Working Papers in Economics
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- 2019-6: Bayesian state-space modeling for analyzing heterogeneous network effects of US monetary policy
- Michael Pfarrhofer and Hauzenberger Niko
- 2019-5: Exchange rate dynamics and monetary policy: Evidence from a non-linear DSGE-VAR approach
- Florian Huber and Katrin Rabithsc
- 2019-4: Trend Fundamentals and Exchange Rate Dynamics
- Florian Huber and Daniel Kaufmann
- 2019-3: Measuring international uncertainty using global vector autoregressions with drifting parameters
- Michael Pfarrhofer
- 2019-2: Inducing Sparsity and Shrinkage in Time-Varying Parameter Models
- Florian Huber, Gary Koop and Luca Onorante
- 2019-1: International effects of a compression of euro area yield curves
- Martin Feldkircher, Gruber Thomas and Florian Huber
- 2018-9: Cutting Red Tape for Trade in Services
- Milena Kern, Joerg Paetzold and Hannes Winner
- 2018-8: Model instability in predictive exchange rate regressions
- Niko Hauzenberger and Florian Huber
- 2018-7: The dynamic impact of monetary policy on regional housing prices in the United States
- Manfred Fischer, Florian Huber, Michael Pfarrhofer and Petra Staufer-Steinnocher
- 2018-6: Spillovers from US monetary policy: Evidence from a time-varying parameter GVAR model
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Gernot Doppelhofer, Martin Feldkircher and Florian Huber
- 2018-5: Should I stay or should I go? A latent threshold approach to large-scale mixture innovation models
- Florian Huber, Gregor Kastner and Martin Feldkircher
- 2018-4: The transmission of uncertainty shocks on income inequality: State-level evidence from the United States
- Manfred Fischer, Florian Huber and Michael Pfarrhofer
- 2018-3: Stochastic model specification in Markov switching vector error correction models
- Florian Huber, Michael Pfarrhofer and Thomas O. Zörner
- 2018-2: How Important are Global Factors for Understanding the Dynamics of International Capital Flows?
- Markus Eller, Florian Huber and Helene Schuberth
- 2018-1: The Intergenerational Causal Effect of Tax Evasion: Evidence from the Commuter Tax Allowance in Austria
- Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla and Joerg Paetzold
- 2017-1: How do wage earners respond to a large kink? Evidence on earnings and deduction behavior from Austria
- Joerg Paetzold
- 2016-4: Taking the High Road? Compliance with Commuter Tax Allowances and the Role of Evasion Spillovers
- Joerg Paetzold and Hannes Winner
- 2016-3: Shifting the tax burden from labor to property: The case of Germany
- Joerg Paetzold and Markus Tiefenbacher
- 2016-2: Hidden Protectionism? Evidence from Non-tariff Barriers to Trade in the United States
- Robert Grundke and Christoph Moser
- 2016-1: On the measurement of investment types: Heterogeneity in corporate tax elasticities
- Hendrik Jungmann and Simon Loretz
- 2015-3: Acquire and fire? Evidence from European mergers
- Benjamin Furlan
- 2015-2: Are Pain and Suffering Awards (Un-)Predictable? Evidence from Germany
- Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Andrea Leiter and Hannes Winner
- 2015-1: Assessing the Role of PPPs in Addressing Proximity and Systemic Challenges in Regional Innovation Policy
- Iryna Kristensen
- 2014-6: The Occurrence of Tax Amnesties: Theory and Evidence
- Ralph-C Bayer, Harald Oberhofer and Hannes Winner
- 2014-5: When Helping the Small Hurts the Middle: Beer Excise Duties and Market Concentration
- Simon Loretz and Harald Oberhofer
- 2014-4: Tax Competition and Tax Coordination in the European Union: A Survey
- Christian Keuschnigg, Simon Loretz and Hannes Winner
- 2014-3: Policy commitment, legal and regulatory framework, and institutional support for PPP in international comparison: Indexing countries’ readiness for taking up PPP
- Koen Verhoest, Ole Helby Petersen, Walter Scherrer and Raden Murwantara Soecipto
- 2014-2: A Note on Merger and Acquisition Evaluation
- Benjamin Furlan, Harald Oberhofer and Hannes Winner
- 2014-1: Institutional Barriers and Job Creation in Central and Eastern Europe
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Harald Oberhofer and Gallina A. Vincelette
- 2013-5: Who Creates Jobs? Estimating Job Creation Rates at the Firm Level
- Peter Huber, Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr
- 2013-4: Career Choices in Academia
- Jürgen Janger and Klaus Nowotny
- 2013-3: Institutions and the Location Decisions of Highly Skilled Migrants to Europe
- Klaus Nowotny
- 2013-2: The Industry-Specific Relationships between Corporate Financial Performance and 11 Corporate Social Performance Dimensions: Taking a More Nuanced Perspective
- Sebastian Rathner
- 2013-1: The Relative Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds. New Evidence from Austria
- Sebastian Rathner
- 2012-9: Convergence without hard criteria: Does EU soft law affect domestic unemployment protection schemes?
- Joerg Paetzold and Olaf Vliet
- 2012-8: Regional density of private dentists: Empirical evidence from Austria
- Martin Gächter, Peter Schwazer, Engelbert Theurl and Hannes Winner
- 2012-7: Ethnic Networks and the Location Choice of Migrants in Europe
- Klaus Nowotny and Dieter Pennerstorfer
- 2012-6: Democratization and real exchange rates
- Benjamin Furlan, Martin Gächter, Bob Krebs and Harald Oberhofer
- 2012-5: Job Creation and the Intra-distribution Dynamics of the Firm Size Distribution
- Peter Huber, Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr
- 2012-4: The Convergence of Welfare State Indicators in Europe: Evidence from Panel Data
- Joerg Paetzold
- 2012-3: The Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds: A Meta-Analysis
- Sebastian Rathner
- 2012-2: The Effect of Marketing Spending on Sales in the Premium Car Segment: New Evidence from Germany
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Matthias Stöckl
- 2012-1: The Wage Premium of Globalization: Evidence from European Mergers and Acquisitions
- Harald Oberhofer, Matthias Stöckl and Hannes Winner
- 2011-6: The self-selection of Commuters
- Peter Huber
- 2011-5: Physician Density in a Two-Tiered Health Care System
- Martin Gächter, Peter Schwazer, Engelbert Theurl and Hannes Winner
- 2011-4: Borders redrawn: Measuring the statistical creation of international trade
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Max Roser
- 2011-3: FDI versus Exports: Multiple Host Countries and Empirical Evidence
- Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr
- 2011-2: Duo Cum Faciunt Idem, Non Est Idem. Evidence from Austrian Pain and Suffering Verdicts
- Andrea Leiter, Magdalena Thöni and Hannes Winner
- 2011-1: Testing the One-Part Fractional Response Model against an Alternative Two-Part Model
- Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr
- 2010-16: Firm Survival in Professional Sports: Evidence from the German Football League
- Harald Oberhofer, Tassilo Philippovich and Hannes Winner
- 2010-15: The male-female gap in physician earnings: Evidence from a public health insurance system
- Engelbert Theurl and Hannes Winner
- 2010-14: Forecast Combination and Bayesian Model Averaging - A Prior Sensitivity Analysis
- Martin Feldkircher
- 2010-13: Business cycle convergence in EMU: A second look at the second moment
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Octavio Fernandez Amador
- 2010-12: The Impact of Data Revisions on the Robustness of Growth Determinants - A Note on 'Determinants of Economic Growth. Will Data Tell?'
- Martin Feldkircher and Stefan Zeugner
- 2010-11: Evaluating human life using court decisions on damages for pain and suffering
- Andrea Leiter, Magdalena Thöni and Hannes Winner
- 2010-10: Employment effects of acquisitions: Evidence from acquired European firms
- Harald Oberhofer
- 2010-9: Regionale Arbeitsmärkte in der „Großen Rezession“: Dynamik regionaler Arbeitslosenquoten in Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien im Krisenjahr 2009
- Christian Reiner
- 2010-8: The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependence
- Leonardo Baccini and Andreas Dür
- 2010-7: Firm Growth in Multinational Corporate Groups
- Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr
- 2010-6: Transfer Pricing as a Tax Compliance Risk
- Sven Jost, Michael Pfaffermayr and Hannes Winner
- 2010-5: Selling the ivory tower and regional development: Technology transfer offices as mediators of university-industry linkages
- Christian Reiner
- 2010-4: Fremdkapitalquoten in Europa: Ein Ländervergleich
- Matthias Stöckl
- 2010-3: Oil and the duration of dictatorships
- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Harald Oberhofer and Paul Raschky
- 2010-2: Körperschaftsbesteuerung und Unternehmensverschuldung: Empirische Evidenz von europäischen Firmendaten
- Matthias Stöckl and Hannes Winner
- 2010-1: Environmental Regulation and Investment: Evidence from European Country-Industry Data
- Andrea Leiter, Arno Parolini and Hannes Winner
- 2009-6: Transfer Pricing Risk Awareness of Multinational Corporations: Evidence from a Global Survey
- Sven Jost
- 2009-5: Der Kampf gegen internationale Steuerhinterziehung: Die OECD Initiativen gegen “Steueroasen”
- Hannes Winner
- 2009-4: Capital structure, corporate taxation and firm age
- Michael Pfaffermayr, Matthias Stoeckl and Hannes Winner
- 2009-3: Corporate tax competition between firms
- Simon Loretz and Padraig J. Moore
- 2009-2: Changing reasons for public private partnerships
- Ronald McQuaid and Walter Scherrer
- 2009-1: Distance matters in away games: Evidence from the German Football League
- Harald Oberhofer, Tassilo Philippovich and Hannes Winner