Working Papers
From Tel Aviv
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- 1995: Technological Determinants of Trade
- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- 1995: Convergence Clubs and Subsistence Economies
- Dan Ben-David
- 1995: Trade Liberalization and Income Equalization: A Long-Run Perspective
- Dan Ben-David and Alok Bohara
- 1995: Measuring Income Convergence an Alternative Test
- Dan Ben-David
- 1995: Convergence Clubs and Diverging Economies
- Dan Ben-David
- 1995: The Effect of the Arab Boycott on Israel: The Automobile Market
- Chaim Fershtman and Neil Gandal
- 1995: The Strategic Use of Relationship Banking
- Y. Yafeh and O. Yosha
- 1995: Multiple Private Goods in Clubs and Local Public Good Economies: A Unified Approach
- D. Pines
- 1995: Trade and Convergence Among Countries
- Dan Ben-David
- 1995: Immigration, Search and Loss of Kill
- Yoram Weiss and M. Gotlibovski
- 1995: Social Rewards, Externalities and Stable Preferences
- Chaim Fershtman and Yoram Weiss
- 1995: Rent Dissipation, Free Riding, and Trade Policy
- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- 1995: The Determinants of Equilibrium Unemployment:Structural Estimation and Simulation of the Search and matching Model
- Eran Yashiv
- 1995: A Neoclassical Interpretation of Inflation and Stabilization in Israel
- Benjamin Bental and Zvi Eckstein
- 1995: Decentralized Information and the Walrasian Outcome: A Pairwise Meetings Market with Private Values
- Roberto Serrano and O. Yosha
- 1995: A Model of Bargaining Between Delegates
- M. Kahneman
- 1995: Naive Strategies in Competitive Games
- Ariel Rubinstein, A. Tversky and D. Heller
- 1995: A Simple Model of Creative Bargaining
- David Frankel
- 1995: A Pecuniary Reason for Income Mixing
- David Frankel
- 1995: A Theory of Price Inertia
- Arthur Fishman
- 1995: Imperfectly Informative Equilibria for Signalling Games
- Arthur Fishman
- 1995: Product Differentiation in the Presence of Snob and Bandwagon Effects
- A. Navon, Oz Shy and Jacques Thisse
- 1995: The Size of Regions
- Elhanan Helpman
- 1995: The Interrelation of the Time Series of Wage and Employment at the Firm Level, Common Features and Contracts
- A. Schwartz
- 1995: Multiple Uncertainty, Forward-Futures Markets and International Trade
- Jean-Marie Viaene and Itzhak Zilcha
- 1995: Quality Adjusted Prices for the American Automobile Industry: 1906-1940
- D.M.G. Raff and Manuel Trajtenberg
- 1995: Universities as a Source of Commercial Technology: A Detailed Analysis of University Patenting 1965-1988
- Rebecca Henderson and Adam Jaffe
- 1995: Growth and Labour Mobility
- Yoram Weiss
- 1995: Channels of Interstate Risksharing: U.S. 1963-1990
- Pierfederico Asdrubali, Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
- 1995: Large Shareholders and Banks: Who Monitors and How
- Y. Yafeh and O. Yosha
- 1995: Adoptions and Orphans in the Early Microcumputer Market
- Neil Gandal, Shane Greenstein and David Salant
- 1993: Licensing a Sequence of Innovations
- Neil Gandal and Katharine Rockett
- 1993: Social Status, Education and Growth
- Chaim Fershtman and Kevin Murphy
- 1993: Simultaneous Bargaining with two Potential Partners
- T. Byg
- 1993: International R&D Spillovers
- David Coe and Elhanan Helpman
- 1993: On Reputation Formation in monetary Policy
- Eran Yashiv
- 1993: Hollygopoly: Oligopolistic Competition for (Hollywood) Movies
- Neil Gandal and David Salant
- 1993: Strategic Entry Deterrence: Complementary Products as Installed Base
- Jeffrey Church and Neil Gandal
- 1993: The Formation and Dissolution of Families: Why Marry? Who Maries Whom? and what Happens Upon Divorce?
- Yoram Weiss
- 1993: The Politics of Free Trade Agreements
- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- 1993: Barganing in International Trade under Exchange Rate Uncertainty
- Shabtai Donnenfeld and Itzhak Zilcha
- 1993: Comparability Standards and Complementarity Network Externalities in the PC Software Market
- Neil Gandal
- 1993: Political Events and Economic Trends: The Effects of the Intifada on the Israeli Economy
- G. Fishelson
- 1993: Trade Wars and Trade Talks
- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- 1992: A Welfare Evaluation of Anti-Dumping Rules
- Oz Shy
- 1992: Experimentation in a Duopoly
- Arthur Fishman and Neil Gandal
- 1992: Currency Substitution under Non-Expected Utility-Some Empirical Evidence
- G. Bufman and L. Leiderman
- 1992: Finite Automata Play A Repeated Extensive Game
- M. Piccione and Ariel Rubinstein
- 1992: The Durability of Information, Market Efficiency and the Size of Firms: Search with Repeated Transactions
- Arthur Fishman and R. Rob
- 1992: Sequential Auctions of Cable Television Licences: The Israeli Experience
- Neil Gandal
- 1992: Integration, Complementary Products and Variety
- Jeffrey Church and Neil Gandal
- 1992: John Nash: The Master of Economic Modeling
- Ariel Rubinstein
- 1992: Resisting Migration: Wage Rigidity and Income Redistribution
- Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
- 1992: Protection for Sale
- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- 1992: Endowment Effect and Market Effect: Revisited
- G. Fishelson
- 1992: The Effects of Insider Trading on Insiders' Effort in Good and Bad Times
- Lucian Bebchuk and Chaim Fershtman
- 1992: Transaction Costs in a Tiebout Setup
- D. Pines and E. Berglas
- 1992: Hedonic Price Indexes for Spreadsheets and an Empirical Test of the Network Externalities Hypothesis
- Neil Gandal
- 1992: Israel's Exchange Rate Band
- Elhanan Helpman and L. Leiderman
- 1992: General Purpose Technologies: "Engines of Growth"
- Manuel Trajtenberg and Timothy Bresnahan
- 1992: Ivory Tower Versus Corporate Lab: An Empirical Study of Basic Research and Appropriability
- Manuel Trajtenberg
- 1992: Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations
- Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
- 1992: Duration to First Job and the Return to Schooling: Estimates form a Search -Matching Model
- Zvi Eckstein and K.I. Wolpin
- 1992: International Capital Flows: Efficiency of Savings and Investments
- Efraim Sadka
- 1992: The Informative Role of Prices in Markets with Endogenously Informed Buyers
- Arthur Fishman