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Working Papers

From Tel Aviv
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1999: Payoff information and Self-Confirming Equilibrium
Eddie Dekel, Drew Fudenberg and David Levine
1999: Unskilled Migration: a Burden or a Boon for the Welfare State?
Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
1999: Experience from a Course in Game Theory: Pre and Post-Class Problem Sets as a Didactic Device
Ariel Rubinstein
1999: Cyclical Bias in Government Spending: Evidence from the OECD
Zvi Hercowitz and Michel Strawczynski
1999: Risk Taking in Selection Contests
Hans Hvide and Eirik Kristiansen
1999: On the Evolution of Attitudes Towards Risk in Winner-Take-All Games
Eddie Dekel and Suzanne Scotchmer
1999: Born to be Unemployed: Unemployment and Wages over the Business Cycle
Yona Rubinstein and Daniel Tsiddon
1999: The Inflation Bias Result Revisited
Alex Cukierman
1999: Defineable Preferences: Another Example
A. Rubinstein
1999: The Determinants of Equilibrium Unemployment
Eran Yashiv
1999: Hiring as Investment Behavior
Eran Yashiv
1999: Incentive Compatible Core and Competitive Equilibria in Differential Information Economies
Francoise Forges, A. Heifetz and Enrico Minelli
1999: The Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in the Israeli Labor Market
Zvi Eckstein and Yoram Weiss
1999: Tournament Rewards and Risk Taking
Hans Hvide
1999: A Note on Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory
Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
1999: Cognitive Foundations of Probability
Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
1999: Sequential Voting Procedures in Symmetric Binary Elections
Eddie Dekel and M. Piccione
1999: Inductive Inference: an Axiomatic Approach
Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
1999: The Choice of Acquiring Medical Information on Life Insurance Markets
E. Sulganik and Itzhak Zilcha
1999: Excessive FDI Flows under Asymmetric Information
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.-W. Yuen
1999: Immigration, Search and Lost of Skill
Yoram Weiss, Robert Sauer and M. Gotlibovski
1999: Incomplete Contracts and Industrial Organization
Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
1999: Bidding for the Surplus: a Non-Cooperative Approach to the Shapley Value. ation
David Perez-Castrillo and David Wettstein
1999: Financial Liberalization and Competition in Banking: an Empirical Investigation
Sigal Ribon and O. Yosha
1999: Output Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy: U.S. State and Local Governments 1978-1994
Bent Sorensen, Libo Wu and O. Yosha
1999: Fault Tolerant Implementation
Kfir Eliaz
1999: Party Loyalty as Habit Formation
R. Shachar
1999: Signalling and Self-Insight in the Job Market
Hans Hvide
1999: Reason-Based Choice and Justifiability in Extensive Form Games
Ran Spiegler
1999: Is Population Dispersion Policy Necessary?
D. Pines
1999: Externalities, Nonconvexity, and Agglomeration
Yorgos Papageorgiou and D. Pines
1999: Risk Sharing and Industrial Specialization: Regional and International Evidence
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
1999: A Macroeconomic Experiment in Mass Immigration
Zvi Hercowitz and Eran Yashiv
1999: The DVD vs. DIVX Standard War: Network Effects and Empirical Evidence of Vaporware
David Dranove and Neil Gandal
1999: Incomplete Risk Sharing Arrangements and the Value of Information
B. Eckwert and Itzhak Zilcha
1999: Optimal Education when Capital Markets are Integrated
Jean-Marie Viaene and Itzhak Zilcha
1999: Bounds to Memory Loss
Hans Hvide
1999: Innovation in Israel 1968-97: a Comparative Analysis Using Patent Data
M. Tratjenberg
1999: Good Neighbors/Bad Citizens: Personal Value Priorities of Economists
Neil Gandal and S. Roccas
1998: Public Disclosure of Patent Applications, R&D, and Welfare
Reiko Aoki and Y. Spiegel
1998: Saving Behaviour in Stationary Equilibrium with Random Discounting
Edi Karni and Itzhak Zilcha
1998: An Information-Based Model of Foreign Direct Investment: the Gains from Trade Revisited
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.-W. Yuen
1998: Coping with Technological Progress: the Role of Ability in Making Inequality so Persistent
Yona Rubinstein and Daniel Tsiddon
1998: A Dynamic Oligopoly with Collusion and Price Wars
Chaim Fershtman and Ariel Pakes
1998: Trust and Discrimination in a Segmented Society: an Experimental Approach
Chaim Fershtman and Uri Gneezy
1998: Empirical Implications of Physician Authority in Pharmaceutical Decisionmaking
S. Stern and Manuel Trajtenberg
1998: The Interrelation of Wage Series of Firms to Each Other Land and to the Series of their Employment Level. Facts from Microdata
A. Schwartz
1998: Externalities, Nonconvexity, and Agglomeration
Y. Papageorgiou and D. Pines
1998: When do Representative and Direct Democracies Lead to Similar Policy Choices?
Alex Cukierman and Y. Spiegel
1998: The Structure of Foreign Trade
Elhanan Helpman
1998: Do Debt Flows Crowd out Equity Flows or the Other Way Round?
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.-W. Yuen
1998: Migration and Pension
Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
1998: Tax Burden and Migration: a Political Economy Theory and Evidence
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and Phillip Swagel
1998: Economics and Language
Ariel Rubinstein
1998: The Value of Information in Some General Equilibrium Models
B. Eckwert and Itzhak Zilcha
1998: International Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Patent Citation
Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
1998: R&D and Productivity: The International Connection
Elhanan Helpman
1998: Competing for Endorsements
Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
1998: Lobbying and Legislative Bargaining
Elhanan Helpman and Torsten Persson
1998: Adjusting to a New Technology: Experience and Training
Elhanan Helpman and Antonio Rangel
1998: A Note on Multi-Issue Two-Sided Bargaining: Bilateral Procedures
Chaim Fershtman
1998: Equipment Investment and the Relative Demand for Skilled Labour: International Evidence
K. Flug and Zvi Hercowitz
1998: Discrimination and Skill Differences in an Equilibrium Search Model
Audra Bowlus and Zvi Eckstein
1998: The Absorption of Highly Skilled Immigrants: Israel, 1990-1995
Zvi Eckstein and Yoram Weiss
1998: Permanent Income, Consumption, and Aggregate Constraints: Evidence from US States
Charlotte Ostergaard, Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
1998: Channelling Domestic Savings into Productive Investment Under Asymmetric Information: The Essential Role of Foreign Direct Investment
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.-W. Yuen
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