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From Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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527: Optimal Investment and Capital Structure with Stock Market Feedback Downloads
Caio Machado and Ana Elisa Pereira
526: Exports, Exchange Regimes, and Fragility Downloads
Raimundo Soto, Ibrahim Elbadawi and Isaac Martinez Centeno
525: Lost in Transition? The Persistance of Dictatorship Mayors Downloads
Felipe González, Pablo Muñoz and Mounu Prem
524: Baby Commodity-Booms?: The Impact of Commodity Shocks on Fertility Decisions and Outcomes Downloads
Francisco Gallego and Jeanne Lafortune
523: The Evolution of Ownership Structures: Privatization, Business Groups, and Pyramids Downloads
Felipe González, Felipe Aldunate, Mounu Prem and Francisco Urzúa I.
522: How Do Subnational Governments React to Shocks to Revenue Sources? Evidence from Argentina Downloads
Martin Besfamille, Pablo Sanguinetti, Diego Jorrat and Osmel Manzano Mazzali
521: The Geography of Dictatorship and Support for Democracy Downloads
Felipe González, Mounu Prem, Luis Martinez, María Angélica Bautista and Pablo Muñoz
520: Tax Decentralization Notwithstanding Regional Disparities Downloads
Martin Besfamille and Antonio Bellofatto
519: What's Behind Her Smile? Looks, Self-Esteem, and Labor Market Outcomes Downloads
Francisco Gallego, Cristian Larroulet and Andrea Repetto
518: Do you like me enough? The impact of restricting preferences ranking in a university matching process Downloads
Nicolás Figueroa, Jeanne Lafortune and Alejandro Sáenz
517: Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Performance: World Evidence Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Raimundo Soto
516: The Privatization Origins of Political Corporations Downloads
Felipe González, Mounu Prem and Francisco Urzúa I.
515: Models, Inattention and Bayesian Updates Downloads
Javier Turen, Raffaella Giacomini and Vasiliki Skreta
514: After-School Effects on Students' Academic Outcomes: Evidence from Chile Downloads
Claudia Martínez A. and Marcela Perticara
513: Followed by Violence: Forced Immigration and Homicides Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Rafael J. Santos
512: Equilibrium in a dynamic model of congestion with large and small users Downloads
Robin Lindseya, André de Palma and Hugo Silva
511: The Origins of the Division of Labor in Pre-modern Times Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özakz.
510: Políticas de inclusión universitaria y comportamiento estratégico en educación secundaria1 Downloads
Felipe González and Esperanza Johnson
509: Collective Action in Networks: Evidence from the Chilean Student Movement Downloads
Felipe González
508: Is workplace safety everybody's business? Experimental evidence on prevention information, accidents and compensating wage differentials in SMEs Downloads
Francisco Brahm, Jeanne Lafortune and José Tessada
507: The Value of Political Capital: Dictatorship Collaborators as Business Elites Downloads
Felipe González and Mounu Prem
506: Losing Your Dictator: Firms During Political Transition Downloads
Felipe González and Mounu Prem
505: Renegotiation proof mechanism design with imperfect type verification Downloads
Francisco Silva
503: Monetary News, U.S. Interest Rate and Business Cycles in Emerging Economies Downloads
Alejandro Vicondoa
502: Dynamic Coordination with Timing Frictions: Theory and Applications Downloads
Bernardo Guimaraes, Caio Machado and Ana Elisa Pereira
501: The Value of a Statistical Life for Risk Averse and Risk Seeking Individuals Downloads
Marcela Parada-Contzen
500: If we Confess our Sins Downloads
Francisco Silva
499: Input Third-degree Price Discrimination in Transport Markets Downloads
Hugo Silva
498: Product Choice and Price Discrimination in Markets with Search Frictions Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero and Natalia Fabra
497: Betting the House: How Assets Influence Marriage Selection, Marital Stability, and Child Investments Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune and Corinne Low
496: Parental Monitoring ande Children´s Internet Use: The Role of Information, Control, and Cues Downloads
Francisco Gallego, Ofer Malamud and Cristian Pop?Eleches
495: Authorial Control of the Supreme Court Downloads
Alvaro Bustos and Emerson Tiller
494: Do Estimated Taylor Rules Suffer from Weak Identification? Downloads
Juan Urquiza and Chris Murray
493: Unexpected Guests: The Impact of Internal Displacement Inflows of Rental Prices in Colombian Host Cities Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Rafael J. Santos
492: One Team, One Nation: Football, Ethnic Identity, and Conflict in Africa Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ruben Durante
491: Can Television Bring Down a Dictator? Evidence from Chile's “No" Campaign Downloads
Felipe González and Mounu Prem
490: Output-based allocations in pollution markets with uncertainty and self-selection Downloads
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
489: Using output-based allocations to manage volatility and leakage in pollution markets Downloads
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
488: Distorted Quality Signals in School Markets Downloads
Felipe González, José Ignacio Cuesta and Cristián Larroulet
487: Tailoring Instruction to Improve Mathematics Skills in Preschools: A Randomized Evaluation Downloads
Francisco Gallego, Emma Naslund-Hadley and Mariana Alfonso
486: Convincing early adopters: Price signals and Information transmission Downloads
Nicolás Figueroa and Carla Guadalupi
485: Explaining Difference in the Quantity of Supreme Court Revisions: A Model for Judicial Uniformity Downloads
Pablo Bravo-Hurtado and Alvaro Bustos
484: Judicial Choice among Cases for Certiorari Downloads
Alvaro Bustos and Tonja Jacobi
483: Personalized Information as a Tool to Improve Pension Savings: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile Downloads
Olga Fuentes, Jeanne Lafortune, Julio Riutort, José Tessada and Félix Villatoro
482: Public Expenditures and Debt at the Subnational Level: Evidence of Fiscal Smoothing from Argentina Downloads
Martin Besfamille, N. Grosman, Diego Jorrat, Osmel Manzano Mazzali and Pablo Sanguinetti
481: The Macroeconomic Consequences of Raising the Minimum Wage: Capital Accumulation, Employment and the Wage Distribution Downloads
Alexandre Janiak and Sofia Bauducco
480: Addicted to Debt: Foreign Purchases of U.S. Treasuries and the Term Premium Downloads
David Kohn
479: Inversión y capital: Chile, 1833-2010 Downloads
José Díaz-Bahamonde and Gert Wagner
478: Euthanasia: The Fear of Becoming a Burden Downloads
Francisco Silva
477: Should the Government Provide Public Goods if it Cannot Commit? Downloads
Francisco Silva
Page updated 2024-09-20
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