Department of Economics - Working Papers Series
From The University of Melbourne Department of Economics, The University of Melbourne, 4th Floor, FBE Building, Level 4, 111 Barry Street. Victoria, 3010, Australia. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Dandapani Lokanathan (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2043: Creating Confusion "Abstract: We develop a model in which a politician seeks to prevent people from making informed decisions. The politician can manipulate information at a cost, but cannot commit to an information structure. The receivers are rational and internalize the politician's incentives. In the unique equilibrium of the game, the receivers' beliefs are unbiased but endogenously noisy. We use this model to interpret the rise of social media. We argue that social media simultaneously (i) improves the underlying, intrinsic precision of the receivers' information but also (ii) reduces the politician's costs of manipulation. We show that there is a critical threshold such that if the costs of manipulation fall enough, the politician is better off and the receivers are worse off, despite the underlying improvement in their information. But if the costs of manipulation do not fall too much, and if the receivers are also sufficiently well coordinated, the manipulation backfires. In this scenario, the politician would want to invest in commitment devices that prevent them from manipulating information."
- Chris Edmond and Yang K Lu
- 2042: Inequality and Poverty in Africa: Comparing Panels of Income Distributions from Different Data Sources
- Duangkamon Chotikapanich, William E. Griffiths, Gholamreza Hajargasht, D.S. Prasada Rao and Charley Xia
- 2041: Grading Journals in Economics: The ABCs of the ABDC
- Joseph Hirschberg and Jeanette Lye
- 2040: By chance or by choice? Biased attribution of others’ outcomes
- Nisvan Erkal, Lata Gangadharan and Boon Han Koh
- 2039: Effective Tax Rates on Different Corporate Investments
- John Freebairn
- 2038: Labor’s Share, the firm’s market power and TFP
- Robert Dixon and Guay Lim
- 2037: Confidence Intervals for Ratios: Econometric Examples with Stata "Abstract: Ratios of parameter estimates are often used in econometric applications. However, the test of these ratios when estimated can cause difficulties since the ratio of asymptotically normally distributed random variables have a Cauchy distribution for which there are no finite moments. This paper presents a method for the estimation of confidence intervals based on the Fieller approach that has been shown to be preferable to the usual Delta method. Using example applications, we demonstrate that a few extra steps in the examination of the estimate of the ratio may provide a confidence interval with superior coverage."
- Jeanette Lye and Joseph Hirschberg
- 2036: Using the GB2 Income Distribution: A Review
- Duangkamon Chotikapanich, William Griffiths, Gholamreza Hajargasht, Wasana Karunarathne and D.S. Prasada Rao
- 2033: Competition in the Manuka Honey Industry in New Zealand
- Peter Lloyd
- 2032: Telecommunications infrastructure and usage and the FDI–growth nexus: evidence from Asian-21 countries "Abstract: This paper examines causal relationships between telecommunications infrastructure and usage (TEL), foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic growth in the Asian-21 countries for the period 1965–2012. TEL is defined in terms of the prevalence of telephone main lines, mobile phones, internet servers and users, as well as the extent of fixed broadband. These measures are considered both individually and collectively in the form of a composite index of TEL. We report results on long-run relationships between TEL, FDI, and economic growth. We also use a panel vector auto-regression model to reveal the nature of Granger causality among the three variables. Results from these causal relationships provide important policy implications to the Asian-21 countries."
- Mak Arvin, Mahendhiran Nair, Jay Mittal, and Neville R. Norman
- 2031: Bayesian Inference for Health Inequality and Welfare Using Qualitative Data "Abstract: We show how to use Bayesian inference to compare two ordinal categorical distributions commonly occurring with data on self-reported health status. Procedures for computing probabilities for first and second order stochastic dominance and equality or S-dominance are described, along with methodology for obtaining posterior densities for health inequality indices. The techniques are applied to four years of data on Australian self-reported health status."
- David Gunawan, William Griffths and Duangkamon Chotikapanich
- 2030: Bayesian Weighted Inference from Surveys "Abstract: Data from large surveys are often supplemented with sampling weights that are designed to reflect unequal probabilities of response and selection inherent in complex survey sampling methods. We propose two methods for Bayesian estimation of parametric models in a setting where the survey data and the weights are available, but where information on how the weights were constructed is unavailable. The first approach is to simply replace the likelihood with the pseudo likelihood in the formulation of Bayes theorem. This is proven to lead to a consistent estimator but also leads to credible intervals that suffer from systematic undercoverage. Our second approach involves using the weights to generate a representative sample which is embedded within a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) or other simulation algorithm designed to estimate the parameters of the model. In extensive simulation studies, the latter methodology is shown to achieve performance comparable to the standard frequentist solution of pseudo maximum likelihood, with the added advantage of being applicable to models that require inference via MCMC. The methodology is demonstrated further by fitting a mixture of gamma densities to a sample of Australian household income."
- David Gunawan, William Griffths and Anatasios Panagiotelis and Duangkamon Chotikapanich
- 2029: Bayesian Assessment of Lorenz and Stochastic Dominance
- David Lander, David Gunawan, William Griffiths and Duangkamon Chotikapanich
- 2027: Australian Exceptionalism? Inequality and Living Standards 1821-1871
- Laura Panza and Jeffrey G. Williamson
- 2026: Alternative Graphical Representations of the Confidence Intervals for the Structural Coefficient from Exactly Identified Two-Stage Least Squares
- Joseph Hirschberg and Jeanette Lye
- 2025: How Do Exporters Cope With Violence? Evidence from Political Strikes in Bangladesh
- Reshad N. Ahsan and Kazi Iqbal
- 2024: Estimation and Testing of Stochastic Frontier Models using Variational Bayes
- Gholamreza Hajargasht and William Griffiths
- 2023: Bayesian Assessment of Lorenz and Stochastic Dominance Using a Mixture of Gamma Densities
- David Lander, David Gunawan, William Griffiths and Duangkamon Chotikapanich
- 2022: Inference for Lorenz Curves
- Gholamreza Hajargasht and William Griffiths
- 2021: Rare Events and Risk Perception: Evidence from Fukushima Accident
- Tomasz Wozniak
- 2020: Rare Events and Risk Perception: Evidence from Fukushima Accident
- Renaud Coulomb and Yanos Zylberberg
- 2019: A Review of the Recent Literature on the Institutional Economics Analysis of the Long-Run Performance of Nations
- Peter Lloyd and Cassey Lee
- 2018: The First 100 Years of Tariffs in Australia: the Colonies
- P. J. Lloyd
- 2015: Does Corruption Attenuate the Effect of Red Tape on Exports
- Reshad Ahsan
- 2003: Market Size Matters:A Model of Excess Volatility in Large Markets
- Kei Kawakami
- 2002: The Indirect Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy: Mortality Risk, Mental Health, and HIV-Negative Labor Supply
- Victoria Baranov, Daniel Bennett and Hans-Peter Kohler
- 2001: The Impact of AIDS Treatment on Savings and Human Capital Investment in Malawi
- Victoria Baranov and Hans-Peter Kohler
- 1198: Instrument-free Identifcation and Estimation of the Diferentiated Products Models
- David Byrne, Susumu Imai and Vasilis Sarafidis
- 1197: Consumer Search in Retail Gasoline Markets
- David Byrne and Nicolas de Roos
- 1196: Estimating Fiscal Multipliers:News From a Nonlinear World
- Giovanni Caggiano, Efrem Castelnuovo, Valentina Colombo and Gabriela Nodari
- 1195: Uncertainty Shocks and Unemployment Dynamics in U.S. Recessions
- Giovanni Caggiano, Efrem Castelnuovo and Nicolas Groshenny
- 1194: Granger-causal analysis of GARCH models: a Bayesian approach
- Tomasz Woźniak
- 1193: Egyptian and Syrian commodity markets after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire: a Bayesian structural VECM analysis
- Laura Panza and Tomasz Wozniak
- 1192: Job polarisation and earnings inequality in Australia
- Michael Coelli and Jeff Borland
- 1191: Granger Causality and Regime Inference in Bayesian Markov-Switching VARs
- Matthieu Droumagueta, Anders Warneb and Tomasz Wozniakc
- 1190: Welfare Consequences of Information Aggregation and Optimal Market Size
- William E. Griffiths and Gholamreza Hajargasht
- 1189: Welfare Consequences of Information Aggregation and Optimal Market Size
- Kei Kawakami
- 1188: Excessive Dynamic Trading: Propagation of Belief Shocks in Small Markets
- Kei Kawakami
- 1187: The influence of student experiences on post-graduation surveys
- Joseph Hirschberg and Jeanette Lye
- 1184: Effectiveness of the Australian Fiscal Stimulus Package: A DSGE Analysis
- Shuyun May Li and Adam Spencer
- 1183: Competition, Markups, and the Gains from
- Chris Edmond, Virgiliu Midrigan and Daniel Yi Xu
- 1182: Information Aggregation and Optimal Market Size
- Kei Kawakami
- 1181: Search and Stockpiling in Retail Gasoline Markets
- David Byrne and Nicolas de Roos
- 1180: Tell Me Something I Don’t Already Know:Informedness and External Validity in Information Programs
- David Byrne, Andrea La Nauze and Leslie Martin
- 1179: Lay people’s models of the economy: A study based on surveys of consumer sentiments
- Robert Dixon, William Griffiths and Guay Lim
- 1178: Maximally Informative Decision Rules In a Two-Person Decision Problem
- Kei Kawakami
- Victor E. Jennings, Bill Lloyd-Smith and Duncan Ironmonger
- 1176: How do Co nsumers Respond to Gasoline
- David Byrne and Gordon Leslie
- 1175: Aggregative Oligopoly Games with Entry
- Simon P. Anderson, Nisvan Erkal and
- 1174: Optimal Sharing Strategies in Dynamic
- Nisvan Erkal and Deborah Minehart
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