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Working papers of CATT

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2020: Quantifying the effect of regulated volumetric electriciy tariffs on residential PV adoption under net metering scheme Downloads
Bruno Moreno Rodrigo de Freitas
2019: Gains and Losses in a Trade Bloc: The Case of the East African Community Downloads
Geoffroy Guepie and Julie Schlick
2019: From Boycott to Buycott: Is Activism from the North Good for the South? Downloads
Patrice Cassagnard and Tendai Espinosa
2019: Expertise in the Relationship between Biobanks and Research Units Downloads
Catherine Bobtcheff and Carole Haritchabalet
2019: Relevance of potential supply structures in frameworks involving consumer's private information: the case of fair trade Downloads
Florence Lachet-Touya
2019: Relationships and nature of contracts in the distribution structure for responsible trade Downloads
Florence Lachet-Touya
2019: Potential effect of Scaling-up Iinfrastructure in Peru: a general equilibrium model-bases analysis Downloads
Jorge Davalos, Jean-Marc Montaud and Nicolas Pecastaing
2019: Managing the Impact of Climate on Migration: Evidence from Mexico Downloads
Isabelle Chort and Maëlys de La Rupelle
2019: Localisation des firmes chinoises et attractivité des pays d'Afrique centrale Downloads
Fred Eka
2019: IDE chinois et croissance économique des pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne: méthode PIM et régression quantile des données en panel Downloads
Fred Eka
2019: Agricultural Drought Impacts on Crops Sector and Adaptation Options in Mali: a Macroeconomic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Jean-Marc Montaud
2019: IDE chinois et croissance économique des pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne: approche par la MMG en données de panel Downloads
Fred Eka
2019: The Assignment of a CSR Level of Action: Rule vs Discretion Downloads
Florence Lachet-Touya
2018: Enduring Gendered Mobility Patterns in Contemporary Senegal Downloads
Isabelle Chort, Philippe De Vreyer and Thomas Zuber
2018: Equilibrium in Incomplete Markets with Differential Information: A Basic Model of Generic Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2018: Equilibrium in Incomplete Markets with Numeraire Assets and Differential Information: An Existence Proof Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2018: Expertise in the relationship between biobanks and research units Downloads
Carole Haritchabalet and Catherine Bobtcheff
2018: Economic Modeling and Valorization of Biobanks Downloads
Catherine Bobtcheff and Carole Haritchabalet
2018: Collective Entry Deterrence and Free Riding: Airbus and Boeing in China Downloads
Patrice Cassagnard and Pierre Regibeau
2018: Have a son, gain a voice: Son preference and female participation in household decision making Downloads
Rashid Javed and Mazhar Mughal
2018: Equilibrium with Differential Information and Exogenous Beliefs: A Basic Model of Full Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2018: Impact d'un risque technologique majeur dans l'attractivité des territoires Downloads
Charles Regnacq
2017: Financial Equilibrium in a Production Economy without Rational Expectations of Prices: a basic Model of full Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2017: Financial Equilibrium with Differential Information in a Production Economy: A Basic Model of 'Generic' Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2017: Productivité du travail et croissance économique dans une économie dépendante des hydrocarbures: le cas algérien, 1984-2014 Downloads
Sofiane Hazem and Serge Rey
2017: Quel impact de la libéralisation du compte capital sur le développement financier en Tunisie ? Les enseignements d'un modèle ARDL Downloads
Mohamed Ilyes Gritli and Serge Rey
2017: Financial Equilibrium with differential Information: a Theorem of generic Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2017: Sequential Equilibrium without Rational Expectations of Prices: A Theorem of Full Existence Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2017: Divergences au sein de la zone euro: la centrifugeuse ? Downloads
Jacques Le Cacheux
2017: Croissance potentielle: la politique économique au royaume des aveugles ? Downloads
Jacques Le Cacheux
2017: Happiness and Public Expenditure: Evidence from a Panel Analysis Downloads
Kamal Kasmaoui and Othmane Bourhaba
2017: Time Varying Integration amongst the South Asian Equity Markets: An Empirical Study Downloads
Sanjay Sehgal, Piyush Pandey and Florent Deisting
2017: Corporate Income Tax as a Genuine own Resource Downloads
Fabien Candau and Jacques Le Cacheux
2017: Sequential equilibrium without rational expectations of prices: an existence proof Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2016: Productivité sectorielle du travail et compétitivité de l’économie de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Downloads
Serge Rey and Catherine Ris
2016: Are UK industries resilient in dealing with uncertainty? The case of Brexit Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
2016: Pollution Haven and Corruption Paradise Downloads
Fabien Candau and Elisa Dienesch
2016: Horizontal and Vertical Tax Interactions in a Common Agency Game Downloads
Florence Lachet-Touya
2016: EU tax competition and tax avoidance: A multiprincipal perspective Downloads
Florence Lachet-Touya
2016: L'impact du Printemps arabe sur les transferts de fonds des migrants tunisiens Downloads
Johanna Edelbloude, Farid Makhlouf and Charlotte Fontan Sers
2016: A Synthesis of the Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Meta-Regression Analysis Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
2016: Characterizing Revealing and Arbitrage-Free Financial Markets Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2016: The responses of BRICS Equities to China's Slowdown: A Multi-Scale Causality Analysis Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
2016: How Income and Crowding Effects influence the World Market for French Wines Downloads
Fabien Candau, Florent Deisting and Julie Schlick
2016: Bank capital regulation: are local or central regulators better? Downloads
Carole Haritchabalet, Laetitia Lepetit, Kévin Spinassou and Frank Strobel
2015: Existence of financial equilibrium with differential information: the no-arbitrage characterization Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2015: External debt and real exchange rates’ adjustment in the euro area: New evidence from a non linear NATREX model Downloads
Cécile Couharde, Serge Rey and Audrey Allegret-Sallenave
2015: Migration, remittances and educational levels of household members left behind: Evidence from rural Morocco Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Amal Miftah
2015: The impact of remittances on household investments in children's human capital: Evidence from Morocco Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Amal Miftah
2015: Learning from arbitrage Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2015: What Determines Bitcoin’s Value? Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour, Refk Selmi, Aviral Tiwari and Olaolu Olayeni
2015: Does social class affect nutrition knowledge and food preferences among chinese urban adults? Downloads
Matthieu Clement and Céline Bonnefond
2015: Dropping rational expectations Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2015: Transferts de fonds, stabilité politique et croissance économique dans les pays de l’ex URSS Downloads
Florent Deisting, Charlotte Fontan Sers and Farid Makhlouf
2015: Determinants of Tourism in French Overseas Departments and Collectivities Downloads
Florent Deisting and Serge Rey
2015: Competitive Equilibrium with Asymmetric Information: an Existence Theorem for Numeraire Assets Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2015: Price revelation and existence of financial equilibrium with incomplete markets and private beliefs Downloads
Lionel Boisdeffre
2015: Spatial Distribution of Skills and Regional Trade Integration Downloads
Fabien Candau and Elisa Dienesch
2015: Great Expectations? Remittances and Asset Accumulation in Pakistan Downloads
Junaid Ahmed and Mazhar Mughal
Page updated 2024-10-10
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