Scientific Performance in a Double Comparative Design: The Influence of Origin, Destination, and Community Downloads
Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus
1212: Immigrant Pupils' Scientific Performance: The Influence of Educational System Features of Origin and Destination Countries Downloads
Jaap Dronkers, Manon de Heus and Mark Levels
1211: Positive but also negative effects of ethnic diversity in schools on educational performance? An empirical test using PISA data Downloads
Jaap Dronkers and Rolf Van der Velden
1210: The Educational Performance of Children of Immigrants in Sixteen OECD Countries Downloads
Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus
1209: Distortions in the International Migrant Labor Market: Evidence from Filipino Migration and Wage Responses to Destination Country Economic Shocks Downloads
David McKenzie, Caroline Theoharides and Dean Yang
1208: The Long-term Effects of School Quality on Labor Market Outcomes and Educational Attainment Downloads
Christian Dustmann, Patrick Puhani and Uta Schönberg
1207: Learning about migration through experiments Downloads
David McKenzie
1206: The role of language in shaping international migration Downloads
Alicia Adsera and Mariola Pytlikova
1205: Interethnic Marriages and their Economic Effects Downloads
Delia Furtado and Stephen Trejo
1204: Peer Effects on Criminal Behavior. Evidence from the homeless Downloads
Lucia Corno
1203: Living and Working in Ethnic Enclaves: Language Proficiency of Immigrants in U.S. Metropolitan Areas Downloads
Julia Beckhusen, Raymond Florax, Thomas Graaff, Jacques Poot and Brigitte Waldorf
1202: Ethnic Networks and Employment Outcomes Downloads
Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou
Page updated 2025-01-17
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