Economics working papers
From Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by René Böheim (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2024-07: Supply-side drug policy, polydrug use, and the economic effects of withdrawal symptoms
- Alexander Ahammer and Analisa Packham
- 2024-06: The Napoleon complex revisited
- Mario Lackner
- 2024-05: Development and Sector Labor Income Shares
- Daniel Schaefer
- 2024-04: When women take over: Physician gender and health care provision
- Gerald Pruckner, Flora Stiftinger and Katrin Zocher
- 2024-03: The COVID-19 pandemic and health care utilization: Evidence from Austrian register data
- Wolfgang Frimmel and Gerald Pruckner
- 2024-02: The Incidence of Workplace Pensions: Evidence from the UK's Automatic Enrollment Mandate
- Rachel Scarfe, Daniel Schaefer and Thomas Sulka
- 2024-01: Life After Loss: The Causal Effect of Parental Death on Daughters' Fertility
- Felix Glaser and Rene Wiesinger
- 2023-17: When protection becomes exploitation: The impact of firing costs on present-biased employees
- Florian Englmaier, Matthias Fahn, Ulrich Glogowsky and Marco Schwarz
- 2023-16: Do co-ethnic commuters disseminate labor market information? Evidence from geocoded register data
- Johan Klaesson, Özge Öner and Dieter Pennerstorfer
- 2023-15: The causal effect of agritourism on farm survival
- Matthias Firgo and Dieter Pennerstorfer
- 2023-14: Labor Market News and Expectations about Jobs & Earnings
- Bernhard Schmidpeter
- 2023-13: The bond agio premium
- Jochen Güntner and Benjamin Karner
- 2023-12: The parenthood penalty in mental health: Evidence from Austria and Denmark
- Alexander Ahammer, Ulrich Glogowsky, Martin Halla and Timo Hener
- 2023-11: Not all oil types are alike
- Jochen Güntner, Michael Irlacher and Peter Öhlinger
- 2023-10: Low-wage jobs, foreign-born workers, and firm performance
- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Esther Arenas-Arroyo, Parag Mahajan and Bernhard Schmidpeter
- 2023-09: The decline of manufacturing employment and the rise of the far-right in Austria
- Karim Bekhtiar
- 2023-08: Outside options and worker motivation
- Alexander Ahammer, Matthias Fahn and Flora Stiftinger
- 2023-07: The Forces Behind Social Unrest: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Mario Lackner, Uwe Sunde and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- 2023-06: Non-Common Priors, Incentives, and Promotions: The Role of Learning
- Matthias Fahn and Nicolas Klein
- 2023-05: Value Design in Optimal Mechanisms
- Anja Prummer and Francesco Nava
- 2023-04: Trade diversion and labor market adjustment: Vietnam and the U.S.-China trade war
- Karin Mayr-Dorn, Gaia Narciso, Anh Dang and Hien Phan
- 2023-03: Why Do Platforms Charge Proportional Fees? Commitment and Seller Participation
- Johannes Muthers and Sebastian Wismer
- 2023-02: Gender Homophily, Collaboration, and Output
- Lorenzo Ductor and Anja Prummer
- 2023-01: Disability Insurance Screening and Worker Outcomes
- Alexander Ahammer and Analisa Packham
- 2022-15: A Hard Pill to Swallow? Parental Health Shocks and Children's Mental Health
- Felix Glaser and Gerald Pruckner
- 2022-14: Joint procurement by heterogeneous buyers
- Isabel Helmrath, Matthias Hunold and Johannes Muthers
- 2022-13: Spillover Effects of Immigration Policies on Children's Human Capital
- Esther Arenas-Arroyo and Bernhard Schmidpeter
- 2022-12: The role of sex segregation in the gender wage gap among university graduates in Germany
- Doris Weichselbaumer and Juliane Ransmayr
- 2022-11: The older the wiser? Determinants of misbehaviour in team contests
- Mario Lackner and Hendrik Sonnabend
- 2022-10: Banking on Snow: Bank Capital, Risk, and Employment
- Simon Baumgartner, Alex Stomper, Thomas Schober and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- 2022-09: Farm exits and competition on the land market: Evidence from spatially explicit data
- Dieter Pennerstorfer
- 2022-08: More caseworkers shorten unemployment durations and save costs
- René Böheim, Rainer Eppel and Helmut Mahringer
- 2022-07: Robotization, Internal Migration and Rural Depopulation in Austria
- Karim Bekhtiar
- 2022-06: The Chronology of Brexit and UK Monetary Policy
- Martin Geiger and Jochen Güntner
- 2022-05: Informal Incentives and Labor Markets
- Matthias Fahn and Takeshi Murooka
- 2022-04: Present Bias in the Labor Market--When it Pays to be Naive
- Matthias Fahn and Regina Seibel
- 2022-03: Multiproduct Mergers and the Product Mix in Domestic and Foreign Markets
- Jackie M.L. Chan, Michael Irlacher and Michael Koch
- 2022-02: Mandatory Wage Posting, Bargaining and the Gender Wage Gap
- Wolfgang Frimmel, Bernhard Schmidpeter, Rene Wiesinger and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- 2022-01: Multi-product Firms in International Economics
- Michael Irlacher
- 2021-20: Presenteeism when employers are under pressure: Evidence from a high-stakes environment
- Mario Lackner and Hendrik Sonnabend
- 2021-19: Can barely winning lead to losing? Evidence for a substantial gender gap in psychological momentum
- Mario Lackner and Michael Weichselbaumer
- 2021-18: Opportunism Problems of Colluding Manufacturers
- Jana Gieselmann, Matthias Hunold, Johannes Muthers and Alexander Rasch
- 2021-17: The Impact Of Health And Education On Labor Force Participation In Aging Societies – Projections For The United States And Germany From A Dynamic Microsimulation
- René Böheim, Gerard Horvath, Thomas Leoni and Martin Spielauer
- 2021-16: Covid-19 and the Forces Behind Social Unrest
- Mario Lackner, Uwe Sunde and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- 2021-15: Testing for Ethnic Discrimination in Outpatient Health Care: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany
- Martin Halla, Christopher Kah and Rupert Sausgruber
- 2021-14: Oil Price Shocks and the Hedging Benefit of Airline Investments
- Jochen Güntnher and Peter Öhlinger
- 2021-13: Mothers' Job Search After Childbirth
- Lukas Laffers and Bernhard Schmidpeter
- 2021-12: Informal Incentives, Labor Supply, and the Effect of Immigration on Wages
- Matthias Fahn and Takeshi Murooka
- 2021-11: Converting variables between non-hierarchical regions: The case of Austrian municipalities and ZIP-code areas
- Dieter Pennerstorfer
- 2021-10: Complexities of Health and Acceptance of Electronic Health Records for the Austrian Elderly Population
- Nicole Halmdienst, Gerald Pruckner and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
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