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Research Report

From University of Groningen, Research Institute SOM (Systems, Organisations and Management)
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2005: Managerial satisfaction with subsidiary performance; the influence of the parent MNE's capabilities and the subsidiary's environment Downloads
Desislava Dikova and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
2005: Competition with mandatory labeling of genetically modified products Downloads
L. Toolsema
2005: Time Series Factor Analysis with an Application to Measuring Money Downloads
Paul D. Gilbert and Erik Meijer
2005: The Effects of Cartelization on Product Design Downloads
Marco A. Haan and Linda A. Toolsema
2005: Collateral and Debt Maturity Choice. A Signaling Model Downloads
Robert Lensink and Thi Thu Tra Pham
2005: Does the group leader matter? The impact of monitoring activities and social ties of group leaders on the repayment performance of groupbased lending Eritrea Downloads
Niels Hermes, Robert Lensink and Habteab T. Mehrteab
2005: Competition with mandatory labeling of genetically modified products Downloads
Linda Toolsema
2005: Social Capital, Creative Destruction and Economic Development Downloads
Dirk Bezemer, Uwe Dulleck and Paul Frijters
2005: A Life-Cycle Overlapping-Generations Model of the Small Open Economy Downloads
Ben Heijdra and Ward Romp
2005: Cross-country differences in ICT adoption. A consequence of Culture? Downloads
Abdul Azeez Erumban and Simon B. de Jong
2005: Some basics on tolerances Downloads
P. Molitor, Jäger, G. and B. Goldengorin
2005: How to make a greedy heuristic for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem competitive Downloads
Jäger, G. and B. Goldengorin
2005: Interpreting an ERP implementation from a stakeholder perspective Downloads
A. Boonstra
2005: An ALM Model for Pension Funds using Integrated Chance Constraints Downloads
W.K.. Klein Haneveld, M.H. Streutker and M.H. van der Vlerk
2005: Acquisition versus greenfield foreign entry: diversification mode choice in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Adriaan van Witteloostuijn and Desislava Dikova
2004: The effects of trust on performance of high-tech business relationships Downloads
Gjalt de Jong and Rosalinde Klein Woolthuis
2004: Computation of characteristics of value-of-time distributions and their standard errors Downloads
Erik Meijer
2004: How about integration: the impact of online activities on store satisfaction and loyalty Downloads
Marije L. Teerling
2004: A conceptual model of channel choice: measuring online and offline shopping value perceptions Downloads
Thijs L.J. Broekhuizen and Wander Jager
2004: Tunneling and Propping: A Justification for Pyramidal Ownership Downloads
Yohanes Riyanto and Linda A. Toolsema
2004: The negative impact of noise on the performance of portfolio managers and the need to measure it Downloads
Auke Plantinga
2004: Monetary transmission and equity markets in the EU Downloads
Adam Elbourne and Roelof Salomons
2004: Dynamic behavior of value and growth stocks Downloads
Auke Plantinga and T. Wouters
2004: Atactical implication of predictability: fighting the FED model Downloads
Roelof Salomons
2004: Financial development and the transmission of monetary shocks Downloads
Robert Lensink and Bert Scholtens
2004: Expert something sensible: putting US returns in an international perspective Downloads
Roelof Salomons
2004: The impact of privatisation on firm performance in a transition economy: the case of Vietnam Downloads
Dong Loc Truong, Gerrit Jan Lanjouw and Bernardus Wander Lensink
2004: On the definition of key sectors and the stability of net versus gross multipliers Downloads
Jan Oosterhaven
2004: An instrument for stakeholder identification: phasing roles of involvement Downloads
Janita F.J. Vos and Marjolein C. Achterkamp
2004: The effect of different needs, decisionmaking processes and networkstructures on investor behavior and stock market dynamics: a simulation approach Downloads
Arvid Hoffmann and Wander Jager
2004: Rice market integration in the Mekong river delta: the successful liberalisation of the domestic food market in Vietnam Downloads
Luu Thanh Duc Hai, Clemens Lutz and Cornelis Praagman
2004: Convex approximations for a class of mixed-integer recourse models Downloads
Maarten H. van der Vlerk
2004: Iterative Patching and the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem Downloads
Marcel Turkensteen, Diptesh Ghosh, Boris Goldengorin and Gerard Sierksma
2004: Operations on (ordered) interval sets Downloads
E.O. de Brock
2004: Simple Integer Recourse Models: Convexity and Convex Approximations Downloads
Willem K. Klein Haneveld, Leen Stougie and Maarten H. van der Vlerk
2004: A Multilevel Search Algorithm for the Maximization of Submodular Functions Downloads
Boris Goldengorin and Diptesh Ghosh
2004: Analyzing inter-organizational systems from a power and interest perspective Downloads
Albert Boonstra and Jan de Vries
2004: An empirical taxonomy of IS decision-making processes Downloads
Albert Boonstra
2003: A cross cultural comparison of long-term supply relationships Downloads
Gjalt de Jong and Bart Nooteboom
2003: Transition economics and trust building: a network perspective on E.U. enlargement Downloads
Hans van Ees and Reinhard Bachmann
2003: Understanding variations between management fashions: a comparison of the different institutional expressions of two management concepts Downloads
Jelle Bezemer, Luchien Karsten and Kees van Veen
2003: Home advantage in speed skating: evidence from individual data Downloads
Ruud Koning
2003: Individuals charts and additional tests for changes in spread Downloads
Albert Trip and Jaap E. Wieringa
2003: Having more potential raiders weakens the takeover threat Downloads
Linda A. Toolsema
2003: Combining time series and cross sectional data for the analysis of dynamic marketing systems Downloads
Horváth, Csilla and Jaap E. Wieringa
2003: Expert judgment versus public opinion - evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest Downloads
Marco Haan, Gerhard Dijkstra and Peter Dijkstra
2003: Insurability of export credit risks Downloads
K.J. Alsem
2003: Joint default probabilities and country risk Downloads
Bert Scholtens and Daphne Hameeteman
2003: Irreversible investment and uncertainty: an empirical study of rice mills in the Mekong river delta, Vietnam Downloads
K.N. Le, Niels Hermes and G. Lanjouw
2003: The strategic use of debt reconsidered Downloads
Marco Haan and L.A. Toolsema
2003: Peer monitoring, social ties and moral hazard in group lending programmes: evidence from Eritrea Downloads
Niels Hermes, Robert Lensink and Habteab Mehrteab Teki
2003: Value investing in emerging markets: local macroeconomic risk and extrapolation Downloads
Roy Kouwenberg and Roelof Salomons
2003: Americal options analyzed differently Downloads
J.W. Nieuwenhuis
2003: Risk behaviour and group formation in microcredit groups in Eritrea Downloads
Robert Lensink and Habteab T. Mehrteab
2003: A review of governmental management accounting: research around the turn of the century Downloads
G. Jan van Helden
2003: Height, income, and nutrition in the Netherlands: the second half of the 19th century Downloads
Jan Jacobs and Vincent Tassenaar
2003: Are European welfare states sustainable? Downloads
Lei Delsen
2003: Unconditional maximum likelihood estimation of dynamic models for spatial panels Downloads
J.Paul Elhorst
2003: Constructing price indexes across space and time: the case of the European Union Downloads
Robert Hill
2003: Olympic participation and performance since 1896 Downloads
Gerard Kuper and Elmer Sterken
2003: Assessing the opportunities of landfill mining Downloads
D.J. van der Zee, M.C. Achterkamp and B.J. de Visser
2003: Facilitating knowledge transfer in virtual teams through a social network approach Downloads
Petra M. Bosch-Sijtsema and Sonja Rispens
2003: Improving organizational sustainability using a quality perspective Downloads
Manda Broekhuis and Janita F.J. Vos
2003: Free-riding and team performance in project education Downloads
Ruël, Gwenny Ch., Nienke Bastiaans and Aukje Nauta
2003: Federation views as a basis for querying and updating database federations Downloads
H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock
2003: Combinatorial optimization tolerances calculated in linear time Downloads
Boris Goldengorin and Gerard Sierksma
2003: Crop succession requirements in agricultural production planning Downloads
W.K. Klein Haneveld and A.W. Stegeman
2003: Buyer focus: evaluation of a new concept for supply chain integration Downloads
Taco van der Vaart and Dirk Pieter van Donk
2003: The isometries of the cut, metric and hypermetric cones Downloads
Antoine Deza, Boris Goldengorin and Dmitrii V. Pasechnik
2003: Integrated chance constraints in an ALM model for pension funds Downloads
Maarten H. van der Vlerk
2003: Object-oriented modeling and design of database federations Downloads
H. Balsters
2003: A UML/OCL framework for design of mediated data federations Downloads
H. Balsters
2003: Approximation in stochastic integer programming Downloads
Leen Stougie and Maarten H. van der Vlerk
2003: A framework and a tool to generate e-business options Downloads
E.O. de Brock and A. Boonstra
2003: Interpretative perspectives on the acceptance of an optional information system Downloads
Albert Boonstra
2003: Simplification of recourse models by modification of recourse data Downloads
Maarten H. van der Vlerk
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