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From Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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374: Evaluating Public Policies with High Frequency Data: Evidence for Driving Restrictions in Mexico City Revisited Downloads
Christian Salas
373: Correlation Structure between Inflation and Oil Futures Returns: An Equilibrium Approach Downloads
Jaime Casassus and Diego Ceballos
372: Institutions and Cyclical Properties of Macroeconomic Policies in the Global Economy Downloads
Cesar Calderon, Roberto Duncan and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
371: Characterizing the Business Cycles of Emerging Economies Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Rodrigo Fuentes
370: Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific Downloads
Yongfu Cao, Wendy Dobson, Yiping Huang, Peter Petri, Michael Plummer, Raimundo Soto and Shinji Takagi
369: La demanda de las AFP chilenas: 1993-2002 Downloads
Iván Marinovic and Salvador Valdés
368: Aid, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Ibrahim Elbadawi, Linda Kaltani and Raimundo Soto
367: Entry into Export Markets and Product Quality Differences Downloads
Roberto Alvarez and Rodrigo Rodrigo Fuentes.
366: Removing the Constraints for Growth: Some Guidelines Some Guidelines Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Rodrigo Rodrigo Fuentes.
365: The Impact of Government Spending on the Duration and the Intensity of Economic Crises: Latin America 1900-2000 Downloads
Rodrigo Cerda
364: Corporate tax, firm destruction and capital stock accumulation: Evidence from Chilean plants Downloads
Rodrigo Cerda and Diego Rodrigo Cerda; Diego Saravia.
363: Debt Valuation Effects when there is Foreign Currency-Denominated Debt Downloads
Claudia Martínez and Rodrigo Rodrigo Vergara.
362: Crime Prevention Programs: Evidence for a Developing Country Downloads
Rodrigo Vergara
361: Escalamiento de cargos de acceso e incentivos a la predación de un operador de telefonía local integrado verticalmente Downloads
Fernando Coloma and Juan-Pablo Montero
360: Inflation Targeting Twenty Years on: Where, When, Why, With what Effects, What lies ahead? Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
359: Determinantes de la Productividad Total de Factores en Paraguay:¿Factores de Corto o Largo Plazo? Downloads
Juan Coeymans
358: Introducción de Factores de Riesgo en el Financiamiento de la Salud Primaria en Chile Downloads
Arístides Torche
357: Estudio Actuarial de los Fondos de Cesantía 2008 Downloads
Rodrigo Cerda and Fernando Fernando Coloma.
356: School Choice in Chile: Looking at the Demand Side Downloads
Francisco Gallego and Andres Hernando
355: Market Power in Pollution Permit Markets Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero
354: On Reputational Rents as an Incentive Mechanism in Competitive Markets Downloads
Bernardita Vial and Felipe Zurita
353: The Unexpected Effects of Caps on Non-Economic Damages Downloads
Alvaro Bustos and Ronen Avraham
352: A Dynamic Theory of Common Law Courts Downloads
Alvaro Bustos
351: On Coase and Hotelling Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero and Matti Liski
350: The Role of Social Networks on Regulation in the Telecommunication Industry Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison, Gonzalo Hernández and Roberto Muñoz.
349: Los Retornos a la Educación en Chile: Estimaciones por Corte Transversal y por Cohortes Downloads
Claudio Sapelli
348: The Evolution of the Intergenerational Mobility of Education in Chile by Cohorts: Facts and Possible Causes Downloads
Claudio Sapelli
347: Permisos Transables de Emisión en Chile: Lecciones, Desafíos y Oportunidades para Países en Desarrollo Downloads
Enrique Calfucura, Jessica Coria and José Sánchez
346: Prices and Market Structure: An Empirical Analysis of the Supermarket Industry in Chile Downloads
Loreto Lira, Magdalena Ugarte and Rodrigo Vergara
345: Determinantes de la Inversión en Paraguay Downloads
Juan Coeymans
344: Determinantes del Desempleo en Paraguay Downloads
Juan Coeymans
343: On the Determinants and Implications of School Choice: Semi-Structural Simulations for Chile Downloads
Francisco Gallego and Andrés Hernando
342: Historical Origins of Schooling: The Role of Democracy and Political Decentralization Downloads
Francisco Gallego
341: Forward Trading in Exhaustible-Resource Oligopoly Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero and Matti Liski
340: Mecanismos de Subasta para la Protección Ambiental y de Otros Recursos Comunes Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero
339: Christian Missionaries and Education in Former Colonies: How Institutions Mattered Downloads
Francisco Gallego and Robert Woodberry
338: Dollarization, Economic Growth, and Employment Downloads
Raimundo Soto
337: Unemployment and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in Latin American Economies Downloads
Raimundo Soto
336: La Predicción de la Insolvencia de Empresas Chilenas Downloads
Felipe Zurita
335: A Theory of Noncontributory Pension Design Downloads
Salvador Valdés
334: Good, Bad, and Ugly Colonial Activities: Studying Development Across the Americas Downloads
Miriam Bruhn and Francisco Gallego
333: The Evolution of Social Norms and Individual Preferences Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison and Mauricio Villena
332: Auctions with Resale Market and Asymmetric Information Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison, Rodrigo Muñoz and Felipe Varas
331: Network Structure in a Link-formation Game: An Experimental Study Downloads
Alexander Elbittar, Rodrigo Harrison and Roberto Muñoz
330: La Conquista de la Inflación: Revisión y Análisis de la Literatura Reciente Downloads
Francisco Rosende
329: Market power in an exhaustible resource market: The case of storable pollution permits Downloads
Matti Liski and Juan-Pablo Montero
328: Inflación y Tipo de Cambio: Chile 1810-2005 Downloads
Gert Wagner and José Díaz-Bahamonde
327: Competitive Equilibrium and Reputation under Imperfect Public Monitoring Downloads
Bernardita Vial
326: Dollarization of Debt Contracts: Evidence from Chilean Firms Downloads
Miguel Fuentes
325: El Papel de las Instituciones en el Crecimiento Económico: Reflexiones a partir de la literatura reciente Downloads
Francisco Rosende
Page updated 2024-09-07
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