IRENE Working Papers
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- 24-07: Imports Complementarities in European Manufacturing
- Niccolò Cannarsa and Jean-Marie Grether
- 24-06: Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey: Past experiences and new perspectives
- Mehdi Farsi and Sylvain Weber
- 24-05: Private money and money market integration: the role of payments infrastructure in 19th century Switzerland
- Daniel Kaufmann and Rebecca Stuart
- 24-04: Corporate leverage and the effects of monetary policy on investment: A reconciliation of micro and macro elasticities
- Valentin Grob and Gabriel Züllig
- 24-03: Multi-dimensional monetary policy shocks based on heteroscedasticity
- Marc Burri and Daniel Kaufmann
- 24-02: From Rhetoric to Reality: How Ideology, History and Geography shape Populism's Economic Footprint
- Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Tanmay Singh and Marco Pecoraro
- 24-01: Retirement decision and household's gasoline consumption: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
- Nicola Francescutto
- 23-05: Climate change, temperature extremes, and conflict: Evidence from mainland Southeast Asia
- André Tashi Gasser and Bruno Lanz
- 23-04: Long-Term Effects of Environmental Policies on Educational Performance: Evidence from China
- Siwar Khelifa and Jie He
- 23-03: Rural-urban migration as a risk coping strategy: The role of income differentials
- Sylvie Démurger, Siwar Khelifa and Béatrice Rey
- 23-02: Do daily lead texts help nowcasting GDP growth?
- Marc Burri
- 23-01: Dishonest Behaviour in Ambiguous Tasks: The Interplay between Effort and Competence
- Michael Puntiroli, Serhiy Kandul, Valéry Bezençon and Bruno Lanz
- 22-09: COVID-19 Vaccination, Political Partisanship, and Moral Values
- Piergiuseppe Fortunato and Alessio Lombini
- 22-08: The role of tenants in the transition towards more sustainable energy consumption
- Benedikt Maciosek, Mehdi Farsi, Sylvain Weber and Martin Jakob
- 22-07: Impact of complexity and experience on energy investment decisions for residential buildings
- Benedikt Maciosek, Mehdi Farsi, Sylvain Weber and Martin Jakob
- 22-06: Analysis of investment decisions based on homeowners' stated preferences: Policy measures, smart technologies and financing options
- Benedikt Maciosek, Mehdi Farsi, Sylvain Weber and Martin Jakob
- 22-05: Rebound effects in residential heating: How much does an extra degree matter?
- Cécile Hediger
- 22-04: Who is afraid of electric vehicles? An analysis of stated EV preferences in Switzerland
- Jeremy van Dijk and Mehdi Farsi
- 22-03: What Drives Long-Term Interest Rates? Evidence from the Entire Swiss Franc History 1852-2020
- Niko Hauzenberger, Daniel Kaufmann, Rebecca Stuart and Cédric Tille
- 22-02: Stock Return Predictability before the First World War
- Rebecca Stuart
- 22-01: 160 Years of Aggregate Supply and Demand in Switzerland
- Rebecca Stuart
- 21-11: Intermediary Liability and Trade in Follow-on Innovation
- Alexander Cuntz and Matthias Sahli
- 21-10: Zoom in, zoom out: A shift-share analysis of productivity in Switzerland based on micro data
- Jean-Marie Grether and Benjamin Tissot-Daguette
- 21-09: Multiple imputation techniques: An application to Swiss value-added data
- Jean-Marie Grether and Benjamin Tissot-Daguette
- 21-08: Regulatory heterogeneity and global value chain-related trade
- Alessio Lombini
- 21-07: Commodity Prices and Global Inflation, 1851-1913
- Stefan Gerlach and Rebecca Stuart
- 21-06: Impacts of rainfall shocks on out-migration are moderated more by per capita income than by agricultural output in Turkiye
- Nathan Delacrétaz, Bruno Lanz, Amir Delju, Etienne Piguet and Martine Rebetez
- 21-05: The effect of a carbon tax on per capita carbon dioxide emissions: evidence from Finland
- Elbaum Jean-David
- 21-04: Travel distance and travel time using Stata: New features and major improvements in georoute
- Sylvain Weber, Martin Péclat and August Warren
- 21-03: Seductive subsidies? An analysis of second-degree moral hazard in the context of photovoltaic solar systems
- Evert Reins
- 21-02: International Co-movements of Inflation, 1851-1913
- Stefan Gerlach and Rebecca Stuart
- 21-01: Measuring stock market integration during the Gold Standard
- Rebecca Stuart
- 20-12: Heterogeneity in price elasticity of vehicle kilometers traveled: Evidence from micro-level panel data
- Ivan Tilov and Sylvain Weber
- 20-11: Beyond political divides: Analyzing public opinion on carbon taxation in Switzerland
- Laurent Ott, Mehdi Farsi and Sylvain Weber
- 20-10: Does government-backed lending prevent unemployment? An assessment of the Swiss COVID-19 lending program
- Daniel Kaufmann
- 20-09: Reciprocity and gift exchange in markets for credence goods
- Serhiy Kandul, Bruno Lanz and Evert Reins
- 20-08: The chicken or the egg: Technology adoption and network infrastructure in the market for electric vehicles
- Nathan Delacrétaz, Bruno Lanz and Jeremy van Dijk
- 20-07: Energy efficiency and heating technology investments: Manipulating financial information in a discrete choice experiment
- Ghislaine Lang, Mehdi Farsi, Bruno Lanz and Sylvain Weber
- 20-06: Do sticky wages matter? New evidence from matched firm-survey and register data
- Anne Kathrin Funk and Daniel Kaufmann
- 20-05: A daily fever curve for the Swiss economy
- Marc Burri and Daniel Kaufmann
- 20-04: Travel mode choices in a greening market: the impact of electric vehicles and prior investments
- Jeremy van Dijk, Mehdi Farsi and Sylvain Weber
- 20-03: Climate policy without a price signal: Evidence on the implicit carbon price of energy efficiency in buildings
- Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
- 20-02: Too little too late: An empirical study of renovation of building elements
- Benjamin Volland, Mehdi Farsi, Sébastien Lasvaux and Pierryves Padey
- 20-01: Yes, The Medium Matters: How Facebook and Twitter boost Populism in Europe
- Piergiuseppe Fortunato and Marco Pecoraro
- 19-09: Growth and adaptation to climate change in the long run
- Simon Dietz and Bruno Lanz
- 19-08: Does integration policy improve labour market, sociocultural and psychological adaptation of asylum-related immigrants? Evidence from Sri Lankans in Switzerland
- Marco Pecoraro, Anita Manatschal, Eva G. T. Green and Philippe Wanner
- 19-07: Export Prices, Markups, and Currency Choice after a Large Appreciation
- Daniel Kaufmann and Tobias Renkin
- 19-06: Social comparison and energy conservation in a collective action context: A field experiment
- Serhiy Kandul, Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
- 19-05: Lying under self-control depletion and time pressure
- Serhiy Kandul and Apshara Naguleswaran
- 19-04: Natural amenities and the spatial distribution of Swiss income
- Joséphine Leuba
Papers sorted by number 24-07 19-03