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UC3M Working papers. Economics

From Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía
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2008: Optimal asset allocation for aggregated defined benefit pension funds with stochastic interest rates Downloads
Ricardo Josa-Fombellida
2008: Unemployment duration among immigrants and natives: unobserved heterogeneity in a multi-spell duration model Downloads
J. Ignacio García Pérez
2008: Keeping the best for last. Impact of fertility on mother's employment. Evidence from developing countries Downloads
Julio Caceres-Delpiano
2008: Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium in stochastic differential games as solution of a generalized Euler Equations System Downloads
Ricardo Josa-Fombellida
2008: On one-dimensional stochastic control problems: applications to investment models Downloads
Ricardo Josa-Fombellida
2008: Exact optimal and adaptive inference in regression models under heteroskedasticity and non-normality of unknown forms Downloads
Jean-Marie Dufour
2008: Catching up in total factor productivity through the business cycle: evidence from Spanish manufacturing surveys Downloads
Rodolfo Stucchi
2008: Class Attendance and Academic Performance among Spanish Economics Students Downloads
Vincenzo Andrietti and Rosaria D´Addazio
2008: Collusive networks in market sharing agreements in the presence of an antitrust authority Downloads
Flavia Roldán
2008: Measuring causality between volatility and returns with high-frequency data Downloads
Jean-Marie Dufour and René Garcia
2008: Testing downside risk efficiency under market distress Downloads
Jose Olmo
2008: Short and long run causality measures: theory and inference Downloads
Jean-Marie Dufour
2008: Asymptotic properties of the Bernstein density copula for dependent data Downloads
Taoufik Bouezmarni and Jeroen Rombouts
2008: Did PROGRESA send drop-outs back to school? Downloads
Nieves Valdés
2008: Investment climate and firm’s economic performance: econometric methodology and application to Turkey's investment climate survey Downloads
J. Luis Guasch, Manuel De Orte and Jorge Pena
2008: Investment climate assessment based on demean Olley and Pakes decompositions: methodology and application to Turkey's investment climate survey Downloads
J. Luis Guasch, Manuel De Orte and Jorge Pena
2008: Robust methodology for investment climate assessment on productivity: application to investment climate surveys from Central America Downloads
J. Luis Guasch
2008: Biased Technical Change, Intermediate Goods and Total Factor Productivity Downloads
Alessio Moro
2008: Computing welfare losses from data under imperfect competition with heterogeneous goods Downloads
Galina Zudenkova
2008: Determinants of trade union membership in Great Britain during 1991-2003 Downloads
Georgios Chrysanthou
2008: Estimating union wage effects in Great Britain during 1991-2003 Downloads
Georgios Chrysanthou
2008: General to specific modelling of exchange rate volatility: a forecast evaluation Downloads
Luc Bauwens and Genaro Sucarrat
2008: Peace agreements without commitment Downloads
Carmen Bevia
2008: The impact of unilateral divorce on crime Downloads
Julio Caceres-Delpiano and Eugenio Giolito
2008: Optimal takeover contests with toeholds Downloads
Gino Loyola
2008: Doubts and equilibria Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and José Uriarte
2008: Gender differences and the timing of first marriages Downloads
Javier Díaz-Giménez and Eugenio Giolito
2008: The impact of immigration on the wage structure: Spain 1995-2002 Downloads
Juan F Jimeno and Carolina Ortega
2008: Simple Wald tests of the fractional integration parameter: an overview of new results Downloads
Laura Mayoral
2008: On bidding markets: the role of competition Downloads
Gino Loyola
2008: College admissions and the role of information: an experimental study Downloads
Joana Pais, Ágnes Pintér and Róbert Veszteg
2008: Markets for information: of inefficient firewalls and efficient monopolies Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Piero Gottardi
2007: R&D and productivity: estimating production functions when productivity is endogenous Downloads
Ulrich Doraszelski and Jordi Jaumandreu
2007: Tax rates, governance, and the informal economy in high-income countries Downloads
Zoe Kuehn
2007: Uninformative announcements and asset trading behavior Downloads
Brice Corgnet and Dave Porter
2007: Corporate diversification and R&D intensity dynamics Downloads
Francisco Forcadell
2007: Outside income and moral hazard: the elusive quest for good politicians Downloads
Stefano Gagliarducci, Tommaso Nannicini and Paolo Naticchioni
2007: Credit and inflation under borrower’s lack of commitment Downloads
Fernando Perera-Tallo
2007: Education and political behaviour: evidence from the Catalan linguistic reform Downloads
Oriol Aspachs-Bracons and Paolo Masella
2007: Identity and language policies Downloads
Oriol Aspachs-Bracons and Paolo Masella
2007: More secrecy... more knowledge disclosure?: On disclosure outside of patents Downloads
Carlos Ponce
2007: Knowledge disclosure as intellectual property rights Downloads
Carlos Ponce
2007: Exchange rate variability, market activity and heterogeneity Downloads
Dagfinn Rime and Genaro Sucarrat
2007: Trade liberalization, competition and growth Downloads
Omar Licandro and Antonio Navas
2007: The role of search frictions for output and inflation dynamics: a Bayesian assessment Downloads
Martin Menner
2007: Technology adoption and the selection effect of trade Downloads
Davide Sala and Antonio Navas
2007: Games of capacities: a (close) look to Nash Equilibria Downloads
Matteo Triossi
2007: Flexibility at the margin and labor market volatility in OECD countries Downloads
Hector Sala, José Silva and Manuel Toledo
2007: Implementation in adaptive better-response dynamics Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Roberto Serrano
2007: Wald Tests of I(1) against I(d) alternatives: some new properties and an extension to processes with trending components Downloads
Laura Mayoral
2007: Anticommons and optimal patent policy in a model of sequential innovation Downloads
Gastón Llanes and Stefano Trento
2007: On the impossibility of representing infinite utility streams Downloads
Juan Crespo
2007: Democracy and the curse of natural resources Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Esther Hauk
2007: Converging to efficiency: the Ramón y Cajal Program experience Downloads
Matteo Triossi
2007: Rewarding cooperation in social dilemmas Downloads
Haydée Lugo
2007: Permanent and transitory components of GDP and stock prices: further analysis Downloads
Tae Hwy Lee and Weiping Yang
2007: The forward premium anomaly: can sticky-price models generate volatile foreign exchange risk premia? Downloads
Seongman Moon
2007: Pricing strategies in software platforms: video consoles vs. operating systems Downloads
María Viecens
2007: How to sell to buyers with crossholdings Downloads
Gino Loyola
2007: On the generic finiteness of outcome distributions for bimatrix game forms Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin and Cristian M. Litan
2007: Cooperative production and efficiency Downloads
Carmen Bevia
2007: Undominated (and) perfect equilibria in Poisson games Downloads
Carlos Pimienta and Francesco De Sinopoli
2007: Affiliation, equilibrium existence and the revenue ranking of auctions Downloads
Luciano de Castro
2007: The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: are U.S. prices really higher than those of Canada? Downloads
Sergi Jimenez-Martin and Antonio Cabrales
2007: Electing a parliament Downloads
Francesco De Sinopoli and Leo Ferraris
2007: Inequality for wage earners and self-employed: evidence from panel data Downloads
Pedro Albarran and Maite Martinez-Granado
2007: Interdependent preferences and segregating equilibria Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Antoni Calvó-Armengol
2007: When are signals complements or substitutes? Downloads
Tilman Börgers, Angel Hernando-Veciana and Daniel Krähmer
2007: An experiment on markets and contracts: do social preferences determine corporate culture? Downloads
Giovanni Ponti, Antonio Cabrales, Raffaele Miniaci and Marco Piovesan
2007: Differentiability of the value function without interiority assumptions Downloads
Manuel S. Santos
2007: Decentralized trade mitigates the lemons problem Downloads
John Wooders
2007: The impact of heavy tails and comovements in downside-risk diversification Downloads
Jose Olmo
2007: Effort and synergies in network formation Downloads
Antonio Cabrales, Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Yves Zenou
2007: On the existence of Bayesian Cournot equilibrium Downloads
Ezra Einy, Ori Haimanko and Benyamin Shitovitz
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