Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) Publications
From Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at Iowa State University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 22-wp633: Educational Preferences on Farmland Leasing, Conservation Practices, and Transition Plans: Voices of Iowa Women Farmland Owners
- Jingyi Tong and Wendong Zhang
- 22-wp632: Calibrating Constant Elasticity of Substitution Technologies to Bottom-up Cost Estimates
- Edward Balistreri and Maxwell Brown
- 22-wp631: Of Women and Land: How Gender Affects Successions and Transfers of Iowa Farms
- Beatrice Maule, Wendong Zhang and Qing Liu
- 22-pb37: How Carbon Credits are Certified Could Change the Market Structure
- John Crespi and Stéphan Marette
- 2022-6: Is the United States Trying to Undermine the WTO?
- Edward Balistreri
- 2022-5: Will the Soaring Farmland Market Drop When the Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates?
- Wendong Zhang and Albulena Basha
- 2022-4: Farm Succession and Retirement across Continents and Cultures: A Focus on Ireland and Iowa
- Shane Francis Conway, Maura Farrell, John McDonagh, Anne Kinsella and John Baker
- 2022-3: What's in Store for Voluntary Agricultural Carbon Markets?
- Alejandro Plastina, Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn and John Crespi
- 2022-2: Utility-scale Wind and Solar Development in Iowa: Trends, Prospects, and the Land Factor
- Jian Chen and Hongli Feng
- 2022-1: Fertilizer Markets: The Clash between Energy, Ag, Weather, Profits, and Policy
- Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn, Chad Hart and John Crespi
- 21-wp630: Multi-plant Coordination in the US Beef Packing Industry
- Christopher Pudenz and Lee Schulz
- 21-wp629: 2021 Iowa State University Land Value Survey: Overview
- Wendong Zhang
- 21-wp628: Geographical Indications and Welfare: Evidence from the US Wine Market
- Raj Chandra, Gabriel Lade and GianCarlo Moschini
- 21-wp627: US Agriculture as a Carbon Sink: From International Agreements to Farm Incentives
- Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn, Alejandro Plastina and John Crespi
- 21-wp626: Over-perception about Land Use Changes: Assessing Empirical Evidence and Linkage with Decisions and Motivated Beliefs
- Hongli Feng, Tong Wang, David Hennessy and Gaurav Arora
- 21-wp625: Do Homeowners Benefit When Coal-fired Power Plants Switch to Natural Gas? Evidence from Beijing, China
- Yingdan Mei, Li Gao, Wendong Zhang and Feng-An Yang
- 21-wp624: Can Food Produced with New Plant Engineering Techniques Succeed in the Marketplace? A Case Study of Apples
- Stéphan Marette, John Beghin, Anne-Célia Disdier and Eliza Mojduszka
- 21-wp623: New Plant Engineering Techniques, R&D Investment, and International Trade
- Stéphan Marette, Anne-Célia Disdier, Anastasia Bodnar and John Beghin
- 21-wp622: Evaluating the Efficiency-Participation Tradeoff in Agricultural Conservation Programs: The Effect of Reverse Auctions, Spatial Targeting, and Higher Offered Payments
- Gregory Howard, Wendong Zhang, Adriana Valcu-Lisman and Philip Gassman
- 21-wp621: Consumer Valuation of and Attitudes towards Novel Foods Produced with NPETs: A Review
- John Beghin and Christopher Gustafson
- 21-wp620: Does Omitting Downstream Water Quality Change the Economic Benefits of Nutrient Reduction? Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment
- Yau-Huo Shr and Wendong Zhang
- 21-wp619: The Impact of China's Place-based Environmental Regulations on its Hog Industry: A Synthetic Difference-in-differences Approach
- Nieyan Cheng, Wendong Zhang and Tao Xiong
- 21-wp618: Comments on "Expanding grass-based agriculture on marginal land in the U.S. Great Plains: The role of management intensive grazing"
- Yuyuan Che and David Hennessy
- 21-wp617: A General Equilibrium Assessment of COVID-19's Labor Productivity Impacts on China's Regional Economies
- Xi He, Edward Balistreri, Gyu Kim, Tao Xiong and Wendong Zhang
- 21-wp616: Agricultural Innovation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Insights from Genetically Engineered Maize
- Seungki Lee, Yongjie Ji and GianCarlo Moschini
- 21-wp615: Economic Impacts of Investment Facilitation
- Edward Balistreri and Zoryana Olekseyuk
- 21-wp614: The Impacts of Interest Rate Changes on US Midwest Farmland Values
- Albulena Basha, Wendong Zhang and Chad Hart
- 21-sr116: Economic Benefits of Nitrogen Reductions in Iowa
- Chuan Tang, Gabriel Lade, David Keiser, Catherine Kling, Yongjie Ji and Yau-Huo Shr
- 21-sr115: A Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources-The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project 2019: Summary and Findings
- Xibo Wan, Yongjie Ji and Wendong Zhang
- 21-sr114: Iowa Land Supply and Price Update Q2 2021
- Wendong Zhang and Hannah Spies
- 21-sr113: Iowa Land Supply and Price Update Q1 2021
- Wendong Zhang and Hannah Spies
- 21-pb36: Hog Price and Volume Comparisons across Alternative Sale Types, Emphasis on COVID-19 Disruptions
- Ezra Butcher and Lee Schulz
- 21-pb35: The Tax Implications of the American Families Plan on Iowa Farmland Owners
- Kristine Tidgren and Wendong Zhang
- 21-pb34: The Role of State-inspected Slaughter in the U.S. Pork Supply Chain: Survey and Analysis
- Holly Cook
- 21-pb33: The First Legal Step for an Agricultural Carbon Market is in the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021
- John Crespi and Kristine Tidgren
- 21-pb32: Do Iowa Residents and Farmers Care about Improving Water Quality and Reducing Harmful Algal Blooms? Results from Two Household Surveys
- Yau-Huo Shr and Wendong Zhang
- 21-pb31: Willingness to Participate in Demand Response in the US Midwest: A Market with Great Potential?
- Abigail Morton, Yã¼ Wang and Wendong Zhang
- 2021-7: Cover Crops and No-till in the I-States: Non-Permanence and Carbon Markets
- Alejandro Plastina and Wendiam Sawadgo
- 2021-6: Predicting China's Corn Acreage and Production in 2021/22 and 2022/23
- Xi He, Miguel Carriquiry, Wendong Zhang and Dermot Hayes
- 2021-6: Potential Adoption of Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems in the Corn Belt Region
- Philip Gassman and Adriana Valcu-Lisman
- 2021-5: USDA Outlook for 2021 Shows Healthy Recovery
- Chad Hart and Lee Schulz
- 2021-5: Projections going into Harvest
- Lee Schulz and Chad Hart
- 2021-5: Will Iowa Farmland Values Continue to Rise?
- Wendong Zhang
- 2021-4: Futures Market for Ag Carbon Offsets under Mandatory and Voluntary Emission Targets
- Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn, Alejandro Plastina and Sergio Lence
- 2021-4: The Origins of Talent in Rural and Urban Iowa
- John Winters
- 2021-4: Minimum Wages and Rural and Urban Firm Entry and Exit
- Yulong Chen, Liyuan Ma and Peter Orazem
- 2021-3: The United States' Competitive Positions in Beef, Corn, Pork, Soy, and Wheat Exports: 1980-2019
- Chen-Ti Chen, John Crespi and Yongjie Ji
- 2021-3: The SNAP Disbursement Schedule and its Effects
- Katherine Harris-Lagoudakis and Hannah Wich
- 2021-3: Iowa's Role in US Agriculture
- Lee Schulz and Chad Hart
- 2021-2: Is China's Hog Rebuilding Complete? Reconciling Inventory and Price Data
- Xi He, Dermot Hayes and Wendong Zhang
- 2021-2: What is the Tradeoff between COVID-19 and Economic Recovery?
- Peter Orazem
- 2021-2: China's Changing Population Structure and its Implications for US Agricultural Exports
- Xi He and Wendong Zhang
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