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Energy, Transport and Environment Working Papers Series

From KU Leuven, Department of Economics - Research Group Energy, Transport and Environment
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ete0802: Learning about compliance under asymmetric information Downloads
Carmen Arguedas and Sandra Rousseau
ete0801: Enforcement Aspects of Conservation Policies: Compensation Payments versus Reserves Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0707: Arbitrage in Energy Markets: Competing in the Incumbent’s Shadow Downloads
Kupper Gerd and Bert Willems
ete0706: Post Kyoto Options for Belgium, 2012-2050 Downloads
Nijs Wouter and Denise Van Regemorter
ete0705: Journal Evaluation by Environmental and Resource Economists: A Survey Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0704: The Impact of Sanctions and Inspections on Firms’ Environmental Compliance Decisions Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0703: Economic Empirical Analysis of Sanctions for Environmental Violations: a Literature Overview Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0702: Catching or Fining Speeders: A Political Economy Approach Downloads
Delhaye Eef, Stef Proost and Sandra Rousseau
ete0701: Environmental Policy in a Federal State - A Regional CGE Analysis of the NEC Directive in Belgium Downloads
Bert Saveyn and Denise Van Regemorter
ete0608: Handleiding voor een Economische Evaluatie van het Milieubeleid: Toepassing op het Vlaamse Bosbeleid Downloads
Sandra Rousseau and Moons Ellen
ete0607: The interaction between tolls and capacity investment in serial and parallel transport networks Downloads
Bruno De Borger, Dunkerley Fay and Stef Proost
ete0606: Auctioning Conservation Contracts: An Application to the Flemish Afforestation Policy Downloads
Sandra Rousseau and Ellen Moons
André de Palma and Dunkerley Fay
ete0604: Are NIMBY's commuters? Downloads
Bert Saveyn
ete0603: Does Commuting Change the ranking of environmental instruments? Downloads
Bert Saveyn
ete0602: Strategic investment and pricing decisions in a congested transport corridor Downloads
Bruno De Borger, Dunkerley Fay and Stef Proost
ete0601: The enforcement of speeding: should fines be higher for repeated offences? Downloads
Delhaye Eef
ete0510: How to determine fining behaviour in court? Game theoretical and empirical analysis Downloads
Sandra Rousseau and Billiet Carole
ete0509: Asymmetric Duopoly in Space - what policies work? Downloads
Dunkerley Fay, André de Palma and Stef Proost
ete0508: The use of warnings when intended and measured emissions differ Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0507: A cost-benefit analysis of tunnel investment and tolling alternatives in Antwerp Downloads
Stef Proost, Saskia Van der Loo, André de Palma and Charles Lindsey
ete0506: Research challenges in modelling urban road pricing: an overview Downloads
André de Palma, Charles Lindsey and Stef Proost
ete0505: Policy design and the optimal location of forests in Flanders Downloads
Ellen Moons and Sandra Rousseau
ete0504: Towards better transport pricing and taxation in Belgium Downloads
Stef Proost and Inge Mayeres
ete0503: Urban Transport Pricing Reform With Two Levels Of Government Downloads
Stef Proost and Akshaya Sen
ete0502: Optimal location of new forests in a suburban area Downloads
Ellen Moons, Bert Saveyn, Stef Proost and Martin Hermy
ete0501: The potential impact of cross-ownership in transmission: An application to the Belgian electricity market Downloads
Guido Pepermans and Bert Willems
ete0416: Multi Pollutant Yardstick Schemes as Environmental Policy Tools Downloads
Laurent Franckx, Alessio D’Amato†, Isabelle Brose and Isabelle Brose
ete0415: The Relative Efficiency of Market-based Environmental Policy Instruments with Imperfect Compliance Downloads
Sandra Rousseau and Stef Proost
ete0414: An Almost Ideal Sharing Scheme for Coalition Games with Externalities Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Michael Finus
ete0413: Taxation of car ownership, car use and public transport: insights derived from a discrete choice numerical optimisation model Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Inge Mayeres
ete0412: Vertical and horizontal tax competition in the transport sector Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost
ete0411: Imperfect Competition and Congestion in a City with asymmetric subcenters Downloads
André de Palma, Stef Proost and Fay Dunkerley
ete0410: Regulating on-street parking Downloads
Edward Calthrop and Stef Proost
ete0409: Imperfect competition and congestion in the City Downloads
André de Palma and Stef Proost
ete0408: Ramsey Pricing in a Congested Network with Market Power in Generation: A Numerical Illustration for Belgium Downloads
Guido Pepermans and Bert Willems
ete0407: Traffic safety: speed limits, strict liability and a km tax Downloads
Eef Delhaye
ete0406: An Empirical Assessment of Measures to Enhance the Success of Global Climate Treaties* Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Michael Finus
ete0405: The Environmental Costing Model: a tool for more efficient environmental policymaking in Flanders Downloads
Johan Eyckmans, Erika Meynaerts and Sara Ochelen
ete0404: Environmental Tax Reform with Vertical Tax Externalities in a Federal State Downloads
Bert Saveyn and Stef Proost
ete0403: Timing of environmental inspections: Survival of the compliant1 Downloads
Sandra Rousseau
ete0402: Analysis of transport policy scenarios for EUcountries with PRIMES-transport Downloads
Jasper Knockaert, Stef Proost and Denise Van Regemorter
ete0401: Environmental Liability and Organizational Structure Downloads
Laurent Franckx and Frans de Vries
ete0319: Welfare maximizing emission permit allocations under constraints Downloads
Greta Coenen
ete0318: New Roads to International Environmental Agreements: The Case of Global Warming Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Michael Finus
ete0317: Coalition Formation in a Global Warming Game: How the Design of Protocols Affects the Success of Environmental Treaty-Making Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Michael Finus
ete0316: An “ideal” Normative Theory For Greenhouse Negotiations? Downloads
Johan Eyckmans and Erik Schokkaert
ete0315: The opening of the European electricity market and environmental policy: does the degree of competition matter?Keywords: Electricity, Trade and the Environment Downloads
Andrea Bigano and Stef Proost
ete0314: Regulating transmission in a spatial oligopoly: a numerical illustration for Belgium Downloads
Bert Willems and Guido Pepermans
ete0312: Environmental policy as a multi-task principal-agent problem Downloads
Laurent Franckx and Alessio D'Amato
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