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From Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Jaime Casassus ().

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476: Output-based allocations in pollution markets with uncertainty and self-selection Downloads
Juan-Pablo Montero, Guy Meunier and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
475: State History and Contemporary Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin
474: Books or Laptops? The Cost-Effectiveness of Shifting from Printed to Digital Delivery of Educational Content Downloads
Rosangela Bando, Francisco Gallego, Paul Gertler and Dario Romero
473: Estrangulamiento de Márgenes Downloads
Raimundo Soto
472: Malaria and Early African Development: Evidence from Sickle Cell Trait Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and David Weil
471: The Origins and Long-Run Consequences of the Division of Labor Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özak
470: The Effects of Audit Firms Rotation: An Event Study in Chile Downloads
Antonio Aninat, Alvaro Bustos and Julio Riutort
469: Adopting a Cleaner Technology: The Effect of Driving Restrictions on Fleet Turnover Downloads
Francisco Gallego, Juan-Pablo Montero and Hernán Barahona
468: Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune and Murat Iyigun
467: Investor Protection and Corporate Control Downloads
Matias Tapia, Borja Larrain and Francisco Urzúa I.
466: The Causal Impact of Human Capital on R&D and Productivity: Evidence from the United States Downloads
Verónica Mies, Matias Tapia and Ignacio Loeser
465: Neuronal Utility and Choice by an Organism Downloads
Salvador Valdés and Gonzalo Valdés-Edwards
464: The Flypaper Effect is not a Puzzle Downloads
Martin Besfamille, Nicolás Grosman and Pablo Sanguinetti
463: People and Machines A Look at the Evolving Relationship Between Capital and Skill In Manufacturing 1860-1930 Using Immigration Shocks Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune, José Tessada and Ethan Lewis
462: Monetary Policy and Economic Performance in Resource Dependent Economies Downloads
Raimundo Soto and Bassem Kamar
461: Do Micro-Entrepreneurship Programs Increase Wage-Work? Evidence from Chile Downloads
Claudia Martínez A., Esteban Puentes and Jaime Ruiz-Tagle
460: Regional State Capacity and the Optimal Degree of Fiscal Decentralization Downloads
Antonio Bellofatto and Martin Besfamille
459: Who comes and Why? Determinants of Immigrants Skill Level in the Early XXth Century US Downloads
Matias Covarrubias, Jeanne Lafortune and José Tessada
458: Tipping Points and Business-as-Usual in a Global Carbon Commons Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison and Roger Lagunoff
457: Ideas; Instituciones y Líderes: La Escuela de Chicago y las Bases de la Transformación Económica Chilena Downloads
Francisco Rosende
456: Maximal Gaussian Affine Models for Multiple Commodities: A Note Downloads
Jaime Casassus, Peng Liu and Ke Tang
455: Productivity in Canada During the Auto Pact and the Free Trade Agreement Downloads
Loris Rubini
454: Trade Costs and Markups Downloads
Alexander McQuoid and Loris Rubini
453: The Political Economy of Growth, Inequality, the Size and Composition of Government Spending Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and José-Carlos Tello
452: Why Do Countries Have Fiscal Rules? Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Raimundo Soto and Ibrahim A. Elbadawi
451: A Theory of Judicial Retirement Downloads
Alvaro Bustos and Tonja Jacobi
450: Communicating Judicial Retirement Downloads
Alvaro Bustos and Tonja Jacobi
449: Institutions, Human Capital and Development Downloads
Daron Acemoglu, Francisco Gallego and James Robinson
448: Market Separation, Negative Consumption Externalities and Capacity Constraints Downloads
Alvaro Bustos
447: Incentives and Reputation when Names can be Replaced: Valjean Reinvented as Monsieur Madeleine Downloads
Bernardita Vial and Felipe Zurita
446: Cartel Sales Dynamics when Monitoring for Compliance is More Frequent than Punishment for Non-Compliance Downloads
Joseph E. Harrington, Jr. and Juan-Pablo Montero
444: Growth, Structural Transformation, and Volatility Downloads
Loris Rubini
443: Barriers to Firm Growth in Open Economies Downloads
Facundo Piguillem and Loris Rubini
442: Dynamic Mechanism Design for a Global Commons Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison and Roger Lagunoff
440: A Dominance Solvable Global Game with Strategic Substitutes Downloads
Rodrigo Harrison and Pedro Jara-Moroni
439: Reciprocity and Trust: Personality Psychology meets Behavioral Economics Downloads
Ricardo Andrés Guzmán, Rodrigo Harrison, Nureya Abarca and Mauricio Villena
438: Resource Rents, Institutions and Violent Civil Conflicts Downloads
Ibrahim Ahmed Elbadawi and Raimundo Soto
437: The Income Effect of Unconditional Grants: A Reduction in the Collection Effort of Municipalities Downloads
Javiera Bravo
436: Reputation-Driven Industry Dynamics Downloads
Bernardita Vial and Felipe Zurita
435: Vigencia de las Contribuciones de Milton Friedman en Teoría y Política Monetaria Downloads
Francisco Rosende
434: Adjusted Money's Worth Ratios in Life Annuities Downloads
Jaime Casassus and Eduardo Walker
433: The Economic Impact of Oil on Industry Portfolios Downloads
Jaime Casassus and Freddy Higuera
432: The Effect of Transport Policies on Car Use: A Bundling Model with Applications Downloads
Francisco Gallego, Juan-Pablo Montero and Christian Salas
431: More Hands, More Power? Estimating the Impact of Immigration on Output and Technology Choices Using Early 20th Century US Agriculture Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune, José Tessada and Carolina González-Velosa
430: Productivity Differences and the Stage of Development: Where are the Bottlenecks? Downloads
Rodrigo Fuentes and Verónica Mies
429: When does Inter-School Competition Matter? Evidence from the Chilean 'Voucher' System Downloads
Francisco Gallego
428: Controlling Shareholders and Firm Value Downloads
Borja Larrain and Matias Tapia
427: Smooth(er) Landing? The Dynamic Role of Networks in the Location and Occupational Choice of Immigrants Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune and José Tessada
426: Monetary policy decisions by the world's central banks using real-time data Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Francisco Muñoz
425: What Happens the Morning After? The Costs and Benets of Expanding Access to Emergency Contraception Downloads
Tal Gross, Jeanne Lafortune and Corinne Low
Page updated 2024-09-07
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