DG TRADE Chief Economist Notes
From Directorate General for Trade, European Commission
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- Lars Nilsson
- 2023-2: Developing countries' integration into the world economy
- Nilsson Lars and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2023-1: CETA: Evolution of key economic indicators
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2022-4: The economic impact of sanctions and Russian countermeasures following the Russian invasion of Ukraine until the 5th EU sanctions package
- Lars Nilsson, Alessandro Antimiani and Schmitz Jan
- 2022-3: Structured literature review and modelling suggestions on the impact of trade and trade policy on the environment and the climate
- Gabriel Felbermayr, Sonja Peterson and Joschka Wanner
- 2022-2: Time to preference: Early preference uptake under CETA and the EU-Korea FTA
- Lars Nilsson
- 2022-1: Gender patterns of EU exports: jobs and wage differentials
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, Pablo Piñero and José Rueda-Cantuche
- 2021-2: More important than ever: Employment content of extra-EU exports
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova and José Rueda-Cantuche
- 2021-1: The impact of COVID-19 on exports related jobs
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova and José Rueda-Cantuche
- 2020-2: Trade policy reflections beyond the COVID19 outbreak
- Lars Nilsson, Brian Kennedy, Alessandra Tucci, Beatriz Velazquez, Stefan Nolte and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2020-1: The Role of SMEs in extra-EU Exports: Key performance indicators
- Lucian Cernat, Malgorzata Jakubiak and Nicolas Preillon
- 2019-3: Female participation in EU exporting activities: jobs and wages
- José Rueda-Cantuche, Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova and Nuno Sousa
- 2019-2: Reflections on the economic modelling of free trade agreements
- Lars Nilsson
- 2019-1: Trade for you too: why is trade more important than you think?
- Lars Nilsson, Nuno Sousa, Brian Kennedy, Stefan Nolte, Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, Alessandra Tucci, Beatriz Velazquez, Paul Verburgt, Nicolas Preillon, Lorenzo Isella and Segundo Perez-Gibaja
- 2018-4: How important are EU exports for jobs in the EU?
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, José Rueda-Cantuche, Antonio Amores and Victoria Román
- 2018-3: Government procurement: data, trends and protectionist tendencies
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2018-2: EU exports, preferences utilisation and duty savings by Member State, sector and partner country
- Lars Nilsson and Nicolas Preillon
- 2018-1: Consumer benefits from EU trade liberalisation: How much did we save since the Uruguay Round?
- Lucian Cernat, Daphne Gerard, Oscar Guinea and Lorenzo Isella
- 2017-4: Liberalizing global trade in Mode 5 services: How much is it worth?
- Alessandro Antimiani and Lucian Cernat
- 2017-3: Are EU exports gender-blind? Some key features of women participation in exporting activities in the EU
- José Rueda-Cantuche and Nuno Sousa
- 2017-2: Trade and labour adjustment in Europe: What role for the European Globalization Adjustement Fund?
- Lucian Cernat and Federica Mustilli
- 2017-1: Can we put a price on extending the scope of the GPA? First quantitative assessment
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2016-3: Trade in services by GATS modes of supply: Statistical concepts and first EU estimates
- José Rueda-Cantuche, Riina Kerner, Lucian Cernat and Veijo Ritola
- 2016-2: Trade effects of the EU-Korea free trade agreement: A comparative analysis of expected and observed outcomes
- Virág Forizs and Lars Nilsson
- José Rueda-Cantuche and Nuno Sousa
- 2015-3: The economic impact of the Russian import ban: A CGE analysis
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2015-2: The EU-Korea free trade agreement: Anticipation, trade policy uncertainty and impact
- Csilla Lakatos and Nilsson Lars
- 2015-1: International public procurement: From scant facts to hard data
- Lucian Cernat and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2014-4: Towards "trade policy analysis 2.0": From national comparative advantage to firm-level trade data
- Lucian Cernat
- 2014-3: SMEs are more important than you think! Challenges and opportunities for EU exporting SMEs
- Lucian Cernat, Ana Norman-Lopez and Duch T-Figueras Ana
- 2014-2: Determinants of direct cross-border public procurement in EU Member States
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova and Csilla Lakatos
- 2014-1: Thinking in a box: A ‘mode 5’ approach to service trade
- Lucian Cernat and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
- 2013-3: EU-US economic linkages: The role of multinationals and intra-firm trade
- Csilla Lakatos and T. Fukui
- 2013-2: The economic impact of the EU - Singapore Free Trade Agreement
- Dg Trade European Commission
- 2013-1: A comparative analysis of EU and US trade preferences for the LDCs and AGOA beneficiaries
- Elwyn Davies and L. Nilsson
- 2012-3: "Assembled in Europe" - the role of processing trade in EU export performance
- Lucian Cernat and Michael Pajot
- 2012-2: Extra - EU exports and employment
- N. Sousa, José Rueda-Cantuche, Iñaki Arto and V. Andreoni
- 2012-1: Coping with loss: the impact of natural disasters on developing countries' trade flows
- Jorge Andrade da Silva and Lucian Cernat