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UC3M Working papers. Economics

From Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía
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1992: The welfare cost of taxation and endogenous growth Downloads
Christophe Chamley
1992: Searching by questionaire for the meaning of income inequality Downloads
Carlos Ballano
1992: Bayesian econometrics:conjugate analysis and rejection sampling using mathematica Downloads
Eduardo Ley and Mark Steel
1992: Missing observations and additive outliers in time series models Downloads
Agustín Maravall
1992: Colonos, central factories, and renegotiation (A Fixed Effects Analysis of the Adoption of New Technologies in the Cuban Sugar Industry, 1899-1929) Downloads
Alan Dye
1992: On the estimation of the influence curve Downloads
Antonio Cuevas
1992: Robust Bayesian inference in Iq-Spherical models Downloads
Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1992: An econometric analysis of tourism in Spain: implications for the sectoral study of exports and some economic policy considerations Downloads
Rosa Gómez-Churraca and Eduardo Morales
1992: Comparing probabilistic methods for outlier detection Downloads
Irwin Guttman
1992: Measuring the effects of covariates on duration data through completely censored and lengith biased cps-like data Downloads
Teresa Villagarcía
1992: Estimating end-use demand: A Bayesian approach Downloads
Luc Bauwens, Denzil Fiebig and Mark Steel
1992: Posterior inference on long-run impulse responses Downloads
Gary Koop, Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1992: A discriminant rule under transformation Downloads
Juan A. Barrio
1992: Revised stochastic analysis of an input-output model Downloads
Thijs ten Raa and Mark Steel
1992: What are we learning about the long-run? Downloads
Clive Granger
1992: Exports and growth: an econometric analysis Downloads
Jati K. Sengupta and J.R. España
1992: Exports and economic growth. The gains from reallocation in Korea Downloads
J.R. España
1992: The bootstrap -A review Downloads
Wenceslao González-Manteiga and José Manuel Prada Sánchez
1992: Bootstrapping unit root AR(1) models Downloads
Nélida Ferretti
1992: A Bayesian look at diagnostics in the univariate linear model Downloads
Irwin Guttman
1992: Migration and risk: an empirical application to the coca economy in Peru Downloads
Julio Revilla
1992: Agricultural productivity and european industrialization, 1890-1980 Downloads
Patrick K. O'Brien
1992: A comparison of different methods of estimating and testing the especification of rational expectation models with one endogeneus and one exogenus variable Downloads
J. Sargan
1992: Nonparametric and semiparametric methods for economic research Downloads
Peter M. Robinson
1992: A note on Ramsey and Corlett-Hague rules Downloads
Eduardo Ley
1992: Stochastic frontier models: a bayesian perspective Downloads
Gary Koop, Jacek Osiewalski, Mark Steel and Julien Van den Broeck
1992: Switching regressions and activity analysis Downloads
Eduardo Ley
1992: Bayesian long-run prediction in time series models Downloads
Gary Koop, Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1992: Square root kalman filter with contaminated observations Downloads
Tomas Cipra, Rosario Romera and A. Rubio
1992: A non-walrasian general equilibrium model with monopolistic competition and bargaining Downloads
Omar Licandro
1992: The Q theory of investment under unit root tests Downloads
David de la Croix and Omar Licandro
1992: A simple method to identify significant effects in unreplicated two-level factorial designs Downloads
Jesús Juan
1992: Bayesian marginal equivalence of elliptical regression models Downloads
Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1992: Posterior moments of scale parameters in elliptical regression models Downloads
Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1992: A goodnes-of-fit test based on ranks for arma models Downloads
Nélida Ferretti, Diana M. Kelmansky and Víctor J. Yohai
1992: Environmental costs of residuals: a characterization of efficient tax policies Downloads
Carlos Ocaña Pérez de Tudela and Joan Pasqual
1991: Underlying inflation in the spanish economy: estimation and methodology Downloads
Maria de los Llanos Matea
1991: Characterization of production in different branches of production in different branches spanish industrial activity, by means of time series analysis Downloads
Pedro Revilla and Pilar Rey
1991: Robust bayesian inference in empirical regression models Downloads
Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
1991: A discrete approach to continuum economies Downloads
Javier García Cutrín and Carlos Hervés Beloso
1991: On robustness properties of bootstrap approximations Downloads
Antonio Cuevas
1991: Rough analysis in lattices Downloads
Tadeusz B. Iwinski
1991: Model based measures of contemporaneous economic growth Downloads
José Ramón Cancelo
1991: Forecasting daily demand for electricity with multiple-input nonlinear transfer function models: a case study Downloads
José Ramón Cancelo
1991: Nonlinear error correction, asymmetric adjusment and cointegration Downloads
Gerard Pfann
1991: Bayesian outliers functions for linear models Downloads
George C. Tiao
1991: The detection of influential subsets in linear regression using an influence matrix Downloads
Víctor J. Yohai
1991: The dynamics of durable goods markets: rational expectations and sticky prices Downloads
Carlos Ocaña Pérez de Tudela
1991: Threshold modelling of nonlinear dynamic relationships: an application to a daily series of economic activiity Downloads
José Ramón Cancelo
1991: Business cycle fluctuations and the cost of insurrance in computable heterogeneous agent economies Downloads
Javier Díaz-Giménez
1991: Q investment models, factor complementary and monopolistic competition Downloads
Omar Licandro
1991: Uncertainty and Tobin´s q in a monopolistic competition framework Downloads
Omar Licandro
1991: On the policy function in continuos time economic models Downloads
Manuel S. Santos
1991: A Note on likelihood estimation of missing values in time series Downloads
George C. Tiao
1990: Interpolation, outliers and inverse autocorrelations Downloads
Agustín Maravall
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