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Staff Paper Series

From University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics
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595: Estimating Intra-household Bargaining Power When Outside Options Are Endogenous Downloads
Jean-Paul Chavas and Matthew J. Klein
594: Gender Equality in the Family Can Reduce the Malaria Burden in Malawi Downloads
Matthew J. Klein, Bradford L. Barham and Yuexuan Wu
593: “Gender Shock†and Household Labor Allocation: Dowry and Labor Migration in Pakistan Downloads
Ahmed Raza Cheema and Ian Coxhead
592: Quantifying Disruptive Trade Policies Downloads
Edward Balistreri, Christoph Bohringer and Thomas F. Rutherford
591: Broadband’s Relationship to Rural Housing Values Downloads
Steven Deller and Brian Whitacre
590: Point Estimates of Household Bargaining Power Using Outside Options Downloads
Matthew J. Klein and Bradford L. Barham
589: Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform in the Developing World: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why? Downloads
Ian Coxhead and Corbett Grainger
588: The Effect of Membership Expansion on Credit Union Risk and Returns Downloads
Jordan van Rijn
587: Endogenous Selection, Migration and Occupation Outcomes for Rural Southern Mexicans Downloads
Esteban Quiñones and Bradford L. Barham
586: An Experimental Test of Gender Differences in Charitable Giving: Empathy Is at the Heart of the Matter Downloads
Jordan van Rijn, Esteban Quiñones and Bradford L. Barham
585: Modern Agricultural Science in Transition: A Survey of U.S. Land-Grant Agricultural and Life Scientists Downloads
Bradford L. Barham, Jeremy Foltz, Maria Isabella R. Agnes and Jordan van Rijn
584: An Experimental Approach to Comparing Similarity- and Guilt-Based Charitable Appeals Downloads
Jordan van Rijn, Bradford Barham and Reka Sundaram-Stukel
583: Does Freer Trade Really Lead to Productivity Growth? Evidence from Africa Downloads
Lauren R. Bresnahan, Ian Coxhead, Jeremy Foltz and Tewodaj Mogues
582: Could a Resource Export Boom Reduce Workers' Earnings? The Labor Market Channel in Indonesia Downloads
Ian Coxhead and Rashesh Shrestha
581: Rural-Urban Migration and Remittances in Vietnam Evidence from Migrant Tracer Data Downloads
Diep Phan and Ian Coxhead
580: An Exploratory Analysis of Women Farmers and Rural Economic Growth and Development Downloads
Steven Deller and Tessa Conroy
579: Food Price Bubbles and Government Intervention: Is China Different? Downloads
Jian Li, Chongguang Li and Jean-Paul Chavas
578: Factors Affecting the Interstate Migration of Manufacturing Firms: Much to Do about Nothing? Downloads
Steven Deller, Tessa Conroy and Alexandra Tsvetkova
577: Small Food Processing in the Context of Local Foods Downloads
Steven Deller and Maureen Stickel
576: Community Level Impacts of Local Food Movements in the US, Canada and Western Europe: Annotated Bibliography Downloads
Maureen Stickel and Steven Deller
575: Southeast Asia's Long Transition Downloads
Ian Coxhead
574: Education in Southeast Asia: Investments, Achievements, and Returns Downloads
Diep Phan and Ian Coxhead
573: Lucky Countries? Internal and External Sources of Southeast Asian Growth Downloads
Tracy Phung, Ian Coxhead and Chang Lian
572: Povery, Public Health and Local Foods Downloads
Steven Deller, Laura Brown and Amber Canto
571: Local Foods and Community Health: An Exploratory Analysis Downloads
Steven Deller, Laura Brown and Amber Canto
570: Local Foods and Rural Economic Growth Downloads
Steven Deller, Laura Brown, Anna Haines and T. Randall Fortenbery
569: Current Prospects for Bioenergy Crop Production on Marginal Lands: Results from a Farm Survey in Southwestern Wisconsin Downloads
Daniel Mooney, Brad Barham, Chang Lian, Steve Ventura, Natalie Hunt, Tim Meehan and Randy Jackson
568: Measuring Farm Sustainability Using Data Envelope Analysis with Principal Components: The Case of the Wisconsin Cranberry Downloads
Fengxia Dong, Paul Mitchell and Jed Colquhoun
567: A Trade Area Analysis of Wisconsin Retail Markets: Updated for 2011 Downloads
Steven Deller
566: Long-Run Costs of Piecemeal Reform: Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Vietnam Downloads
Diep Phan and Ian Coxhead
565: Frac Sand Mining and Community Economic Development Downloads
Steven Deller and Andrew Schreiber
564: Economic Assessment of the Benefits of Chloro-s-triazine Herbicides to U.S. Corn, Sorghum, and Sugarcane Producers Downloads
Paul Mitchell
563: Estimating Soil Erosion and Fuel Use Changes and Their Monetary Values with AGSIM: A Case Study for Triazine Herbicides Downloads
Paul Mitchell
562: USDA's Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Dairy: What Is It and How Can It Be Used for Risk Management Downloads
Brian W. Gould and Victor E. Cabrera
561: Vietnam's New Environmental Tax Law: What Will It Cost? Who Will Pay? Downloads
Ian Coxhead and Nguyen Van Chan
560: Analyzing Farmer Participation Intentions and Enrollment Rates for the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) Program Downloads
Paul Mitchell, Roderick Rejesus, Keith Coble and Thomas O. Knight
559: Global Market Shocks and Poverty in Vietnam: The Case of Rice Downloads
Ian Coxhead, Linh Vu and Dong Tam Le
558: A Trade Area Analysis of Wisconsin Counties: Updated for 2010 Downloads
Steven Deller
557: How Stressed Are Wisconsin Cities and Villages? Downloads
Craig Maher, Steven Deller and John Kovari
556: The Sequential Adoption of Package Technologies: The Dynamics of Stacked Trait Corn Adoption Downloads
Ursula Aldana, Jeremy Foltz, Bradford L. Barham and Pilar Useche
555: The Economics of Water Dependent Industries in Portage County Downloads
Jennifer Stewart, Steven Deller and Ken Schroeder
554: Sustainability under Siege: Transport Costs and Corruption on West Africa's Trade Corridors Downloads
Daniel Bromley and Jeremy Foltz
553: GM vs. Non-GM: A Survival Analysis of Hybrid Seed Corn in the US Downloads
Xingliang Ma and Guanming Shi
552: The Fiscal Health of Wisconsin Counties: An Analysis of Primary and Secondary Data Downloads
Steven Deller, Craig Maher and John Kovari
551: Market Concentration and the Analysis of Vertical Market Structures Downloads
Jean-Paul Chavas and Guanming Shi
550: An Updated Trade Analysis of Wisconsin Counties for 2009 Downloads
Steven Deller
549: The Ecological Footprint of Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from Mexico's Oportunidades Program Downloads
Jennifer M. Alix-Garcia, Craig McIntosh, Katharine Sims and Jarrod R. Welch
548: Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico's National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program Downloads
Jennifer M. Alix-Garcia, Elizabeth N. Shapiro and Katharine Sims
547: A Real Options Framework for Analyzing Program Participation as Human Capital Investments: The Case of the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) Program Downloads
Paul Mitchell, Roderick Rejesus, Keith Coble and Thomas O. Knight
546: Economic Impact of Foreign Exporst on the Wisconsin Economy Downloads
Steven Deller
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