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Working Papers

From Tel Aviv
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1997: On the Time and Direction of Stochastic Bifurcation
K Burdzy, David Frankel and Ady Pauzner
1997: Fast Equilibrium Selection by Rational Players Living in a Changing World
K Burdzy, David Frankel and Ady Pauzner
1997: Firms under Tax Asymmetry: Price Uncertainty and Hedging
Rafi Eldor and Itzhak Zilcha
1997: Games with Procedurally Rational Players
Martin Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein
1997: Consumption Smoothing Through Fiscal Policy in OECD and EU Countries
A. Arreaza, Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
1997: Chanelling Domestic Saving into Productive Investment Under Asymmetric Information: The Essential Role of Foreign Direct Investment
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.W. Yuen
1997: Wage Rigidity in Israel: Institutions vs. Market Forces
Y. Artstein
1997: On the Agglomeration of Non-Residential Activities in an Urban Area
O. Hochman and D. Pines
1997: Quantitative Implications of the Home Bias: Foreign Underinvestment, Domestic Oversaving and Corrective Taxation
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.W. Yuen
1997: Implications of the Home Bias: A Pecking Order of Capital Inflows and Corrective Taxation
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and C.W. Yuen
1997: Capital Markets Integration, Growth and Income Distribution: A Dynamic Analysis
Jean-Marie Viaene and Itzhak Zilcha
1997: When Does It Take a Nixon to Go to China
Alex Cukierman and Mariano Tommasi
1997: Estimating the Effect of Tax Reform in Differentiated Product Oligopolistic Markets
Chaim Fershtman, Neil Gandal and S. Markovich
1997: Choice Problems with a "Reference" Point
A. Rubinstein and Lin Zhou
1997: An Equilibrium Model of Firm Growth and Industry Dynamics
Arthur Fishman and R. Rob
1997: Definable Preferences: An Example
A. Rubinstein
1997: Origins of Sharp Reductions in Current Account deficits: An Empirical Analysis
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Assaf Razin
1997: Youth Employment and Academic Perfomance in High School
Zvi Eckstein and K.I. Wolpin
1997: Stage Financing and the Role of Convertible Debt
F. Cornelli and O. Yosha
1997: A Quantitative Analysis of Swidish Fertility Dynamics: 1751-1990
Zvi Eckstein, Pedro Mira and K.I. Wolpin
1997: The Dynamics of Technological Adoption in Hardware/Software Systems: The Case of Compact Disc Players
Neil Gandal, M. Kende and R. Rob
1997: Globalization: Public Economics Policy Perspectives
Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
1997: Specialization and Trade: the Perspective of Club and Local Public Good Theories
D Pines
1997: Social Status and Economic Performance: A Survey
Yoram Weiss and Chaim Fershtman
1997: Conflict of Interest in Universal Banking: Evidence from the Post-Issue performance of IPO Firms
Y. Ber, Y. Yafeh and O. Yosha
1997: Debates and Decisions: On a Rationale of Argumentation Rules
Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein
1997: Federal Insurance of the U.S. States: An Empirical Investigation
Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
1997: Left - and Right- Endogenous Money. A Table of Two Books
M.J. Fladers
1997: Should Products Liability Be Based on Hindsight?
O. Ben-Shahar
1997: Income Convergence Within an Economic Union: The Role of Factor Mobility and Coordination
Assaf Razin and C-W Yuen
1997: Current Account Deficits and Capital Flows in East Asia and Latin America: Are the Nineties Different from the Early Eighties?
G-M Milesi-Ferreti and Assaf Razin
1997: Informational Smallness in Rational Expectations Equilibria
A Heifetz and Enrico Minelli
1997: Education, Social Security and Growth
Michael Kaganovich and Itzhak Zilcha
1996: Slowdowns and Meltdowns: Post-War Growth Evidence from 74 Countries
Dan Ben-David and David Papell
1996: High Real Interest Rates in the Aftermath of Disinflation: Is It a Lack of Credibility
Graciela Kaminsky and L. Leiderman
1996: Uncertain Health and Survival: Efefcts on End-of-Life Consumption
Lee Lillard and Yoram Weiss
1996: Some Evidence on the Continuity of the Growth Process Among the G7 Countries
Dan Ben-David and D.H. Pappel
1996: Cost Sharing: Efficiency and Implementation
Todd Kaplan and David Wettstein
1996: Strategic Delegation: An Experiment
Chaim Fershtman and Uri Gneezy
1996: Structural Change and International Trade
Dan Ben-David and David Papell
1996: International Risk Sharing and European Monetary Unification
Bent Sorensen and O Yosha
1996: Technological Convergence and International Trade
Dan Ben-David and A. Rahman
1996: The Absent Minded Driver's Paradox: Synthesis and Responses
M. Piccione and Ariel Rubinstein
1996: Capital Mobility and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff
Prakash Loungani, A. Eazin and C.W. Yuen
1996: Targeting Monetary Aggregates and Inflation in Europe
Alex Cukierman
1996: The Economics of Central Banking
Alex Cukierman
1996: Tax Burden and Migration: A Political Economy Perspective
A. Eazim and Efraim Sadka
1996: Are large Cities Too Large? A Contribution to the Debate
Y. Hadar and D. Pines
1996: Unit Roots Postwar Slowdowns and Long-Run Growth: Evidence from Two Structural Breaks
Dan Ben-David, L.R. Lumsdaine and David Papell
1996: Free Trade and Long-Run Growth
Dan Ben-David and Michael Loewy
1996: Pre-Contractual Reliance
Lucian Bebchuk and O. Ben-Shahar
1996: Scientific Information and Products Liability: An Economic Analysis
O. Ben-Shahar
1996: Mangerial Compensation and Capital Structure
E. Berkovitch, R. Israel and Y. Spriegel
1996: Job Mobility and the Market for Lawyers
Robert Sauer
1996: The Post-Issue Performance of IPO Firms when Banking Is Concentrated and Universal
H. Ber, Y. Yafeh and O. Yosha
1996: Market Segmentation and the Sources of Rents From Innovation: Personal Computers in the Late 1980s
Timothy Bresnahan, S. Stern and Manuel Trajtenberg
1996: The (Retail) Price of Inequality
David Frankel
1996: Fiscal Policy and Saving Under Distortionary Taxation
Dahan, M.Hercowitz, Z.
1996: Undercut-Proof Equilibria
P.B. Morgan and Oz Shy
1996: Intergenerational Redistribution with Short-Lived Governements
Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
1996: Income and ConsumptionSmoothing Among U.S. States: Regions or Clubs?
Bent Sorensen and O. Yosha
1996: Social Rewards Externalities and Stable Preferences
Chaim Fershtman and Yoram Weiss
1996: Searching for Nominal Anchors in Shock-Prone Economies in the 1990s: Inflation Targets and Exchange Rate Bands
L. Leiderman and G. Bufman
1996: R&D Spillovers and Global Growth
Tamim Bayoumi, David Coe and Elhanan Helpman
1996: Technological Progress, Mobility and Economic Growth
Oded Galor and Daniel Tsiddon
1996: Common Agency and Coordination: General Theory and Application to Tax Policy
A. Dexit, Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
1996: Electoral Competition with Policy Compromise
Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
1996: The value of Information: the Case of Signal-Dependent Opportunity Sets
E. Sulganik and Itzhak Zilcha
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