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Research Report

From University of Groningen, Research Institute SOM (Systems, Organisations and Management)
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1998: Two decades of CGE modelling lessons from models for Egypt Downloads
Mark Thissen
1998: A classification of empirical CGE modelling Downloads
Mark Thissen
1998: Differences in underemployment between the United States and the Netherlands Downloads
Jouke van Dijk
1998: A survey of complementaries in growth and location theories Downloads
Thijs Knaap
1998: Litigation and audit quality; two experimental studies Downloads
M. van Dijk
1998: Monetary transmission and business cycle asymmetry Downloads
Jan Kakes
1998: Capital flight and political risk Downloads
Robert Lensink, Niels Hermes and Victor Murinde
1998: Monetary transmission and bank lending in the Netherlands Downloads
Jan Kakes
1998: Term structure models: a perspective from the long rate Downloads
Yong Yao
1998: R&D, firm size and branch of industry: policy implications Downloads
R.W. Vossen
1998: Causal loops in long-term supply relationships: theory and evidence from the United States Downloads
Gjalt de Jong
1998: Export market information behaviour of SME's: the influence of firm characteristics Downloads
J.A. Voerman, M. Wedel and P.S. Zwart
1998: Interdependence and the social structure of rivalry Downloads
Charles Carroll
1998: Combining small and large firm advantages in innovation: theory and examples Downloads
Robert W. Vossen
1998: Market power, industrial concentration and innovative activity Downloads
Robert W. Vossen
1998: Strategic and tactical decisions, sunk costs and firm size effects in R&D Downloads
Robert W. Vossen
1998: Organizational diagnosis in practice: a cross-classification analysis using the DEL-technique Downloads
T.J.B.M. Postma and R.A.W. Kok
1998: Declarative specifications of complex transactions Downloads
E.O. de Brock
1998: Jump-diffusion model of exchange rate dynamics: estimation via indirect inference Downloads
George J. Jiang
1998: Human rights and multinational firm returns Downloads
Nihat Dag, Henk von Eije and Bartjan Pennink
1998: The influence of shop characteristics on workload control Downloads
Bas Oosterman and Martin Land
1998: Modeling farmers' response to uncertain rainfall in Burkino Faso: a stochastic programming approach Downloads
A. Maatman
1998: Control charts for monitoring the mean of AR(1) data Downloads
J.E. Wieringa
1998: The data-correcting algorithm for supermodular functions, with applications to quadratic cost partition and simple plant location problems Downloads
Boris Goldengorin, Gerard Sierksma and Gert A. Tijssen
1998: Production planning systems for cellular manufacturing Downloads
Jan Riezebos
1998: New product development using experimental design Downloads
Zhihai Zhang
1998: Theories about architecture and performance of multi-agent systems Downloads
Henk W.M. Gazendam and Jorna, René J.
1998: APOM-project: a study of pharmacy practice Downloads
Mark P. Mobach, Jos J. van der Werf and T.F.J. Tromp
1998: Degeneracy degrees of constraint collections Downloads
Gerard Sierksma and Gert A. Tijssen
1998: The case of tin-plating of surface mounted glass diodes Downloads
J.E. Wieringa
1997: Female and male entrepreneurs in Sweden and the Netherlands: a test of liberal and social feminism Downloads
M. Mills and J.A. Voerman
1997: Bilingualism and economic development in west European minority language regions: a Dooyeweerdian approach Downloads
Ab van Langevelde
1997: Foreign transfers and tropical deforestation: what terms of conditionality Downloads
Daan van Soest and Robert Lensink
1997: Adaptive governance: the role of loyalty Downloads
Tomas B. Klos and Bart Nooteboom
1997: The implementation of technologies in intensive care units: ambiguity, uncertainty and organizational reactions Downloads
Wouter van Rossum
1997: Market partitioning and the geometry of the resource space Downloads
Gabor Peli and Bart Nooteboom
1997: Decentralized interaction and co-adaptation in the repeated prisoner's dilemma Downloads
Tomas B. Klos
1997: Analyzing visual attention tot repeated print advertising using scanpath theory Downloads
Edward Rosbergen, Michel Wedel and Rik Pieters
1997: Direct mail selection by joint modeling of the probability and quantity of response Downloads
P. Otter, H. van der Scheer and T. Wansbeek
1997: Mixture model analysis of complex samples Downloads
M. Wedel, F. ter Hofstede and J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp
1997: Redefining managerial effectiveness in a multilevel organization: a structurationist account Downloads
M. van Offenbeek and L. Paul
1997: Developing a TQM quality management method model Downloads
Zhihai Zhang
1997: A general treatment of dynamic constraints Downloads
E.O. de Brock
1997: An exercise in the structured design of complex algorithms in (extensions of) SQL Downloads
E.O. de Brock
1997: The concept of equilibrium in organization theory Downloads
Henk W.M. Gazendam
1997: Some operations on database universes Downloads
E.O. de Brock
1997: A generalized one-factor term structure model and pricing of interest rate derivative securities Downloads
George J. Jiang
1997: Tasks, cognitive agents, and KB-DSS in workflow and process management Downloads
R.J. Jorna and W. van Wezel
1997: Modelling the trade off between period lenght and stages in a period batch control system Downloads
Jan Riezebos
1997: The SEC-system: reuse support for scheduling system development Downloads
W. van Wezel and R.J. Jorna
1997: APOM-project: a pilot study of pharmacy organization and management Downloads
Mark P. Mobach, Jos J. van der Werf and T.F.J. Tromp
1997: APOM-project: an investigation of pharmacy organization and management Downloads
Mark P. Mobach, Jos J. van der Werf and T.F.J. Tromp
1997: Vortrag Arbeitszeitmanagement: eine historische Skizze am Institut für ProjektManagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik (IPMI) der Universität Bremen am 23/4/1991 Downloads
L. Karsten
1997: La naissance de la théorie de l'organisation et du management Downloads
L. Karsten
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