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Econometric Society 2004 Latin American Meetings

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350: The quality of institutions and cyclical properties of macroeconomic policies
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Cesar Calderon and Roberto Duncan
349: Policy Biases under Lack of Coordination Downloads
Norman Loayza and Herman Bennett
348: Chile's Fiscal Rule Downloads
Norbert Fiess
347: What Determines Foreign Direct Investment? An Empirical Investigation
Felipe Larrain
346: STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN THE BRAZILIAN DEMAND FOR IMPORTS: A regime switching approach Downloads
M. Portugal and Igor Morais
344: Long-run and Cyclical Dynamics in the US Stock Market Downloads
Luis Gil-Alana and Guglielmo Maria Caporale
343: The Structure of Public Expenditures, Agricultural Income and Rural Poverty: Evidence from 10 Latin American countries Downloads
Ramon Lopez
342: Why do Good Cops Defend Bad Cops?
Juan Dubra
341: Workers, Warriors and Criminals: Social Conflict in General Equilibrium
Pedro Dal bó
340: Unemployment Dynamics and Social Security
Juan Rojas y Silvio Rendon
339: Endogenous Social Security
Elizabeth Caucutt
338: Relative Prices and Inflation: New Evidence from Different Inflationary Contexts Downloads
Carlos Usabiaga, M. Angeles Caraballo and Carlos Dabús
337: Optimal Devaluations Downloads
Juan Pablo Nicolini and Constantino Hevia
335: Debt-Constraints or Incomplete Markets? A Decomposition of the Wealth and Consumption Inequality in the U.S Downloads
Juan Cordoba
334: Potential Output in LAtin America: a standard approach for the 1950-2002 period
Heriberto Tapia and André Hofman
332: Democracy, Dictatorship and Economic Performance in Chile Downloads
William Keech
330: Equilibrium Directed Search with Multiple Applications Downloads
James Albrecht and Pieter Gautier
329: Migration, Trade and FDI in Mexico Downloads
William Maloney and Patricio Aroca
328: Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in Mercosur Downloads
Martin Gonzalez-Rozada and José Fanelli
David Weinstein and Christian Broda
326: Latin America in the Twentieth Century: Stagnation, then Collapse Downloads
Pablo Neumeyer and Hugo Hopenhayn
325: How to Depart Earlier From a Recession?
Se Kyu Choi and Felipe Larraín
324: EMU effect on Trade: What’s in it for the UK?
Guillermo Ordoñez, Alejandro Micco and Ernesto Stein
323: Electricity Transmission Pricing Principles
M. Soledad Arellano and Pablo Serra
321: Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring: A Pseudo Audit Study for Three Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima Downloads
Hugo Ñopo
320: Stopping Tests in the Sequential Estimation for Multiple Structural Breaks Downloads
Giovanni Urga and Christian de Peretti
319: Voting Leaders and Voting Participation Downloads
Cesar Martinelli, Helios Herrera and David Levine
318: Market Discipline under Systemic Risk: Evidence from Bank Runs in Emerging Economies
Sergio Schmukler, Eduardo Levy-Yeyati and Maria Martinez Peria
317: Labor Market Regimes and Mobility through a Markov Chain in Chile Downloads
Ricardo Paredes and Victor Lima
314: Efficient Partnership Dissolution under Buy/Sell Clauses Downloads
Thomas Kittsteiner, Maria-Angeles de Frutos and M-A
313: The Fiscal Burden of Korean Reunification: A Generational Accounting Approach
Ilho Yoo, Alan Auerbach and Young Jun Chun
312: Obsolescence of Durable Goods and Optimal Consumption Downloads
Dmitriy Stolyarov and Ennio Stacchetti
310: Pareto Improving Taxation in Incomplete Markets Downloads
Sergio Turner
309: Could the Exchange Rate Regime Reduce Macroeconomic Volatility? Downloads
Jorge Carrera and Diego Bastourre
Roberto Gutierrez and Javier Nunez
307: Financial Frictions and Business Cycles in Developing Countries Downloads
Jaime Guajardo
Hugo Pedro Boff
305: Probability of Survival of New Manufacturing Plants: the case of Chile Downloads
Jose Miguel Benavente and Christian Ferrada
304: The Relation Between Macroeconomic Uncertainty And The Expected Performance Of the Economy Downloads
Jean Sepulveda
302: Dynamic effects of FTA’s for Chile: How much to expect?
Sebastian Miller, Raúl O´Ryan and Carlos de Miguel
300: Pure Strategy Equilibria of Multidimensional and Non-Monotonic Auctions Downloads
Aloisio Araujo and Luciano de Castro
Richard Barnett
298: Exchange Rates, Inflation and Monetary Policy Objectives in Open Economies: The Experience of Chile Downloads
Rodrigo Caputo
297: High Inflation, Volatility and Total Factor Productivity Downloads
Juan Aquino
296: Trade Liberalization, the Exchange Rate and Job and Worker Flows in Brazil Downloads
Eduardo Ribeiro and Carlos Corseuil
295: Employment Protection and Gross Job Flows1 Downloads
Alejandro Micco - Carmen Pages
294: Parametric and Semi-parametric Estimations of the Return to Schooling in South Africa Downloads
Sonia Bhalotra and Claudia Sanhueza
293: Terms of Trade, Business Cycles and Tobin's q in Developing Open Economies
Victor Pacharoni
292: Productivity of Nations: a stochastic frontier approach to TFP decomposition Downloads
Fernando Garcia and Jorge Pires
290: International Technology Diffusion and the Demand for Skilled Labor: Evidence from East Asia and Latin America Downloads
Ana Margarida Fernandez and Pablo Fajnzylber
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