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ARENA Working Papers

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2007: Taking Evolution Seriously Downloads
Orion Lewis and Sven Steinmo
2007: Politicisation of European Integration: Bringing the Process into Focus Downloads
Pieter de Wilde
2007: National Agencies in the European Administrative Space: Government driven, Commission driven or networked? Downloads
Morten Egeberg and Jarle Trondal
2007: The Constitutional Debate Revisited. Patterns of public claims-making in constitutional debates in France and Germany 2001-2005 Downloads
Regina Vetters
2007: EU Governance in an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Logics of Decision-making in the Justice and Home Affairs Council Downloads
Jonathan P. Aus
2007: The Ups and Downs of Bureaucratic Organization Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2007: Understanding Institutions and Logics of Appropriateness: Introductory Essay Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2007: Who Consults? Expert Groups in the European Union Downloads
Åse Gornitzka and Ulf Sverdrup
2007: Safe Enough To Argue? Giving Reasons in the Council of the EU Downloads
Daniel Naurin
2007: Bilateral diplomacy in an integrated Europe: the co-existence of institutional orders? Downloads
Øivind Bratberg
2007: Bicameral Politics in the European Union Downloads
Bjorn Hoyland and Sara Hagemann
2007: Mellom økonomi og kultur: Det europeiske universitetet i endring Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2007: The Public Administration Turn in Integration Research Downloads
Jarle Trondal
2007: Institutional Stimulation of Deliberative Decision-Making:Technical Regulation in the European Union Downloads
Thomas Gehring
2007: EUROPEAN GOVERNMENT(S) Executive Politics in Transition? Downloads
Morten Egeberg
2007: The Anatomy of Autonomy: Reassessing the Autonomy of the European Commission Downloads
Jarle Trondal
2007: “Europe of Knowledge”: Search for a New Pact Downloads
Å. Gornitzka, P. Maassen, J. P. Olsen, and B. Stensaker
2007: Networking Administration in Areas of National Sensitivity - The Commission and European Higher Education Downloads
Åse Gornitzka
2007: Organization theory, public administration, democratic governance Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2007: Exploring the EU’s social constituency: Patterns of public claims-making in constitutional debates in France and Germany Downloads
Erik Jentges Regina Vetters and Hans-Jörg Trenz
2007: European Debates on the Knowledge Institution:The Modernization of the University at the European Level Downloads
Johan P. Olsen and Peter Maassen
2006: The Open Method of Coordination as practice - A watershed in European education policy? Downloads
Åse Gornitzka
2006: Higher Education as a Form of European Integration: How Novel is the Bologna Process? Downloads
Anne Corbett
2006: Mediatisation and democratization Downloads
Hans-Jörg Trenz
2006: Towards an Organization Theory of International Integration Downloads
Morten Egeberg
2006: Rational Choice and EU Politics Downloads
Mark A. Pollack
2006: Decision-making under Pressure: The Negotiation of the Biometric Passports Regulation in the Council Downloads
Jonathan P. Aus
2006: Adieu to constitutional elitism? Downloads
John Erik Fossum
2006: Eurodac: A Solution Looking for a Problem? Downloads
Jonathan P. Aus
2006: Deliberation and the problem of democratic legitimacy in the EU: Are working agreements the most that can be expected? Downloads
Erik Oddvar Eriksen
2006: Building Europe’s Constitution. The parliamentarization and institutionalization of human rights Downloads
Berthold Rittberger & Frank Schimmelfennig
2006: Constructivist approaches to European integration Downloads
Jeffrey T. Checkel
2006: Differentiated integration Downloads
Svein S. Andersen & Nick Sitter
2006: A Comparative Political Approach to the EU Formation Downloads
Stefano Bartolini
2006: Logics of Decision-making on Community Asylum Policy: A Case Study of the Evolvement of the Dublin II Regulation Downloads
Jonathan P. Aus
2006: Making sense of change in university governance Downloads
Åse Gornitzka & Johan P. Olsen
2006: Europeiske endringsprosesser og høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner Downloads
Åse Gornitzka & Johan P. Olsen
2005: Finland and the case of a Northern dimension for the EU: Inclusion by bargaining or arguing? Downloads
Børge Romsloe
2005: Run-away bureaucracy? Exploring the role of National Regulatory Agencies in the EU Downloads
Maria Martens
2005: The access of business interests to European Union institutions: notes towards a theory Downloads
Rainer Eising
2005: Conjunctural Causation in Comparative Case-Oriented Research: Exploring the Scope Conditions of Rationalist and Institutionalist Causal Mechanisms Downloads
Jonathan P. Aus
2005: Administering information: Eurostat and statistical integration Downloads
Ulf Sverdrup
2005: It’s the Process Stupid! Process Tracing in the Study of European and International Politics Downloads
Jeffrey T. Checkel
2005: Implementation and European integration: A review essay Downloads
Ulf Sverdrup
2005: The political organization of Europe: Differentiation and unification Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2005: After Hierarchy? The Differentiated Impact of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers on Domestic Executive Governance Downloads
Torbjörn Larsson and Jarle Trondal
2005: Language Minorities in Europe: Dying species or forerunner of a transnational civil society? Downloads
Hans-Jörg Trenz
2005: The EU’s fledgling society: From deafening silence to critical voice in European constitution making Downloads
John Erik Fossum and Hans-Jörg Trenz
2005: Democratic constitution-making - Reflections on the European experiment Downloads
John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez
2005: Executive Politics as Usual: Role Behaviour and Conflict Dimensions in the College of European Commissioners Downloads
Morten Egeberg
2005: Coordinating policies for a "Europe of knowledge" - Emerging practices of the "Open Method of Coordination" in education and research Downloads
Åse Gornitzka
2005: The institutional dynamics of the (European) University Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2005: The Constitution’s Gift? A deliberative democratic analysis of constitution-making in the European Union Downloads
John Erik Fossum & Agustín José Menéndez
2005: Double-hatted agencies on the European scene? A case study of the IMPEL network Downloads
Maria Martens
2005: Elaborating the "New Institutionalism" Downloads
James G. March & Johan P. Olsen
2005: Maybe it is time to rediscover bureaucracy? Downloads
Johan P. Olsen
2005: National Elites in the Post-national Era: Ethno-politics and Internationalization in the Baltic States Downloads
Anton Steen
2005: Neither Constitution, Nor Treaty Downloads
Agustín José Menéndez
2005: The Purse of the Polity. Tax power in the European Union Downloads
Agustín José Menéndez
2005: Contemporary European constitution-making: constrained or reflexive? Downloads
John Erik Fossum
2005: How the enlargement challenges the institutions - or the existence - of the European Economic Area Downloads
Ulf Sverdrup
2005: The Convention and the national parliamentary dimension Downloads
Andreas Maurer
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